1934 Drinks as they were made before Prohibition by Ira D Altschul

Whiskey and Tansy.

In a whiskey place Three leaves of Tansy, or One-half jigger tansy mixture. One lump of ice. One jigger Whiskey. Side of water and a toddy spoon.

Whiskey Cocktail. See cocktails.

Whiskey Crusta. Same as Brandy Crusta.

Whiskey Daisy. Hoffman House.

Use a small mixing glass. Glass half full of shaved ice. Three or four dashes orgeat or gum syrup. Three dashes Maraschino. Juice of one-half small lemon. One jigger whiskey. Stir and strain into a large cocktail glass and a squirt of siphon.

Whiskey Daisy. Waldorf Bar.

Use a small mixing glass. Glass half full shaved ice. Juice of one-half small lemon. One bar spoon sugar. One-half jigger Raspberry syrup. One jigger Whiskey. Shake, strain into a fizz glass and fill with siphon.


Whiskey Fizz. See Fizzes.

Whiskey Fix.

Use a fizz glass. Two bar spoons sugar dissolved in a little water. One-half jigger pineapple syrup. Fill glass with shaved ice. Juice of one-half lemon. One jigger Whiskey. Stir well, decorate with fruit and serve with straws.

Whiskey Flip.

Use a small mixing glass. Half fill with shaved ice. One egg. One spoon full sugar. One jigger Whiskey. Shake well, strain into a sour glass, a little nutmeg on top and serve.


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