1904 Drinks as they are Mixed by Paul E Lowe



Chartreuse, green; fill glass t ill 2-3 full. Brandy (old); fi!l balance of glass. K eep the ingr edients separate. Shake, Brandy. Use small mixing glass. Ice, fine; fill up glass. Sugai-, 1 t ablespoonful. Cognac, 1 jigger. '.Limes, th.e juice of 2. Shake; strain ino small cut glass a 11 , 1 ser ve. Shake, Gin. Prepare the same as Bramly Sha kc, substituting gin for bran·ly.


Shake, Milk. Use large mixing glass. Ice, 1 lump. Sugar, 1 spoonful. Syrup, whatever kind customer pre– f ers. Milk; fill up glass. Shake· well and serve. Shake, Rum. Prepare the same as Brandy Shake, substituting rum for branJy. Shake, Whiskey. P repare the same as Bralllly Shake, substituting whiskey for brnndy.

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