1935 The Barkeeper's Golden Book by O Blunier

Cold Punches

Brandy Punch .... , .

Punchglass, Snow Ice 1 Barspoon Pineapple Syrup 1 Barspoon Sugar 2 Barspoons Lemon Juice

stir well, with a little Soda balance, Brandy (2 Ponies)

4 ds. Brandy

Fruits — Straws

Brocket's Throught . . . .

1 White Egg

Juice a half Lemon

1 Barspoon Sugar ^/s Rye Whisky ^/s Rum Portoglass balance Milk

shake well, strain into Flip or small Ballonglass

Champagne Punch . . . .

Ballonglass 1 Lump of Ice 1 Barspoon Grenadine

2 ds. Curasao

4 ds. Lemon Juice



2 pieces of Pineapple balance Champagne stir carefully decorate Fruits around the glass Straws

EM • .

Charles Punch (Cal.)

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1 Barspoon Sugar

dissolve with Soda

3-4 ds. Lemon Juice 3 Ponies Portwine 1 Pony Brandy Pony Curasao

serve Punchglass with Snowlce decorate with Fruits - Straws


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