1933 The Bartender's Friend by a Mixer


Devil's Cocktail

Shake with shaved ice i jigger of Ver mouth and Yi teaspoonful of pepper sauce. Strain and serve.

Vermouth Pepper Sauce Ice

Dixie Cocktail

Take a pony of dry gin, a half pony of Vermouth, a half pony of absinthe, and plenty of ice. Shake and strain into a cocktail glass.

Gin French Vermouth Absinthe Ice

Dry Bronx Cocktail

Make the same as "Bronx Cocktail" (which see), except that all of the Ver mouth should be French instead of half Italian.

Dry Manhattan Cocktail Rye Whiskey

Shake up equal parts of whiskey and French Verrnouth Vermouth, 2 dashes of bitters, and Angostura Bitters plenty of ice. Strain into cocktail glass. Ice


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