1920 What to Drink E L Bertha



Put the juice of the lemon, sugar, shaved or cracked ice, and water enough to make a glass full in a shaker, shake well, pour into a tall glass, and add the fruit and serve at once. GRAPE JUICE LEMONADE 3 lemons, i pint of grape juice,

li pints of water, I cupful of sugar.

Place a small square of ice in a tall glass pitcher ; mix the lemon juice, sugar, water and grape juice together, pour into the pitcher ; allow to become thoroughly chilled and serve.


3 lemons, i pint of ginger ale, li pints of water, I cupful of sugar.

Place a goodly sized piece of ice in a glass pitcher and pour over it the juice of the lemons, sugar and water, which should have been thoroughly mixed. Stir and when the sugar is dissolved, add the ginger ale. This should be served without delay, while the ** fizz " is still in the ginger ale. It is not at all necessary to use imported ginger ales, as there are domestic makes which are equally as good. GRAPEFRUIT AND ORANGEADE

1 grapefruit, 2 oranges, i cupful of sugar, I pint of ginger ale, I pint of water, i pint of crushed ice,

full spray of mint.


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