1935 The Barkeeper's Golden Book by O Blunier

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The Ice Ice is the most important requisite in the bar for the cooling and preparation of mixed drinks. It must, under all circumstances, be crystal ice if for no other reason than from a hygienic standpoint. Artificial ice, other than crystal, as well as natural ice should be forbidden in bars. The official control, which is exercised in many towns, is of great value for the production of ice of irreproachable quality. The ice is kept in the ice container in blodc form. For use in the bar we differentiate between lumps of ice for High Balls, Aperitifs, et cetera; cracked ice for Cobblers Punch, et cetera, and snow ice for frappes Cordials, Fancy, and other drinks. These various forms of ice are only prepared during the execution of the order and ice needles, or ice picks with steel prongs, break up the ice into the desired shape. For the preparation of snow ice a special ice grater is used. Ice must on no account be prepared in advance in the course of the so-called «mise en place» not only because the pieces freeze together again but because it is contrary to bar etiquette. In a large bar there will be, in any case, machines instead of hand tools and utensils. In this way the regular service of the bar does not suffer any unpleasant interruptions and the guests are always certain of the barkeeper's attention. La glace La glace, le materiel le plus important du bar pour tenir les bois- sons au frais et pour composer les mixed-drinks, doit toujours etre de la glace cristallisee. Par des raisons d'hygiene, la glace naturelle ou artificielle doit etre defendue pour le travail et pour etre' melee aux boissons. Dans beaucoup d'endroits les autorites, de par leurs organes de controle, exercent une influence tres bonne sur I'emploi de la glace. La glace est gardee en bloc dans un recipient special". Dans le ser vice de bar on distingue de la glace en morceaux (Lump of Ice) pour High balls, aperitifs, etc., et de la glace pil^e (Cracked Ice) pour Cobblers, Punchs, etc., et de la glace pilee fine (Snow Ice) pour frappes Cordials, Fanzy et autres boissons.


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