1933 The Bartender's Friend by a Mixer


Crimean Cup Champagne

With a ladle thoroughly macerate in a bowl the thin peel of half an orange and a tablespoonful of granulated sugar, add 2 jiggers of Maraschino, and I each of brandy and Curagao. Mix well, and then slowly stir in 2 bot tles of soda water and i of champagne. Add 2 or 3 lumps of ice.

Soda Water, Club Brandy Maraschino Curagao Sugar Orange Peel Ice

Curagao Cocktail Curaqao Orange Juice Bitters Brandy Gin Ice Curagao Punch Curagao Brandy

Mix equal parts of Curagao and orange juice, I teaspoonful of gin, i of brandy, 2 dashes of bitters, and plenty of shaved ice. Shake, strain, and serve.

Into a tumbler nearly full of shaved ice, put 2 teaspoonfuls of syrup, i jig ger of Curagao, i pony of brandy, and 4 or 5 dashes of lemon juice. Stir thoroughly, fruit, and insert a straw.

Syrup, Plain Lemon Juice Ice Fruit

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