1946 The Stock Club Bar Book by Lucius Beebe

1 % oz. absinthe juice of half lemon

Sea FiH:

1 tsp. sugar white of egg Shake well, strain into highball glass and add seltzer.

Coffee Cocktail:

% oz. brandy % oz. port wine

1 tsp. sugar yolk of egg Shake well and serve in wine glass with nutmeg on top.

An improvement, as some may think, on the conventional Alexander cocktail is the brainstorm child of Nelson Eddy and he calls it "Alexander the Great".

Alexander The Great:

% oz. creme de cacao % oz. coffee liqueur % oz. fresh cream 1% oz. vodka

Shake until cold as Siberia. Watch your Steppes, because more than three of these gives the consumer a wolfish appetite.



The more conventional Alexander is as follows:


1% oz. gin *

oz. creme de cacao

% oz. fresh cream Shake and serve in 4 oz. wine glass.

33: Morning

Made with