1876 Bar-Tender's Guide by Jerry Thomas

EUVS Collection



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The Bar-Tehdee's Guide







Formerly Principal Bar-Tender al the Metropolitan Hotd,New York, and the Planters^ Hoiise, St. Lmiis.


No. 18 Ann Street.

Entered according to Act ofCongress,in the year 1862,by DICK & EITZGERALD, In the Clerk's Office ofthe District Court ofthe United States, for the Southern District of New York.

Entered according to Act of Congress,in the year 1876, By dick & FITZGEEAIiD, In the Office ofthe Librarian of Congress,at"Washington,D.0.


In aU agos of the world and in all countries, men have in dulged in"so cial drinks." They have al- waj"S possess ed themselves ofsome popu lar beverage apart from water and those of the breakfast and tea table. Whether it is judicious that m a n k i n d should crci-


tinue to indulge in such things, or whether it would be wiser to abstain from all enjoyments of that character, it is not our province to decide. We leave that question to the moral philosopher. TVe simply contend that a relish for "social drinks" is universal; that those drinks e.vist in greater variety in the United States than in any other country in the world; and that he, therefore, who proposes to impart to these drinks not only the most palatable but the most wholesome characteristics of which they may be made susceptible, is a genuine public benefactor. That is exactly our object in introducing this little volume to the public. We do not propose to persuade any man to drink, for instance,u punch, or ajulep, or a cocktail, who has never happened to make the acquaint ance ofthose refreshing articles under circumstances calculated toinduce more intimate relations; but we do propose to instruct those whose "in timate relations" in question render them somewhat fastidious, in the daintiest fashions thereunto pertaining. We very well remember seeing one day in London,in the rear of the



Bank of England, a small drinking saloon that had been set up by a peripatetic American, at the door of which was placed a board covered with the unique titles of the Amorican mixed drinks supposed to be pre pared within that limited establishment. The "Connecticut eye-open ers" and "Alabama fog-cutters," together with the "lightning-smashes" and the "thunderbolt-cocktails," created a piofound sensation in the crowd assembled to peruse the hTectarian bill of faro, if they did not produce custom. It struck us, then, that a list of all the social drinks —the composite beverages,if we may call them so—of America, would really be one of the curiosities of jovial literature; and that if it was combined with a catalogue of the mixtures common to other nations, and made practically useful by the addition of a concise description of the various processes for "brewing" each, it would be a "blessing to mankind." There would be no excuse for imbibing, with such a book at hand, the "villainous compounds" of bar-keeping Goths and Vandals, who know no more of the amenities of ion vivant existence than a Hot tentot can know of the bouquet of champagne. "There's philosophy," says Father Tom in the drama,"even in a jug of punch." "We claim the credit of"philosophy teaching by example," then, to no ordinary extent in the composition of this volume; for our index exhibits the title of eighty-six different kinds of punches,together with a universe of cobblers,juleps, bitters, cups,slings,shrubs,&c.,each and aU of which the reader is carefuUy educated how to concoct in the choicest manner. For the perfection of this education, the name, alone, of Jerry Thomas is a suiBcient guarantee. He has travelled Europe and America in search of aU that is recondite in this branch ofthe spirit art. He has been the Jupiter Olympus of the bar at the Metropolitan Hotel in this city. He was the presiding deity at the Planter's House, St. Ijouis. He has been the proprietor ofone of the most recherche saloons in New Orleans as well as in New York. Hisvery name is sjmonymous in the lexicon of mixed drinks, with all that is rare and original. To the "Wine Press," edited by P. S. Cozzons, Esq., we are indebted for the composition of several valuable punches, and among them we may particularize the celebrated "Nuremburgh," and the equally famous "PhUadelphia Pish House" punch. The rest we owe to the inspiration of Jerry Thomas himself, and as he is as inexorable as the Medes and Persians in his principle that no exceUent drink can bo made out of any tiling but excellent materials, we conceive that we are safein assert ing that whatever may be prepared after his instructions will be able to speak eloquently for itself. "Good wine needs no bush," Shakespeare tells us and over one of Jerry's mixtures eulogy is quite as redundant.


ThU Tall* of a-nienU refers to the Numbeb op kap-.^ namler of the pages. For the Talle of Contents to the


opACTUiiE OP Coiu)UL3, Syuups,

pugfi 235.


Absinthe,How to drink.#.



Bottle ofChampagne Cocktail " Brandy Cocktail

no lofi 217 215 199 155 107 103 116 140 150 S9 215 5

A la Ford,Panch " Bomain, Punch

26 57

Brandy and Gum " " Soda

Ale Punch :2"

* 7,5


" " Rum Punch " Burnt,and Peach


jog 18


" Cbiunparelle."

" Toddy. " Punch

** Cocktail



A Protestant Bishop

153 ISO 212

Crusta. Fix Flip Julep Ponfyof

Archbishop 'Arf-and-'arf


*.'.** 50

** Punch

51 62 SO

" " another methoA


2 3

Auld Man's Milk

" for a Party

Sangaroe Scafla

badminton J^ahiklava Nectar Baltimore K-g No-g. JJarbadoes Punch Bimbo Punch Bishop,ft la Prusso " another recipe " a Protestant Bitters, Decanter

I95 171 84 70 63 173 179 1S3 I93 219 onn 197 192

167 153 135 142 213 133 icD 199 94

Shrub Sling Smash




Brunow,Cup,ft la

Burnt Brandy and Peach

" and Sherry

Black .Stripe Blue Bijr Bottled Velvet,

Cafi, Faivrc's Pousse Parisian..,..


Santina's . .





105 117 169 172 173 198 188 101

OonadlAD Pouch

48 65 66

" Whiskey


Cup, la Brunow

" another method

Captain Marryatl's Eccipo for Mint Julep

" Marmora " Wyndham




ISl 100

" Claret

Catawba Cobbler Century Club Punch


" " & la Lord Saltoun

" " Champagne

109 187 188 235 156 155 169 20

Chablis Cup


Champagne Cobbler


" " Porter Curajoa,English

" Cocktail

110 193

" Cup

" Punch

Currant Eflforvcscing draught

" or Claret Cup, la Bru- now


" Shrub

" Punch



Champarelle, Brandy

ICG 154 194

Czar,Nectar for the

Cherry Shrub Cider Nectar

Decanter Bitters, "Jerry Thomas's Own".......


" Punch


D'Orsay Punch


Claret Cobbler

102 ISO 109 191

" Cup

Draught Lemonade brink for Dog Days " " Fumilics

2.32 229 233

tt » i la Brunow

« " h la Lord Saltoun

Dry Punch


" Mulled " Punch


Duke ofNorfolk Punch CO " " " another method CO




" Champagne


EfTervescing Draught

236 218 148 149

" Claret a llock

102 101 103

Egg and Sherry.

Egg Flip

« Sauterne ** Sherry " The « "Whiskey

" another method


SO. 81



" Baltimore " for a Party

84 83 85 82 86

104 106 107 110 lOS 112 Ill 113 114 lib 105 109 206 114 172 173 116 118 ^ 7

Cocktail,Bottle of Brandy

" General Harrison's

" Brandy

« Hot

« Champagne « Fancy Brandy

" Sherry

Eggs,Mulled Wine without



" Gin

» " " with 121 tt u " with the white of 122 English Curacoa IBS " Milk Punch 24 tt " " another method, 25

« Gin

** Japanese

" Jersey

** Soda tt The

" Whiskey

Faivre'a Pousse Caf6 Fancy Biuudy Cocktail

104 103 161 Ill 139 140 141 46

Cold Pnpeh

" Whiskey Punch

" Drinks

ColuDibia Skin Copeuliagen

" Gin Cocktail

Fish-house Punch,Philadelphia

Crimean Cup,i la Marmora " " " Wyndham

Fixes and Sours



" Gin

» Gin



Imperial Punch T. Il " Raspberry Whiskey Punch 77 Indian Punch, West 69 Irish AVhiskey Punch. 6 Italian Lemonade. 169

t'£y Santa Crnz

141 148 147 150 14S 149 144 145 14G 202 203 204 Ill 112 IIS 141 85

Flannel.,Yard of..Z


" Brandy

" Egg

^ " nnotbcr method " Negusand Shrub

Japanese Cocktail


" Kum

Jelly, Punch


" " another method

Jerry ThomasesOwn Bitters"

193 114

Jersey Cocktail

General Ilarrison'a Egg Nogg

Juleps, Remarkson

87 89

Gin and Pino " " Tan.'^y

Julejt, Brandy'

^ Gin ;


u " Wormwood

" Miut, Captain Marryatt's Re cipe for

** Cocktail

87 83 92

• ** " Fancy


" Mint

" Crusta

" Pineapple " Whiskey.

" Fix


** Julep " Punch

90 10 11 2S

Klrschvrasser Punch


" " by Soyor. " " for bottling



** Songareo

128 183



" Sllug " Smash

La Patria Punch..... -





•* Sciir

143 214 185 227 236




" Straight " Toddy

" Fine,for Parties

224 227 189 226 223 231



Ginger Lemonade.

" Italion " Orgeat " Plain

" "Wine

Glasgow Punch Gothic Punch Grossot Punch Gum and Brandy

29 62 44



Light Guard Punch


Lion,White Locomotive

HO 177

• 217

Louisiana Sugar-house Punch


Uarrlaon's Egg Nogg,General.


Hock Cobbler

101 193 201

Marmora,Cup,& la. Milk Punch,English 24 " " " another method. 25 U (I ^ ^ ;, 22 " " Hot 23 ** White TigeFs 175 Mint Julep SS " " Capt.Marryatt's Recipefor 87 Mississippi Sugar-house Punch 4 Mulls and Sangarees 119 Mulled Claret,ila Lord Soltoun 124 " Wine in Verso. 128 " ** withoutEggs 120 " " with 121 « " " the white ofEggs 122 172

" Cup

Honey and Peach

Hot Brandy and Rum Punch


" Eifg Nogg., " Milk Punch " Rum " Rumfustian " Spiced Rum « Whiskey Sling


208 185 207 13"


" Punch

9 8

« " " Scotch " " Irish


Ice and Sherry

- 220

Impciiall>rink forFamiliafi





Kfttfosal Gnard Panoh Nectar,Balatlflva, " Cider " forthoCzar " Punch


Punch Arrack, another method

62 70 53


" Barbadocs.

" Bimbo " Brandy

2 3 5


" " for a Party " " and Rum, Hot

" Soda


" Canadian

43 59

" Negiifl Flip aud Shrub


" Century Club " Champ.agnb " Cider

" PortWlno " " another way 152 " Soda Nogp Egg 81 ** " Baltimore 84 *♦ « for a Party 83 " General ilarrison's 85 « " Hot...., 82 « " Sherry gg Noafuch Punch 47 Norfolk Punch, Duke of. Co " " " another way. GO Nuremburg Punch 55 Orargcade 225 Oi-ange Eflenr'esclDg Draught. 235 Punch 7G Orgeat Lemonade 226 o Punch 19 Oxford " 63 I'arlsion Pousse Tofd 1C3 Peach audBurned Braudy 199 u " Honey 201 Philadelphia Fish-house Punch 46 Pineapple Ju'ep 92 " Punch 18 Pine and Gin 202 Pope 1S2 portcrco 180 porter Sangaree 130 Port Wine Negus 151 6* ** " another mothod... 152 u " Punch 16 Pousse Cafa, Faivres 1&4 » " Parisian 163 « " Santina's 162 « L'Amour 165 Prasse, Bishop, d la 178 punch,ii la X^ord. 26 " " Remain., 67 " Ale 78 « Apple 72 •* Arrack 51

74 14 M 20 "9 37 GO 7

" Claret " Cold

" " Whiskey

" Curapoa " D'Orsay

" Dry

" Duke of Norfolk " English Milk 24 " " " " another way ... 25 " Gin 10 " "bySoyer n " " for bottling 23 " Glasgow 20 " Gothic 02 " Grassot 44 ^ Hints about j " Hot Brandy and Rum'. 5 " " Milk 23 " Imperial Raspberry Whiskey 77 " 41 " Irish Whiskey 6 " Jelly 27 " Kirschwasser 73 " La Patrba 33 " Light Guard 4.5 " Louisiana Sugar-house 86 " Milk 22 " " Hot 28 " Mississippi 4 " National Guard. 33 " Nectar 75 " Nonsuch 47 " Norfolk 60 " Nurembiii^ 55 " Orange 76 " Orgeat.... 19 " Oxford 68 " Philadelphia Fish-house. 46 " Pineapple 18 " Port Wine 16 " Queen 61 Raspberry 82


nsoiPB Panch,Easpbcny/Imperial Wlilsko/ 77 Bcgent's 80 " " another way 81 ♦* Eochcster 40 ** Eocky Mountain 43 ** Roman 21 Komain, la. 07 " Royal 63 " Kuby 57 " Rum, Hot. 5 •* Sauterno 15 *• Scotch Whiskey g •* Sherry 18 « Sixty-Ninth Regiment 85 " Spread Eagle 39 " SL Charles 84 " Tea OS " Tip-Top 49 " Thirty-SecondRegiment..... 42 " Undo Toby 04 ** United Service 5G " Vanilla.... 1 " Victoria 42 " West Indian 69 ** Whiskey 9 " Cold 7 " " • Irish 6 " " Scotch 8 " Yorkshire 7I Qneea Punch. 01 Quince Liqueur 190 UMpberry. EffervescingDrink 285 " Punch 82 " Shrnb 157 " Whiskey Punch 77 Ratafias 170 Regt-nPs Punch 80 " " another Recipe 81 Regiment Punch, Seventh 83 " " Sixty-Ninth 85 " " Thirty-Second 42 Rhine Wine and Seltzer Water 211 Rochester 40 Rocky MountainPunch 43 Roman Punch 21 Remain, h la Punch. 67 Royal Punch 5S Ruby Punch 57 Rum and Brandy Punch, Hot 5 Rum Flip 145 1*


RumFlip,another method

140 1S5 203 207 159 160 129 127 123 130 125 126 119 141 143 102 ina

Rumfustian Rum,Hot

" " spiced " Shrub

" " English

Sangarce, Alo.

" Bnuidy

" Giu " Porter " Port Wine " Shirry Sangarecs and Mulls Santa Cruz Fix " " Sour Santlna'sPousse OafO..., Soutcrne Cobbler

" Punch


Scaff*' Srandy


Sootch Whiskey Punch




Seltzer Water and Rhine Wine Seventh Regiment Punch

211 "83 280 282 210 213 220 26


" lA'mon

" for Punch Sherry and Hitters

" "

" " Ice " Cobbler " Egg Nog " Punch " Sangaree

99 80 13


Shrub, Bnandy " Cherry " Currant

150 lOO 14.1 157 169 85 20t» 205 ics 1.30 13$ 137 tSl

" EnglishRum " Negus, andFlip " Raspberry

" Rum

" White Currant.. Sixty-Ninth Regiment Punch

. i.Vj

Skin, Columbia

" Scotch Whiskey


Sling, Bnindy

" Gin

" UotWhiiikey SUngs and Toddles Smash, Brandy


" Gin

... 90







Whiskey Julop



08 96

" Fun(^


" Whiskey

Boda and Brandy

210 115 22S 153 143 143 139 207 • 142

" " Cold


** ♦♦ «

" Imperial Easpberry 77

" Cocktail " Kc'ctar " Neg'is 6our» Brandy

" Irish

6 8

" Scotch

« Skin, Scotch « Sling,'Hot

205 187 134 155

" Gin

" Toddy

" Santa Cruz Bours and Fixes. Spiced Eiim, Hot Spread Kafrle I'unch

Wh.tc CurrantShrub

" Lion

t 176


" Tiger's Milk

175 100

Wino Cobbler,Cstawba

Stone Fence Stone Wali


209 230

" " Champagne.


" **


103 101

St,Charles Punch 84 Strawbeiry FffcrvcscingDraught... 285 Sugar-house Punch,Louisiana. 80

" " Hock " " Sherry


" Oocktall,Champagne " Cup,Champagne.

110 109 169 286 124 128 121 80

Tunscy and Gin


" ** Claret

Tea Punch

^ 175 49 131 132 'no 184 114 42

" EggNogg, Sherry

Tiger's Milk,Wlilte Tip-Top Punch Toddies and Slings Toddy, Appio Thirty-Second Regiment

" Ginger

" Mulled Claret " " In Verse " " with Eggs. " " without Eggs.

120 " " with white ofEggs...., 122 " Negus, Port 151 " u u another method... 152 " Pnnch,Champagne 12 " " Claret 14 " " Port 16 « « Sautorne 16 " " Sherry 13 " Sangaree,Port 123 " Sherry 126 Wine,Seltzer Water and Rhine. 211 Wyndbam,CHmcan Cup,h la 173

n Brandy. n Gin a -Whiskey

Tom and Jerry

Gncie Toby Punch........

M 66 17

GniLud Service Punch

Vanilla Punch Velvet, Bottled VictoriaPunch

193 42

WestIndian Pnnch-....


Whiskey Cobbler

104 109 117

Yard ofFlannel Torkflhlrf Punch


» CocktaiL « Crufita








2. Brandy Punch, (Use Ini'go tnr glfsi)

1 table-spoonful raspberiy syi'up. 2 do. white sugar.

1 wine-glass water, la do. brandy. ^ small-sized lemon. 2 slices of orange. 1 piece of jnne-apple. Fill the tumbler with shaved ice, shake well, and dress .the top with berries in season; sip through a straw. 3. Brandy Punch. (For a pai'ty of twonty.)

1 gallon of water. 3 quarts of brandy.



A pint of J.amaica rum. 2 lbs. of sugar. Juice of 6 lemons. 3 oranges sliced. 1 pine-apple, pared,and cut up. 1 gill of Curajo.a. 2 gills ofrasjjberiy syrup. Ice, and add berries ui season. Mix the materials Avell together in a large bowl, and you have a splendid punch.

4. Miasissippi Punch.

(UbC liirge bar glass.)

1 wine-glass of brandy, i do. Jam.aica rum. i do. Bourbon whiskey. ^ do. water. table-spoonful ofjiowdered white sugar. J of a large lemon. Fill a tumbler with shaved ice.

The above must be well shaken, and to those who hko their draughts "like linked sweetness long drawn out," let them use a glass tube or straw to sip the nectar through. The top of this punch should be ornamented with small pieces of orange, and berries in season.

5. Hot Brandy and Rum Punch. (For a party offifteen.)

1 quart ofJamaica rum. 1 do. Cognac brandy. 1 lb. of white loaf-sugar. 4lemons. 3 quarts of boiling water. 1 teaspoonful ofnutmeg.


Hub the sugar over the lemons until it has ahsorhed all the yellow part of the skins, then put the sugar into a punch-howl; acid the ingredients well together, pour over them the hoiling water, stir well together; add the rum, hrandy and nutmeg; mix thoroughly, and the punch will he ready to serve. As we have before said, it is very im portant, in making good punch, that all the ingredients aie thoroughly incorporated; and, to insure success, the process of mixing must he diligently attended to. Allow a quart for four persons; hut this information must he taken cicm grano salts • for the capacities of persons for this kind of beverage are generally supposed to vary con siderably. 6. Irish."Whiskey Pianch. This is the genuine Irish beverage. It is generally made one-third pure whiskey,two-tliirds hoiling w.ater, in which the sugar has been dissolved. If lemon punch, the rind is rubbed on the sugar, and a small proportion of juice added before the whiskey is poured in. This beverage ought always to he made with hoiling water, and allowed to concoct and cool for a day or tAvo before it is put on the table. In this way,the materials get more intensely amalgamated than cold Avater and cold Avhiskey ever get As to the beautiful mutual adaptation of cold rum and cojI water,that is beyond all praise,being one of Nature's most exquisite achievements. (See"Glas gow Punch" No. 29.) * Irish whiskey is not fit to drink until it is three years old. The best whiskey for this purpose is Kenahan's LL whiskey. 7. Cold "Whiskey Punch. (For a party.)

um PUKOJi.


8. Scotch "Whiskey Punch. Steep the thin yellow shavings of lemon peel in the whiskey, which should be Glenlivet or Islay, of the best quality; the sugar should be dissolved in boiling water. As it requires genius to make whiskey punch,it would be impertinent to give proportions. (See « Spread JEktgla JPunch" No.39.)

9. Whiskey Punch.

(Use small bar glass.)

1 wine-glass whiskey (Irish or Scotch). 2 do. boiling water. Sugar to taste.

Dissolve the sugar well with 1 wine-glass of the water then pour in the whiskey,and add the balance ofthe water, sweeten to taste, and put in a small piece of lemon rind, or a thin slice of lemon.

10. Gin Punch.

(Use large bar glass.)

1 table-spoonful ofraspberry syrup. 2 do. do. white sugar. 1 wine-glass of water. do. gin. 1 small-sized lemon. 2 slices oforange. 1 piece ofpine-apple. Fill the tumbler with shaved ice. Shake well,and ornament the top with berries in season Sip through a glass tube or straw.



11. G-in Pimcli, . (From a recipe by Soyor.)

^ pint of old gill. 1 gill of maraschino. Thejuice oftwo lemons. The rind of halfa lemon. Four ounces ofsyrup.




1 quart bottle of German Seltzer water,


Ice well.

n 12. Champagne Punch. (Per bottle) '

1 quart bottle of wine. ilb. ofsugar. 1 orange sliced.

The juice of a lemon. 3 slices of pine-apple. 1 wine-glass of raspberry or strawbei'ry syrup. Ornament with fruits in season, and serve in champagne goblets. This can be made in any quantity by observing the pro portions of the ingredients as given above. Four bottles of wine make a gallon, and a gallon is generally sufficient for fifteen persons in a mixed party. For a good cham pagne punch, see "Itocky Mountain Punch" No.43. 13. Sherry Punch.

(Use large bar gla3.s.)

2 wine-glasses ofsherry.


1 table-spoonful ofsugar. 2 or 3 slices of orange. 2 do. do. lemon. Fill tumbler with shaved ice, shake well, and ornament with berries in season. Sip through a straw.




14. Claret Punch.

(Uso lai^o barglaaa.)

1^ table-spoonful ofsugar. 1 slice oflemon. 2or3do.orange.

Fill the tumbler -with shaved ice, and then pour in your claret, shake well, and ornament with berries in season. Place a straw in the glass. To make a quantity of claret punch,see "Imperial Punch"No.41.

15. Sauterne Punch.

^Uflo largo bar glass.)

The same as cla; punch, using Sauterne instead of claret.

If Port "Wine Punch.

(Uselargo barglass.)

The same a' claret punch, using port wine instead of claret,and o- .ament vrith berries in season.

17. Vanilla Punch,

(Use Iirgo b«r glass.)

1 table-spoonful ofsugar, I wine-glass of brandy. Thejuice of ofa lemon.

Fill the tumbler with shaved ice, shake well, ornament ■with one or two slices of lemon, and flavor ■with a few Irops of vanilla extract. This is a delicious drink, and should be imbibed through a glass tube or straw.



18. Pine-Apple Punch.

(Tor a party often.)

4 bottles ofchampagne. 1 pint of Jamaica rum.

1 do. brandy. 1 gill of Cura9oa. Juice of4lemons. 4 pine-apples sliced. Sweeten to taste with pulverized white sugar. Put the pine-apple with one pound of sugar in a glarjs bowl, and let them stand until the sugar is well soaked in the pme-apple,then add all the other ingredients, except the champagne. Let this mixture staud in ice for about an hour,then add the champagne. Place a large block of ice m the centre ofthe bowl,and ornament it with loaf sugar, sliced orange, and other fruits in season. Serve in champagne glasses. Pme-apple punch is sometimes made by adding sliced pine-apple to brandy punch.

19. Orgeat Punch.

(080 large bar glass.) IJ table-spoonful of orgeat syrup. 11 wine-glass of brandy, ■* 2 urii ay.

Juice ofIa lemon, and fill the tumbler with shaved ice Shake well, ornament with berries in season, and dash port wine on top. Place the straw, as represented in cut of mint julep.



20. Curacoa Punch.

(TTflO lnr;;c bar gla^)

1 table-spoonful of sugar. 1 wine-glass of brandy, i do. do. Jamaica rum. 1 do. do. water.

i pony glass of Curajoa. Thejuice ofhalfa lemon

Fill the tumbler with shaved ice, shake well, and orna ment -with fruits of the season; sip the nectar through a straw.

21. Roman Punch. (Use large bar glass.)

1 table-spoonful ofsugar. 1 do. do. raspberry syrup. 1 tea-spoonful of Cura9oa. 1 wine-glass ofJamaica rum. do. do. brandy. The juice ofhalfa lemon.

Fill Avith shaved ice, shake well, dash with port wine, and ornament with fruits in season. Imbibe through a straw.

22. Milk Punch.

(Use largo bar glass.)

1 table-spoonful offine white sugar. 2 do. water.

1 wine-glass ofCognac brandy. i do. Santa Cruz rum. J Tumblerful ofshaved ice. Fill with milk, shake the ingredients well together, and gj'ate a little nutmeg on top.



23. Hot Milk Punch.

(Uso large bar glasa.)

This punch is made the same as the above, with the ex ception that hot milk is used, and no ice. 24. English Milk Punch. Put the following ingredients into a very clean pitcher, viz.: The juice ofsix lemons. The rind oftwo do. 1 lb. ofsugar. 1 pine-apple, peeled, sliced and pounded. 0 cloves. 20 coriander seeds. 1 small stick ofcinnamon. 1 pint of brandy. 1 do rum. *I gill of arrack. The boiling water to be added last; cork this down to prevent evaporation, and allow these ingredients to steep for at least six hours; then add a quart of hot milk and the juice of two lemons; mix, and filter through a jelly- bag; and when the punch has passed bright, put it away in tight-corked bottles. This pimch is intended to be iced for drinking. 25. English Milk Punch. 1 cup ofstrong green tea, 1 quart of boiling water.

(Anottcr method.)

This seductive and nectareous drink can also be made by the directions herewith given: To two quarts of water add one quai-t of milk. Mix one

* See No. 50.



quart ofold Jamaica rum with two ofFrench hrandy,and put the spirit to the milk, stirring it for a short time; let it stand for an hour, but do not suflcr any one of delicate appetite to see the melange in its present state,as the sight might create a distastefor the punch when perfected. Filter through blotting-paper into bottles; and should you find that the liquid is cloudy, which it should not be, you may clarify it by adding a small portion ofjsinglass to each bottle. The above receii^t will furnish you Svith half a dozen of punch.

26. Punch,h la Ford.

(A recipefrom Benson E,Hill,Esq.,author of The Epicure^e Almanac.)

The late General Ford, who for many years was the commanding engineer at Dover, kept a most hospitable board, and used to make punch on a large scale, after the following method; He would select three dozen of lemons, the coats of which were smooth, and whose rinds were not too thin; these he would peel with a sharp knife into a large earthen vessel, taking care that none of the rind should be detach ed but that portion in which the cells are placed, contain ing the essential oil; when he had completed the first pai-t of the process, he added two pounds of lump-sugar, and stirred the peel and sugar together with an oar-shaped piece of wood,for nearly half an hour, thereby extracting a greater quantity of the essential oU. Boiling water was next poured into the vessel, and the whole well stirred, until the sugar was completely dissolved. Thelemons were then cut and squeezed,thejuice strained from the kernels; these were placed in a separate jug, and boiling water poured upon them, the general being aware that the pips were enveloped in a thick mucilage,full offlavor; halfthe



lemon juice was now thrown in; and as soon as the ker nels were free from their transparent coating,their liquor strained and added. The sherbet was now tasted; more acid or more sugar applied as required, and care taken not to render the lemonade too watery. "Rich of the fruit, and plenty of sweetness," was the general's maxim. The sherbet was then measured,and to every three quarts a pint of Cognac brandy and a pint of old Jamaica rum were allotted, the spiiit being well stirred as poured in; bottling immediately followed, and, when completed, the beverage was kept in a cold cellar, or tank, till required. At the general's table I have frequently drunk punch thus made, more than six months old; and found it much improved by time and a cool atmosphere. 27. Punch Jelly. Make a good bowl of punch, d la Ford, already tie- scribed. To every pint of punch add an ounce and a half ofisinglass, dissolved in a quarter ofa pint of water(about half a tumbler full); pour this into the punch whilst quite hot, and then fill your moulds,taking care that they are not disturbed until the jelly is completely set. Orange, lemon, or calTs-foot jelly, not used at dinner, can be converted into punch jelly for the evening, by fol lowing the above directions, only taking care to omit a portion ofthe acid prescribed in making the sherbet. This preparation is a very agreeable refreshment on a cold night,but should be used in moderation; the strength ofthe punch is so artfully concealed by its admixture with the gelatine, that many persons, particularly of the softer sex,have been tempted to partake so plentifully of it as to render them somewhat unfit for waltzing or quadrilling after supper.



28. Gin Punch. (For bottling.) Following General Ford's plan, as already described, (or making sherbet, add good gin, in the proper propor tion before prescribed; this, bottled and kept in a cool cellar or cistern,tvill be found an economical and excellent Siuumer drink.

29. Glasgow Punch. (From tt rcdpe In the possession ofDr.Shelton Mnckenile.)

Melt lump-sugar in cold water,ttdth the juice ofa couple of lemons, passed through a fine hair-strainer. Tiiis is sherbet, and must be well mingled. Then add old Ja maica rum—one part of rum to five of sherbet. Gut a couple oflimes in two,and run each section rapidly around the edge of thejug or bowl, gently squeezing in some of the delicate acid. This done, the punch is made. Imbibe.

SO. Regent's Punch.

(For a party oftwenty.)

The ingr'iK)i'ents for this renewed punch are:— 3 bottles champagne. 1 do. Hockheimer.

1 do. Curapoa. 1 do. Cognac.

do. Jamaica rum.

2 do. Madeira. 2 do. Seltzer, or plain soda-water. 4 lbs. bloom raisins.

To which add oranges,lemons,rock candy,and instead of water, green tea to taste. Refrigerate with aU tho icy power of the Ai-ctic.


31. Regent's Punch.

(Another rccipc.) (From theSordcfiisx Wine and Liquor Guids.") pint, each, strong hot green tea,lemon juice aiK* capillaire.* 1 pint, each,rum, brancly, arrack, and Curagoa. 1 bottleofchampagne; mix,and slice a pine-apple into it. For still another method ofcompounding this celebrated punch,see recipe No.295,in"The Jifanttalfor the Manu facture of Cordials, etc.,''' in the latter part of this ^York.

32. Raspberry Punch.

(From areclpo In the Sordeawe Win^ and lAquor

gill of raspberry juice, or vinegar. a lb. lump-sugar. 3i pints of boiling water.

Infuse half an hour, strain, add ^ pint of porter, J to 1 pmt, each, of rum and brandy (or either 14 to 2 pints), and add more warm water and sugar,if desired weaker oi sweeter. A liquem- of glass of Curagoa,noyau, or maras chino,improves it.

33. National Guard 7th Regiment Punch.

(Use Ifu-go bar glass.)

1 table-spoonful of sugar. The juice of a ^ of a lemon. 1 wine-glass of brandy.


1 do. do. Catawba wine. Flavor with raspberry syrup. Fill the glass with shaved ice. Shake and mix thorough- ♦ See recipes Noa.65 and GG.



ly, then ornament with slices of orange, pineapple, and berries in season, and dash with Jamaica rum. Tliis de licious beverage should bo imbibed through a straw.

34. St. Chai-les' Punch.

(Use largo bar glass.)

1 table-spoonful of sugar. 1 wine-glass of port wine. 1 pony do. brandy. Thejuice.of ^ of a lemon. Fill the tumbler ■with shaved ice, shake well, and ori?^ ment with fruits in season, and serve with a straw 35. 69th Regiment P-unch. (In earthenmag.) I-wine-glass of Irish -whiskey. J do. do. Scotch do. 1 tea-spoonful of sugar. 1piece of lemon. 2 -wine-glasses of hot water. " ' ' ' This is a capital punch for a cold night. " To one quart of boiling syi'up, taken from the kettles, add whiskey or brandy to suit the "patient." Flavor with ihe juice of sour oranges. 37. Dry Punch. (From a recipe by Santina, the celebrated Spanish caterer.) 2 gallons of brandy. 1 do. water. / ^ do. tea. 36. Louisiana Sugar-House Punch. (From a recipe in the posses.siun of Colonel T. B. Thorpe.)



I pint of Jamaica rum. do. Curajoa. Juice of six lemons. II lb. white sugar.

Mix thoroughly, and strain, as already described in the recipe for ''''Punch d la Ford" adding more sugar and lemon juice, if to taste. Bottle,and keep on ice for three or four days, and the punch will be ready for use, but the longer it stands, the better it gets.

38. La Patria Punch..

(For a party of twonty.)

(From areclpo in the possosaion of n.P.Lcland,Esq.)

3 bottles of champagne,iced. 1 bottle of Cognac. 6 oranges. 1 pineapple.

Slice the oranges and pineapples in a bowl, pour the Cognac over them, and let them steep for a couple of hours,then in with the champagne and serve immediately.

39. The Spread Eagle Punch.

1 bottle of Islay whiskey. 1 bottle Monongahela. Lemon peel, sugar and—boiling water at discretion.

40. Rochester Punch.

(For ft party of twenty.)

(From a reclpo in tlio possession of Koswell Hart Esq.)

2 bottles of sparkling Catawba. 2 do. do. Isabella. 1 do. Sauterne.

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