1934 Tom and Jerry's Bartender's guide

The Complete Buffet Guide, or



Put 2 teaspoonfuls of Worcester Sauce into a nice clean glass, drop the yolk of a fresh egg in without breaking it, add a little red pepper and salt, and pour 2 spoonfuls of Malt Vinegar on top. Hold on with one hand and drink quickly. You'll straighten up-– and howl PRESIDENTE 0 Bacardi and 0 French vermouth, with a dash of either Curacao or Grenadine. Ice, shake well and serve in cocktail glass. (Original Cuban recipe.) PRINCETON COCKTAIL (Use mixing glass.) 2 dashes orange bitters. * Tom gin. Fill with ice ; strain into cocktail glass; add 1 good dash of port wine carefully and let it settle to the bottom before serving ; lemon on top. RAIMUND'S FIZZ 1 teaspoonful of sugar. White of 1 egg. Juice of 0 lemon. Dash of orange blossom. Water. Dash of grenadine. 1 jigger milk. 1 Jigger Dry gin. Frappe till icy cold. Serve in tall glass. RAINBOW PLUS Serve into chilled cordial glass. Carefully pouring over a tea- spoon, each of the following: 0 pony grenadine. 0 pony anisette. 0 pony abricotine. 0 pony green de menthe. ~ pony Curacao. ~ pony yellow Chartreux. ~ pony green Chartreux. ~ pony brandy. Pour in order given, .grenadine first , anisette second, etc.

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