1933 The Bartender's Friend by a Mixer



Mulled Ale (English)

Thoroughly beat together I yolk of egg, I dessert-spoonful of fine sugar, and i pony of milk. Then stir into the mix ture a mug of piping-hot ale. Powder with nutmeg, pour back, and serve.

Ale Milk Sugar Nutmeg Egg Yolk

Mulled Cider

Follow (Mulled Ale (English) using Cider for Ale, and having the cider boiling hot.

Mulled Claret

3 jiggers of water boil i pinch each of ground cloves, cinnamon, and nut meg (just enough to draw the flavor), add I dessert-spoonful of fine sugar and I glass of claret, and stir on stove until hot.

Claret Ground Cloves Ground Cinnamon Ground Nutmeg

Water Sugar

Mulled Port

Prepare like Mulled Claret, using Port Wine instead of Claret Wine.

Mulled Porter

Prepare like Mulled Ale (American) (which see), using porter for ale.


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