1936 Shaking in the 60's by Eddie Clarke
Swizzle (West Indies) How ironically appropriate that this drink should be a favourite from the Virgin Islands. Take a large deep glassjug and drop in a tumbler and a halfoffindy cracked ice. Pour in halfa bottle ofrum,also thejuice extractedfrom 6fresh limes,6 teaspoonfuls of sugar and 6 sprigs of freshly gathered garden mint. Set the jug on thefloor heldflrmly by thefeet, place theforked end of the swizzle stick in the mixture and roll the stick vigorously between the hands until the contents of the jugfroth up and become ice cold, completelyfrosting up the out side ofthe glassjug. In the tropical isles the icing on the outside takes place more quickly and the natives will place small rose petals and various other flowers which will also become frosted over and make the drink even more attractive. Please note: A swizzle stick is the dried stem ofa plant which grows in the West Indies —the stem itself is often used about two feet long, and has six or seven slender radiating branches which are cut off"about 2 inches from the stem. When the stem is twirled rapidly between the palms ofthe hand,the forked branch ends will invigor ate the perfect blend into a mixture.
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