1935 For home use Angostura Bitters recipe book (3rd edition)

Beverages for Invalids

APPLE WATER 2or 3 cooking apples,remove the skin, core and slice and pour over them a pint of boiling water. Cover and allow to stand until the apples are almost pulp, then strain, add I teaspoonful of Angostura Bitters and sweeten to taste. Serve hot or cold as preferred. BARLEY WATER Cover 2 oz of pearl barley with cold water and boil for a minute or two and strain. Then put barley in a Jug and add 3 lumps of sugar, the pared rind of J lemon, and I pint of boiling water. When cold, strain and add i teaspoonful of Angostura Bitters. Can be served with soda water,if desired. GRAPE JUICE Pour I pint of water over 2 lb. of grapes. Simmer slowly for 5 minutes. Strain through cheese cloth and add I teaspoonful of Angostura Bitters. Sweeten to taste and serve cold. LEMON WATER Put the thinly pared rind of i lemon, the strained juice of2lemons and sugar to taste, into a jug. Add i pint of boiling water, cover and allow to stand until cold. Strain and add i teaspoonful of Angostura Bitters. Serve hot or cold as preferred. LINSEED TEA Wash and drain i oz. of whole linseed and simmer for Ihour in i pint ofcold water with J oz.ofliquorice,2or3 lumps of sugar and the pared rind of J small lemon. Strain and stir in the juice ofJlemon and i teaspoonful of Angostura Bitters. OATMEAL WATER Stir to a smooth paste 2 tablespoonfuls of fine oatmeal in a teacupful of cold water. Then pour into 2 pints of boiling water. Stir well, add a pinch of salt and boil for 30 minutes. Strain, add i teaspoonful of Angostura Bitters and serve hot or cold as preferred. TOAST WATER Toast a slice of bread brown and hard—not burned. Cover with i pint of cold water and soak for about an hour. Strain and add 2or 3 dashes of Angostura Bitten.

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