1930 The Saloon in the Home

HOW TEACHER'S BREATH SMELT O~ TOBACCO S DME Sunday School scholars were wending their way, Back home from their school one fine summer day, When one of his fellows did earnestly say, "How teacher's breath smelt of Tobacco!" Smoking Sunday School teachers take notice and hark! At the words which were uttered by young Charlie Parke, And ne'er give your scholars the chance to remark, "How teacher's breath smelt of Tobacco!" For if I should ask some stripling youth why He puffed away smoke, around far and nigh, Oh, how I should grieve to hear him reply, "My teacher, he uses Tobacco." Oh, Parents and Teachers, remember, pray do, That the children each side are learning from you; Then teach them not smoking but bid them eschew All sorts of Strong Drink and Tobacco.

The Good Intent Temperance Reciter, 1865.

The Ink Street

One part Rye whiskey, One part Orange juice, One part Lemon juice.

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