1895 Official Hand-Book and Guide Bartender's Association of New York City
add 3 dashes of gum syrup, 1da s h Carom Bitters, 2 dashes of lemon juice. 2 dashes of maraschino, 1 wine glass of gin. Mix well, strain into glass prepared as above. Trim with fruit.
Kin Julep. (Use large bar glass.)
3 teaspoonfuls of sugar. 1/2 wine glass of water. 4 pieces of mint, pressed to draw out fla vor. Stir well together. Fill the glass with ice. 13/4 wire glasses of gin. Stir well, trim with fruit, serve with straws. Gin Punch. (Use large bar glass.) 11/2table spoonful of sugar. A pony of mineral water to dissolve the sugar 1 tablespoonful of raspberry syrup. Fill with fine ice. Juice of one-half lemon. 1 slice of orange. 1 piece of pineapple. 11/2glasses of gin. Stir well, trim with fruits and serve with straws. Gin Sangaree, (Use small bar glass.) 1/3 teaspoonful of sugar, water to dissolve same. (See next page., 25
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