1946 The Stock Club Bar Book by Lucius Beebe
Alexander #2:
l 1h oz. brandy % oz. creme de cacao 1h oz. fresh cream Shak e and serve in 4 oz. wine glass.
Rum Flip:
2 oz. r um 1 tsp. sugar whole egg Shake well. Nutmeg on top. Use wine glass. 1 egg 1 tsp. sugar milk - Shake, strain and s'erve in tall glass with nutmeg on top.
Plain Eggnog:
Blackberry 'Punch:
juice of one lemon 1 tsp. fine granulated sugarĀ· 2 oz. blackberry liqueur . l oz. rum
Shake well with crack ed ice and strain into goblet filled with shaved ice. Dress with fruit and serve with straws.
Strawberry FiH :
juice of half lemon 4 mashed strawberries 1h tsp. sweet cream 1 jigger dry gin
Shake well with cracked ice and strain into highball glass. Add one ice cube and fdl with soda water.
35: Morning
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