1934 Drinks as they were made before Prohibition by Ira D Altschul

Brandy Toddy. See Toddies.

Cafe Bruler.

Use a Claret Glass. Moisten rim of glass and dip in powdered sugar. Plaoe a spoon in glass to keep it from cracking. Three-fourths Hot Coffee. One-third Brandy. Burn brandy and serve while burning.

Cafe Kirsoh.

Use a small mixing glass. Fill glass half full of shaved ice. One bar spoon sugar. One—third each: Brandy,

Kirschwaser, Black coffee. Shake well and strain into a Claret glass.


Cobbler. See Cobblers.

Cocktail. See Cocktails.

Cup. See Cups.

Frappe. Place bottle in a cooler or bucket, fill with cracked ice sprin kled with rock salt; whirl bottle with hands until cold; then serve. Julep. Use Goblet. One cube sugar. Three sprigs of fresh mint. Two cubes of ioe. Fill with wine.

Punch. See Punches.


Use a glass pitcher. One-half champagne. One-half Dublin Stout. Pour wine into pitcher first; One pint of each will make four goblets. End of Champagne


Use a fizz glass. One—half Lager Beer

One-half sweet soda. (Pop) This is a particularly palatable drink for warm weather.


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