1946 The Stock Club Bar Book by Lucius Beebe

i egg ·. 2 oz. sherry 1 tsp. sugar milk Shake, strain and serve in tall glass.Nutmeg on top. 1 fresh egg 1h tbsp. fine granulated sugar % jigger brandy % jigger J amaica rum %.pt. fresh milk SJi,ake well and strain into highball glass. Serve with a grating of nutmeg. 1 egg 2 oz. port wine 1 tsp. sugar milk Shake, strain and serve in tall glass. Nut- ,, meg on top.

Sherry Eggnog:

Baltimor.e Eggnog:

Port Eggnog:

If, by reason of ill-advised research among the flagons the night before, scholarship has triumphed over discretion; if in a word the entire hum.an ·person resembles nothing so much as what the author of this volume's first city editor, Norton Pratt of the Boston Telegram used to define as"a basket of busted bungholes," Burgess Meredith has a cure for it. It's called '.'London Fog"• .

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1% oz. gin

London Fog:

% oz. Pernod's absinthe Frapp~ briskly with shaved ice and serve while still foaming.

23: Morning

Made with