1936 Shaking in the 60's by Eddie Clarke

fair. From the Barsac "stable" emerge two grand wines, Chateau Coutet and Chateau Climens; the Doisy wines are no more than a half-step down the ladder and those of Guiteronde are worth remembering when dinner is drawing to a close. The white wdnes of Graves, which adjoin the district ofSauternes, are quite different. Much "run ofthe mill" wine pours forth, such as Graves Superieur, Dry Graves and Bordeaux Superieur. They are popular general purpose quality, pleasant but "nothing to write home about!" On second thoughts, this appears an injustice to wine-drinking as a whole for was it notsuch wines that were responsible for some of the popularity of wine-drinking today, by all and sundry? It is not a habit of mine to snatch at literature that deals with wine,butan observation on the subject interested me the other day. When referring to the wines of Chateau Haut-Brion the writer said, and I quote, "but there is a small quantity of quite fair white wine now made at Chateau Haut-Brion". I can state, without fear or favour, that a Chateau Haut-Brion Blanc, drunk within recent weeks, was one ofthe finest dry white wines that it has been my pleasure to meet."Search and ye shall find" is typical of the wines ofBordeaux.


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