1913 Bartenders' Manual (Bartenders Association of America)

BARTENDERS' MANUAL Cocktail, Lemon.—Fill mixing glass % full line ice; 1 teaspoonful syrup; 1 or 2 dashes orange bit ters; 1 or 2 dashes Peychaud hitters; wineglass Old Crow whisky; juice of half a lemon; stir well,' strain into a cooled cocktail glass, with fruit, if desired. Cocktail, Mint.—(Use large bar glass.) Crush 3 sprigs mint, fresh; 2 dashes orange bitters; 2 dashes syrup; 1 dash absinthe; 1 jig'ger whisky; cracked ice; 1 squirt seltzer. Mi.x with spoon, strain in cocktail glass and serve. Cocktail, Montana.—(Use large bar glass.) Y\ full of shaved ice; 2 dashes anisette; 2 dashes bit ters; Yi wineglass French vermouth. Stir with spoon, strain in cocktail glass, and serve, after squeezing piece of lemon peel on top. Cocktail, Philippino.—Press 1 olive in glass; 2 dashes pepsin bitters; 1-5 French vermouth; 1-5 brandy, 3-5 Plymouth gin; fill glass with chipped ice; stir well. Serve in fancy glass. Cocktail, Prairie.—1 teaspoonful white vinegar; 1 fresh egg; dash of pepper and salt; 3 drops Tabasco; teaspoonful of Worcestershire. Cocktail, Ping Pong.—(This recipe, arranged by James E. Bennett, of the Broken Heart Cafe, 16 South Broadway, St. Louis, Mo., won the Police Gazette Bartenders' Medal for 1903.) (Use mixing glass. 3 dashes lemon juice; jigger sloe gin; jigger Cream-Yvette. Fill glass with fine ice, mix and strain in cocktail glass; add cherry. Cocktail, Princeton.—(Use mixing glass.) 2 dashes orange bitters; -Lj Tom gin; fill with ice; strain into cocktail glass; add 1 good dash of port wine care fully and let it settle to the bottom before serving; lemon on top. Cocktail, Saratoe-a.—(A large bar glass.) 14 glass of fine-shaved ice; 3 dashes of pineapple syrup; 2 or. 3 dashes of bitters; 3 dashes of maraschino; 54 glass of fine old brandy. Mix well with a spoon and place 2 or 3 strawberries in a fancy glass; strain it, twist a piece of lemon peel over it; top it off with a squirt of champagne. Cocktail, Scotch.—Use mixing glass half full of cracked ice; 3 dashes of gum syrup; 2 dashes of maraschino; 2 dashes of orange bitters; 1 pony Scotch whisky; 1 pony French vermouth; stir well; strain in cocktail glass; add sherry and twist lemon peel. Cocktail, Sherry.—(Large bar glass half full cracked ice.) I dash Angostura; 3 dashes syrup; 3 dashes Curacoa; Y jigger vermouth; 1 jigger sherry wine; stir well with spoon; strain in cocktail glass and serve with cherries. 23

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