1934 Gordon's Cocktail & Food Recipes

Rarebits and Chafing Dish Recipes SCOTCH WOODCOCK (Four Portiom.) 1 tablespoon Anchovy paste 3 hard-cooked Eggs Salt and Pepper 1 cup Milk Heat milk, add crumbs. and cook over low flame, stirring until smooth. Add butter, sea– soning, anchovy paste, then fold in sliced eggs. Serve on toast. 0 0 0 WELSH RAREBIT % pound Cheese Yz cupful of Ale (or Beer) Cayenne Pepper Yz teaspoonful of dry Mustard Yz teaspoonful of Salt Sliced Toast · Grate the cheese. Place cheese in chafing dish with one-half the beer or ale. Stir until 26 1 Yz cups Bread crumbs 1 Yz tablespoons Butter

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