1946 The Stock Club Bar Book by Lucius Beebe
Daily Double C:
I oz. rum I oz. ItaJjan vermouth 2 cherries Mix with ice and stir. Serve in a cocktail glass.
From Julius Corsani, barman, come the "Julius Special" and "Rum Scoundrel":
Julius Special:
% oz. lime juice % oz. cointreau % oz. J amruca rum-3 Daggers Serve in a cocktail glass. % oz. lime juice % oz. white or gold hacarru rum I tsp. sugar
Rum Scoundrel:
Serve in an old-fashioned glass. Rub the edge of the glass with lemon and dip in s1tgar to coat it.
The nominations of Donald Arden, chief of Mr. Billingsley's stafi of publicists, are:
Golden Panther (for three): 2 oz. gin
2oz. brandy 2 oz. whisky
~ I
I oz. dry vermouth juice of half orange
S erve in 6 oz. glass. Pour ingredients into a shaker with cracked ice. Shake well and ponr into individual glasses.
115: Appendix
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