1934 Tom and Jerry's Bartender's guide

How to Mix All Kinds of Drinks.




Teaspoonful of sugar. Juice of I lime. Dash of Curacao. I jigger apple jack.

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Frappe till icy cold. Serve in cocktail glass.

OLD-FASHIONED COCKTAIL These should be made in heavy-bottomed glasses manufactured for the purpose. Into each glass put 1 lump Of sugar, dash a little Angostura bitters onto the sugar, then crush. Drop 1 cube of ice into the glass, fill with whisky (rye or Scotch) . ·Garnish with half a ring of orange, or a twist of lemon peeL D.o not stir, but serve with a cocktail or coffee spoon. THE OLD MASTER 1 jigger Bar.ardi. 1 jigger grapefruit juice. Juice of ~ lime. Dash of apricot br~ndy. , ORANGE BLOSSOM"'" Juice ~ orange. Teaspoonful of sugar. 3 ponies Dry gin . Frappe till icy cold. Serve in tall glass. . .' ORANGE BRUIJoT Make a cup of th'e skin of an orange by cutting the skin in the center of the fruit arouQd the equator, turning the skin upwards, using a spoon. Place th'e lower half into a bowl or glass so that it will stand firmly. Fill the upper cup with brandy, place a lump of sugar in the brandy and light it with a match, stirring till the sugar is dissolved in the blue fi~me. nen .drink it hot. ORANGE GIN SPARKLE 1~ ounces of gin. · 3 dashes of orange bitters. 1 dash Angostura bitters. Twist piece of lemon peel and place in container, add ice and .shake well. Before servin~ add a squirt of syphon seltzer.

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