1954 Practical Bar Management by Eddie Clarke


Coffee Cocktail, io8 Cognac,6i,82 Cointreau, 61, 83; quantities of, 123

Drambuie,62,84 Dress and Personal Appearance,41 Drinking, places for, 3; reasons for, 3, 6, 46; what to drink and when, 115 Drunkenness, 152-3 Dubonnet,62,84 Cocktail, 97 Dysentery, cure for, 96

Collins(long drinks),45,79 Colour, in decoration, 11-14 Container Book, 127-9 Coolers, 79, 103 Cordial M6doc,61,83 Cordials, definition of, 79

Corkscrews,41, 57-9 Counter-fronts, 20-1 Counter-tops, 20; arm rail for, 21 ; cleaning of, 21 ; lay-out of, 40 Cradle, use of, 91-2, 116 Cream,for mixed drinks,40,63,72 Credit, 147, 150 Crfeme Liqueurs,list of,for bar,61-2; Who's Who of, 83-4 Cr&me d'Ananas, 83 Crfeme de Bananes,61,83 Cr&me de Cacao,61,83 Cr^me de Cassis, 61,83 Crfeme de Praises, 83 Crfeme de Framboises,61,83 Cr&me de Mandarine,83 Crfeme de Menthe,61,83 Cr&me de Moka,83 Crfeme de Noyaux,61,83 Crfeme de Pecco,83 Cr6me de Prunelles,83 Crfeme de Vanille,62,84 Crfeme de Violettes, 62,84 Cr&me Yvette,84 Crusta Cocktail, 79, 107 Cups, definition of, 79; 102; service of, stocktaking and, 141 93 Cura9ao,62,72,84 Curtains, 13, 30 Crfeme de Rose,83 Crfeme de Th6,83 recipes for, 121, 123; ; wines for.

JC/ddie's Tummy Special, 96 Egg Nogg, Brandy,95 ; definition of, 79; mixing of,56; recipe for,107 Egyptians, Ancient, 2

Electric Mixer,56 Elixir d'Anvers,84 Empties,see Bottles, return of Equipment, 55-63 Excise Licence, 148 Exemption Orders, 150 Experience, bartender's, 34-5

JTernet Branca, 62, 84, 94 Cocktail,95 Finings, 116 Fiore d'Alpe,84 Fire, precautions against, 29

First Aid Cabinet, 28 Fish House Punch, 103 Fizzes, definition of, 79; mixing of, 56 ; recipes for, 103-6 Flavourings, list of, 62 Flies, 40,45 Flips, definition of, 79; 56 ; recipes for, 107 Floor Coverings, choice 27; cleaning of, 28 Flowers,8 Foot-rails, 16, 22 Forbidden Fruit,84 Praise de Bois, 84 Frappe, definition of, 79 Freezomint,84 Frosting,77 Frozen Daiquiri, 56; recipe for, 105 Fruit (for mixed drinks), 40, 49, 53, 58-9, 63, 74, 121 mixing of, of, 14, 23,

D. DAISIES, 79 Daiquiri,frozen, 56, 105 Decanters, 57

Decanting, art of, 91 D^cor, hints on, 11 Dispense Bars, 131, 137 Doctor Cocktail, 36 Doors, entrance, 8; to bar lockers, 24; to counter, 25 Do's and Don'ts behind the Bar,68

Draining-boards,26 Drake, Sir Francis,2



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