1933 The Bon Vivant's Companion by George A Zabriskie

The Bon 'Vwant's Companion


PEACH AND HONEY 1 tablespoon of honey 1 wineglass of peach brandy Stir with a spoon.

SHERRY AND BITTERS 1 dash of bitters 1 wineglass of sherry

SHERRY AND EGG 1 egg 1 wineglass of sherry

STONE FENCE 1 wineglass of whiskey (Bourbon) 2 or 3 small lumps of ice Fill up the glass with sweet cider.

the bowl with jlowing wine, And while your lips are wet—

Press their jragrance into mine And forget. Every kiss we take and ^ive, Leaves us less of life to live.

Jdere's to love, the onlyfire a^ainSl which there is no insurance.

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