1946 The Stock Club Bar Book by Lucius Beebe

drink by the simple expedient of using fine vintage Cognac or as a more modest arrangement by the infusion in its economy of a California brandy. Except to the very exacting and financial taste, an entirely acceptable Stinger can be made if thoroughly chilled with Christian Brothers brandy.


I% oz. brandy 1 % oz. white creme de menthe Shake and serve in 3 oz. cocktail glass.

Ray Bolger is fond of a particular ve!sion of Scotch and soda to which he refers as a Bolger Over or Spooner Splash which requires the following ingredients: ยท

Bolger Over:

2 oz. Scotch whisky 2 oz. club soda I inch Jack Spooner's thumb

The virtue of the drink, which must be served by Jack Spooner in person, lies in the flavor derived from his thumb in the glass, giving it a peculiar piquancy not available anywhere else. From the Stork's own bar book come:

Derby Cocktail:

2 oz. gin % oz. peach brandy 2 sprigs mint

1 I Shake well and serve in 3 oz. cocktail glass.


2 oz. Mexican rum juice of half lime 4 dashes grenadine Shake and serve in 3 oz. cocktail glass.

75: Night

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