1930 Prohibition Punches A book of Beverage by Roxan B. Doran

EUVS Collection



ROXANA B. DORAN (Mrs. James M. Doran)

With a Preface by




First Pi·inting, A ugus t

M.-1'.llU l•'ACTUltED I N THE UNITlcD S'l'ATES OF A1rnR LC \

Dedicat ed,

with gratefu l appreciation,

To CORINN"l~ REID FR~\ZIER without \\·horn thi s book could not have been written


PREFACE Bread, we are told, is the staff of life. May I add that fruit is the whetstone of our appetites, and the juices thereof an elixir of health not sur– passed in value by any of the other foodstuffs provided by Nature. In preparing the tempting suggestions con– tained in Prohibition Punches, it seems to me the author has done a very fine thing. It is not just a matter of giving you some delightful appetizers or delicious refreshment-inspirations for your tea party (although this has been done quite compre– hensively)-it is more than that, the significance of this book. It offers something healthful both for the appetite and for the mind. Food for thought-for a little "mental refurnishing," if I may borrow Ramsay MacDonald's graphic phrase-is offered within these pages that it is 5



both my pleasure and my privilege to preface. l see in them a courageous-and I beli eve i t will be a successful-effo r t tu g ive m; something to think about in the beverage line oth er 1han our g ri e\·– ances against an amendment whi ch some ha,· e been pleased to cons ider an infringeme n t up on t heir "persona l li beri~' ," as i t deprives t hem of a little personal indulgence. Too long we Ameri– cans have been sulking , like th e small boy, because we couldn't sup the nectar of a " fo rbidd en fruit . " It is high time to do a littl e menta l housecleaning and turn our minds to thoughts of fruit s of which we can partake without incurring inevitabl e p en a l– ties of law and nature. The E ight eenth Amendment is a permaneut part of our Constitution. vVhy not recognize thi s fact and turn our attention to findin g something to fill our national goblet l egitimately ? Mrs. Doran ha s pointed the way for a new line of thought in this direction which will make for a healthier and more contented mental attitude than American society has known since the chaotic p eriod of the -world War.


vVashington, D. C., May 1, 1930.


Pru!til1itio11 I'1111cli cs o ff er s pal atab le s11ggcs– tion s fo r dri11ki11g hea lth at va ri ous times of t h e (lc1y. l\ladc uf 1111 t ura l fruit a nd Ycgciabl c j11icc::; ri c ld~· <' lldO\\·cd with ,·it ami11 s and minernls which ar e ess ent ial for hea lth and \Y e1l-bei11 g, appet izing nnd fragra nt io t empt us, \\·e may cons ume these punches abund antly , free from a ny t hought of ha rmful effect but r ea lizing that with th em we are drinking health in tbe choicest forms in which nature present s it to u s . Tho charm of those drinks lies in tli c fl avo r and arnma of tbe freshly extracted juices . Most of th ese lose their ddicacy of Aavor on standing . \Ve arlvise using all such juices as soon as possible after preparation and they sliould always be kept cold until u sed. 'While chill ed juices are preferred by some, others like to hea r the tinkl e of the ice. Not too sweet, they quench the thirst and stimu– late the. appetite without ar1ding to_o many of the calories dreaded by some . Or with the sandwich accomp animent they may be made a r ea l meal, according to your ta st e. We offer you the se fruit juices dresse



Zero Hour-the author's own! That moment of breathless anticipation just be– fore the dawn of a new adventure; a new dream's reality. To the world-the hour when all nature seems stilled; all living things, motionless, await– ing the dawn. Or perhaps that moment of ominous quiet before the crash of cannon and high shriek of shell quicken exhausted senses to the stark reality of war. To the author the moment that comes at last; after a long night of toil; of weav– ing elusive dreams into the fabric of a book! Hushed interval, bringing with it the welcome hint of daw11ing as the author catches breath and sighing, says, ''Now, my task is done! Soon, with the coming dawn, my book will have its little day. If only it may cast a beam of light-not shadow– across the Dial of Life, I am content.''

10 A WORD BEFORE .... And so I say it now! Standing on the thresh– hold of my Zero Hour, I heaYe a sigh that this little book is done and, waiting, yi eld to hopes aml fears and dreams as others befo re me have done– wishing that this first effort of mine may mark its time upon the Dial in highlights-a bit of pleasure added wherever it may find lodgin g ; r e– freshing suggestions supplied a thought-wea ry hostess, perhaps-and even do I dare dream that it may accomplish, somehow, a real serv ice .


' 'Vashington, D. C., May 30, 1930.




TOI' 0' THI~ .\l OH.'\l:\U - Bn•akfa st He<'ipes ·Fros t 1•d Orange J uire

16 16 16 17 19 23 23 23 24 25 25 25 26 26 26 27 29 33 34 34 35 35 3G 36 36 37 37

C:111tal oupe Co"kta il Rtraw li r rn· Coc·kt:iil Frni t C'rl!1;lii11a t ion s IL W JI El\ S II A llO\\·s A In::

Sl!OHTEST - L un eheo u

He1·ipL'S, I3r id:!t', L' I<'. P unch Jrcd Ora nge Coffee SupPr ior G ra pe Juil' e FrozL' n Fruit Pun"h Ra spli l' rry S hruh BridP ':; l'nn l' h Florirla P un ch Honey Fresh Ora ng Pad e Hon ey Coco:i. Honey Hot Chol'ola te Hon ey Ired Choto lat e

llL AS


LEN'GTHE .:\' - Afte rnoon

Jkc ipcs : T ea s, Ga rd en Parties, etc.

Temperan ce P unch

l•' rni 1 P1111 "h

Rasp berry S hrub

Pr:i pp6

i\foridian Man sion s P unch .

Fiji Frappe Royal Purple Frui t Swizzle

Crana ps

Congress ional Club Punl'h Grape Juice Punch Lemon a nd Orangead e

3'7 38 38 39 39

Frui t Punch

Delta's Delightful Drink

Pansy Cocktail Pruit Pun c- h

40 IV. SUNSET HOUR- Firesid e T ea- timP Thoughts, Sum- mer Suppers 41 Concord Float 45 Cream Ora nge 45 Pineapple Cream 45 Rhuba rb I ced T Pa 46 Iced Mexi ca n Chocolate 46 Oriental Punch 47 Fruit Punch with Whipped Cream 47

CONTENTS CHAPTER Fruit Pllilch . . .... . ........ · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · Sunset Punch ... .... . .. ......... . · · · · · · · · · · · · · · PAGE . . ... · · · · · · V. IN THE GLOAMING-Dinner Recipes, B efore-dinner Cocktails, etc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . · · · · · · · · Strawberry Cocktail ......... . · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · White Fruit Cup . ... . ... . . .. . . . . . · · · · · · · · · · · · · Ambrosia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . · · · · · · · · · · 48 48 49 Grape Frappli Fruit Cocktail . ................... · · · · · · · · · · · · · Grape Nectar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . · . . · · · · · · · · · · · 1930 Cocktail . . . . . . ... .. . ... . ...... . Grape Cocktail . . . .... . .. . . . . .. . Vegetable Cocktail .. . .. . . . ..... . . . . . Currant Mint Frappli .. .. ... . .. . Tomato Juice Cocktail. ... . .... . Punch de L eon or Florida Cocktail .. Three-'rone Cocktail ............ . Celebrities Dinner Drink ..... . . .. ..... · · · · · · · · · VI. MOONLIGHT SH.A.DOWS ON THE DIAL-Refresh- ments for Evening Parties, Receptions, B alls, etc. Orange Lemonade .... .. ... . . . .. ... . .. · · · · · · · · · · One Gallon of Grape Juice Punch ... . .. ·· · ·· · · ·· · Fruit Punch ...... .... . ... ........ .... · · · · · · · · · Portia's Punch . ... . . ........... ... . . - . · · · · · · · · Fruit Punch ... . . . . . .... .. ... . ... . . Punch ...... . ..... .. .. . .......... . . . . .. .. . . · · · · Spiced Punch .. . Gooseberry Punch. : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : .. Ginger Ale Lemonade . . . . . . . . . . ... .. . ... . · · · · · · · Pineapple Smash .... . . . .. .. ·... . . ...... .. · · · · · · Hot Spiced Cider . · · · · Mock Champagne : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : . · · · · P unch ... . .. .. .. . ... . . . . . . . . ... .. . . . . . . . .. . Fruit Punch ....... . ... . . . ... .. . ...... .... ... Pony Punch ~~~~~a~u!:~eze: :_ . : : : : : . : : : : : : : : : · . . ·. : . : : . : . . : : .. TroJan N ectar . . . . . . . .. . . . . . Rocky Mountain Gra · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · . . . . ... · Fruit Punch . . . pe · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · Loganberry FraPP~ · ·. ·. ·· ······.·. ~ ·_ ·. ~ ~ ~ ··· . VIL THJ!'. CHILDREN'S HOUR-Children's Recipes Mrnt Sparkle . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . .. . . · · g:~~~:-a~~n~h .. ·.· .· · .· .· .· .· .· :· :· :· ." .·.:· :·.·: :· :· : ." ." .." ." .· .· ." ." .· . . Punch and Judy Punch . . . .. . . ... . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . L'Envo1 .. . . ... . . . . . ..... . . . ..... .. .. . ...... . . ... . . . . . Mother Goose Punch · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · . . Peter Piper Punch .. ·. · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · . . . L emonade for Children ·

51 54 54 55 55 56

56 57 57 58 58 59 59 60

63 66 67 67

68 69 69 70 71 71

72 72 73 73 74 74 75 75 75

76 76

77 79 83 84 84 85

85 85 86 90


Breakfast Recipes


''The year's at the Spring, The da y's at the morn, .:\Iorning's at seven The hillside's dew p earl 'd

" -Browning.

Can't yo u see that hill side sparkling ·with dewy freshness f I think I catch the faint fragrance of S\\'eet n ew grass. Do esn't its cool, clean greenness quicken your sen ses and sharpen your appetite for something cool and fr esh ? A glass of orange juice dewy with frost, or a fruit cup with a. gTeat luscious strawberry bobbing jauntily on top 'I 'rl1e day should always be begun, if that were po ssible, with a vision of green hills or new– blown ros es-to fill the thoughts with freshness a11d whisk away the cobwebs-like the clean sweep of a broom. But unfortunately, for those of us whose busy day llavvus within the confines of a crowded city, such a beginning is impossible. Dewy greenswan1s are rare! Yet, something of that green freshness-of the '' hillsides dew pearl 'cl.'' may be caught for us in the frosted depths of a cool fruit cup with its dew– sp rinkled strawberry; in the clink of ice within a glass of fresh fruit juice, or perhaps in the 15



heart of an ice-cold g rapefruit, da intily prepa red. These things set us in tune for the day.


For the Formal Br eakfast

For each person to be served, fill a large g lass two-thirds full of orange juice. Add a dip of vanilla ice cream or orange ice and stir until p artially dissolved. Serve im– mediately.


Cut melon in balls with a vegetable scoop, fill a serving g lass, add seeded white grapes, slices of ripe p eaches and cubes of pineapple. Cover with grape juice. The State College of Washington, Pullman, Washington.


1 pint strawberries 4 teaspoons sugai· 4 oranges

Slice the strawberries and squeeze the juice of the oranges over them. Set on ice to thoroughly mix and chill. At serv– ing time put in glasses or fruit cups. Add a spoonful of



sugar to each glass and some finely shaved ice. Stand the glasses on paper doilies. If fruit cups be used it is very pretty to stand them on some strawberry leaves arranged on a plate. The State College of Washington, Pullman, Washington.


1. Grapefruit with watermelon or canteloupe cubes and a fruit syrup. 2. Grapefruit with orange and fresh or canned pineapple. 3. Grapefruit, orange, canned pears and bits of candied ginger. 4. Grapefruit, orange, strawberries, or red r aspberries. 5. Grapefruit, bananas, red apples diced without peeling. 6. Watermelon, or canteloupe cubes or balls with fruit juices and mint flavoring. Martha Van Rensselaer

(Director, New York State College of Home Economics at Cornell University, Ithaca, N. Y.)


Luncheon Recipes


Noontime, when shadowless gardens fl.aunt their richest hues; when the upturned faces of full– blown flowers blush under the warmth of the sun's caress! The time for light and color and gay activity-for the bridge luncheon and the formal breakfast. Time for the hostess, too, to don her richest colors and array her table likewise. Riot– ous color in her centerpiece of dowers; a flood of sunshine in the room, glowing through draperies that carry out the cheerful note. Noontime is the wide-awake hour, when all the world's a-hum. Splashes of color in the fruit cup or cocktail glass awaiting the luncheon guests may serve to accentuate this noontime mood. No halftones needed here. The crimson red of strawberry; the gold of peach or apricot; the brilliant hue of the orange and perhaps a bold dash of green cherry or mint-these are the colors for the mid-day fruit dish. There is a fascination in preparing the color scheme for any party, and especially for the luncheon or bridge when the character of dishes served lends itself so well to delightfully interest– ing effects and is a splendid foil for a clever 21



hostess' originality. Your fruit cocktail, for in– stance, may reflect the color scheme of your center– piece; place cards; salad and desert courses. With the use of a little forethought in the selec– tion of vegetables to go with the chicken pattie or whatever meat may be planned, the color note may be suggested even in the principal course. One of the most artistic luncheons I can recall was that of a prominent Washington hostess, given last spring. I shall describe for you the pic– ture that presented itself as we entered the dining room, with the cocktail course in place. The table suggested a miniature flower garden in its wealth of Spring color-the dominant note appropriately being green, carried out ingeniously in a cocktail which, for originality, surpassed any I have ever seen. You may have seen. one 1 like it somewhere, but so far as I know, it was the hostess' own idea and, though not patented, has never been copied! It \vas served in a double glass setting-the outer glass (shaped like a grapefruit bowl) was filled with cracked ice, colored green. Nestled in the center of this, in a smaller glass cup, was the cocktail consisting of mixed fruits in all the brilliant hues I have sug– ges ted as typical of the: noontime hour. The effect of the whole was, as I have said, that of an early Spring garden, green with that greenness of new grass, and planted in the old– fash ioned pattern of a formal garden.





Juice of 8 oranges Juice of 6 lemons 1 cup pineapple juice 1 glass grape jelly 2 cups sugar 2 quarts water Mint leaves cooked m a little water

To fruit juices add the sugar, water and mint, and when rca




Boil together for two minutes half a cupful of sugar, one cup of water and the thin paring of two oranges, being care– ful not to get any of the white pith. Cool, strain, and add four cupfuls of cold coffee. Just before serving add the Juice of the two oranges and half a cupful of evaporated milk. Pour into tall glasses partly filled with crushed ice.


Remove one pint of grapes (fresh) from stems and place in two-quart jar; add one cup sugar and fill jar with boiling water and seal. Let stand several weeks before using, and serve either ice cold as taken from jar or add lemon and orange juice. It is a beautiful color and the flavor is exceed– ingly fine and delicate. Miss Ida B. Wise Smith (First Vice-President, National W. C. T. U.)


4 cups water 2 cups sugar

2 cups grape JUice 1h cup orange JUICe ~ cup lemon juice

Boil sugar and water 5 minutes. Add fruit juices and freeze to mush. This recipe makes two quarts. Mrs. Theodore Christianson (Wife of the Governor of Minnesota)




To two quarts of raspberries, add one pint cider vinegar, and let stand fo r two nr three days. l\Iash berries, put into a bag to str a in. To eve ry pint of .iuice a cld one pound of sugar. Boi l twenty minutes a ncl skim. Bottle. An inch or two in a glass fill ed with ice water or lemonade makes a very r efreshing drink. Apollina ris water may be added just before serving. l\Irs. G. Aaron Youngquist (Wife of the Assistant Attorney General)


Into tall glasses put a lternate spoonsfu l of raspberry ice, vani ll a ice cr eam, orange ice, and strawberry preserYes. Rasp– berry ice first, then vanilla ice cream, orange ice next, then a little more vanilla ice cream and a spoonful of preserved strawberries. F'i ll up with charged water or ginger ale. Garnish with a spoonful of whipped cream or ice cream and several candied violets or rose leaves. Lovely if served with tiny cup-cakes iced in different colors. Kappa Epsilon Sorority, Washington, D. C. One pint of orange juice. One pint of ginger ale. Chill thoroughly and add a sprig of fresh mint before serving. This is equally good made with grapefruit juice, which may be purcha sed in cans now, r eady for use. l\'[rs. Doyle Carlton \Wife of the Governor of Florida) FLORIDA PUNCH




For each serving (iced tea glass size ) 6 tablespoonsful orange juice 1 tablespoonful lemon j uice 2 tablespoonsful honey

.Mix fruit juices and honey thoroughl y. Then add 1 rup spring or charged water . F ill iced tea g lass with crar.k ccl ice, pour over mixture and let stand t hree minu tes hcfon ! serving.


1 cup water 2 teaspoons cocoa 3 tablespoons honey

lVlix cocoa with honey. Let water come to a boil, then add cocoa and honey mixture. Serve at once, topping each cupf ul with marshmallow.


11/z cupsful milk

3 tablespoonsful honey

2 teaspoonsf ul cocoa

Let milk and cocoa come to a boil, then add honey, serve a t once, topping each cup with teaspoonful whipped cr eam.




2 teaspoonsful cocoa

1 cup milk

3 tablespoonsfu l honey

Let milk come to a boil. }fix cocoa and honey, r emove heated milk from fir e, add cocoa and honey mixture and a good pinch of salt. Stir \1-el l. P onr this mixture in iced tea glass fill ed with cra cked ice. Above amonn t ,,-jl\ provide two servings. Top with whipped cr eam.




Mid-afternoon calls to mind many scenes. Formal t eas in the drmYing r oom of some Cabinet official's home on a Wednesday afternoon in Washington; less formal t eas around a cozy table laden with dainty thi1ws in vom· home or mine; . a • and the garden parties that liven up the warm- weather months wher ever a garden gTows. Naturally my mind turns to the most inter– esting afternoon scene in my store of memories– the charm of the picturesque parties that have graced the g r een slopes of the South gardens at the vVhite House dming Maytime for more than a century. Scarcely a lady who has been mistress of that hi storic mansion but has entertained at some time on the cool shaded South lawn, which today overlooks the Mall, but once afforded glimpses of a winding stream-an arm of the Potomac--on ·whose blue-green surface lan– quished lazy sails and gayly colored canoes. I seem to see the gleam of gold against white uniforms as immaculate young aides bend to catch the words of feminine guests strolling about the garden, their flowered gowns and wide-brimmed hats forming a lovely picture beside their tall escorts . I hear the low tones of a great man acknowledging countless greetings from his posi- 31



tion beside the First Lady on the knoll beneath a shady tree. More gold braid flashed from the uniform of the President's own aide, standing at his elbow to present the guests. And mingling in the colorful throng-the khaki uniforms of wounded soldiers, in whose honor, perhaps, this party is given. Each greets bis Commander-in– Ohief, receives a smile and a word from the great Lady and moves off, to be served dainties and cool drinks from artistically decorated ma rquees tha t dot the landscape. Foliage and flowers waft their delicate perfume on the breeze as the May sun bangs low ove r the Virginia hills, discernible in the dista nce, mee tin g the cloudless blue of the horizon. The white pillars of the South portico rise tall and straight on the slope, forming a majestic back-drop. An exquisite scene in a surpassingly beautiful setting. One that lingers a lifetime in the mem– ory of those so fortunate as to have been a part of it. There's another picture that the present admin– istration has sketched for the first time on the South lawn-that of the intimate little gatherings held by Mrs. Herbert Hoover in a secluded corner under the shadow of the Mansion itself, often re– ferred to as her ''California garden,'' because she has had a flagstone walk laid there and arranged an informal grouping of rustic seats about a rustic table overshadowed by tall cypress trees. We can readily imagine the President's wife presiding



over a tea table--on which there may be some of these delectable fruit punches-as she talks to half a dozen g ues ts selected from her coterie of persona l fri ends. Na tu rally , oue wonder s what so rt of fruit punch the Nation's hos t ess would select for a party in thi s ga rden of hers-or what she would offer a mid-summer visitor at the camp on the Rapidan upon a warm afte rnoon. From those who have enjoyed Mrs. Hoover's hospitality we learn several jnteresting suggest ions which reveal her tas t e in such beve rages . Now, the First Lady hers elf likes her punches made with plain spring wat er (neither mineral nor charged ). She prefe rs this sweetened to taste and, added to it, any of the various citrus fruits, principally oranges, lemons, grapefruit, and berri es of all sorts in season. Sometimes she mixes tangerines and kumquats with her fruit punch, giving it an unusual and delicious flavor.


2 dozen oranges 3 dozen lemons Juice of 6 grapefruit 1 quart strong tea 3 quarts water 4 bottles ginger ale Sweeten to taste



One of the bottles of ginger ale may be added to punch just before serving. Serves 75 people. Mrs. William Fraser McDowell, Washington, D . C.


1 can grated pineapple 3 cups boiling water 1 cup tea freshly made Juice 6 lemons Juice 10 oranges 1 quart strawberry, currant or grape juice 1 bottle of Apollinaris Water 1 quart of sugar or 3 cups of syrup of 35 degrees 4 quarts of water

Grate pineapple and boil with the water 20 minutes. Strain through jelly bags, press out all possible; let cool and add rest of fruit juice, tea and syrup. If sugar be used add a pint of water to sugar and let boil 6 or 8 minutes; cool before using. Add Apollinaris Water just before serving. If pos– sible make punch a few hours before serving and chill. Straw– berries, mint leaves or sliced bananas may be added. Laura Volstead Lomen

(Daughter of Rep. Volstead, author of the Volstead Act, and wife of the Reindeer King of Alaska) (From "The Ladies Home Journal'' )

RASPBERRY SHRUB Place fresh raspberries, red or black as prefe1Ted, in a stone jar; cover them with good cider vinegar; let stand over night; crush and strain. To one pint of juice, add one pint



of sugar, boil ten minutes and bottle while hot. One or two tablespoonsful of this syrup added to a glass of ice-water makes a r efreshing summer drink. It is said that raspberries are the best thirst quenchers of all fruits. Mrs. John Hammill (Wife of the Governor of Iowa)


6 3

large oranges

large lemons 1/2 can grated pineapple 10

heaping tablespoons of sugar

11h pints water 1

cup strong black tea

1 quart Apollinaris Water Boil sugar and water twenty minutes. Mix with juices of fruit and strain, add pineapple and tea. Keep in ice-box until serving time, then add Apollinaris Water. Mrs. G. Aaron Youngquist (Wife of the Assistant Attorney General)

MERIDIAN MANSIONS PUNCH 6-ounce bottle of rose lime juice 16-ounce bottle of orange juice

2 bottles of ginger ale Juice of 24 lemons Sugar as desired Chill by adding lemon water-ice made in freezer. Mrs. Seymour Lowman (Wife of the Assistant Secretary of the Treasury) (From "The Ladies Home Journal" )



FIJI FR.APPE To the juice of five lemons add one and one-half cups of sugar, one-half cup of water, then add leaves from one bunch of fresh mint. Let stand for one-half hour ; strain, add a large piece of ice and three bottles of ginger ale. Arid pint block of mint sherbet and serve at once.

Phi Gamma Delta

ROY AL PURPLE 1 bottle grape juice 1 lemon cut in slices 1 3-inch cinnamon stick

Put in double boiler and bring to boiling point. Sene hot. This may be put in a thermos bottle and kept for seYerul hours without losing its flavor or aroma.

Phi Gamma Delta


1 qt. tea 1 qt. ginger ale 3 lemons 3 oranges

1 pt. pineapple Jmce (or any fruit juice) 1 cup cut-up pineapple (or any other fruit) 1 bottle Maraschino cherries Sweeten to taste

Anne Dudley Blitz (Dean of Women, Minnesota University)




CoYcr one quart c·ranbcrrics with water. Cook until quite tender . S train through bag. \\-hen cold add to one quart apple juice; sweeter to taste and chill. Thi s is a very good drink. :.frs. John W . Sull1lllers (Wife of Hep. Summers, Wash.) (From "The Ladies Home Jo urna,l" )




1 cup g renadine 1/z large bottle charged mineral water 11/z gallon combined fruit juices, pineapple, r aspberry, pears. (Any fruit except p eaches.) 11/z gallons water Sugar to taste. Makes fiv e gallons of punch Mrs. Porter H. Dale (Wife of Sena tor Dale, Vermont) Mrs. Dale is President of the Congressional Club, Wash- ington, D. C. (From "The Ladies Home Journal")


8 lemons 2 quarts grape juice 1 can Hawaiian pineapple 1 twenty-five cent j ar Maraschino cherries

1 sprig of mint 4 cups of sugar



Boil 4 cups of sugar, the juice and rind of 3 lemons in 2 cups of water to make a syrup. This syrup must be rich and thick-the success of the punch depends upon this p art of the recipe. Add this syrup to the juice of 5 lemons, juice of pineapple and juice of chen-ies. Add enoug h water to make a tasty mixture. Add more sugar if necessary . Cut the pinea ppl e in small pieces, the cherries in half , a nd add . This make,; enough for a small afternoon tea, for 50 peop le, perhaps. Mrs. Harvey \V . Wiley


1 cup sugar 1h cup water

1 cup orange juice 2 cups lemon juice

1 cup ginger ale

Make syrup by bringing sugar and water to a boil. Mix orange and lemon juice and add syrup to taste. Just befor e serving add ginger ale. University of \Visconsin, Horne Economics Dep artment



cup grated pineapple

11h cups lemon juice l1h cups orange juice 2 cups sugar 2

cups Orange P ekoe tea inf usion

cups White Rock cups ginger ale

2 2 1

cup water

Boil sugar and water together three minutes. Cool. Add grated pineapple, fruit juices. Let stand for half an hour.



Add tea a nd chill. Just before serving, a dd g inger ale and ·white Rock which have been placed in ice box to chill. Mrs. John F. Sippel President, Gener al F ederation of Women 's Clubs


To serve eight people t ake three glasses of jelly and dis– solve through a strainer ·w-ith an equal amount of water. Add orange and lemon juice to suit taste and when r eady to serve add one to two bottles of ginger ale. The ginger ale gives sparkle to the drink and an unusual flavor. Any jelly may be used, but the soft jelly of the grape is preferable. Sally Lou Ellsworth National Secretary, Delta Delta Delta Sorority


Prepare coffee with cream and sugar according to taste. Put whipped cream in bottom of each glass. Over this pour the coffee mixture until glass is half full . Then add chilled ginger ale. Serve with chipped ice. Kappa Alpha Theta Sorority Washington, D . C.




3 dozen lemons 11lz dozen oranges 6

quarts strawberries


cans No. 2 shredded pineapple quarts freshly made strong tea

3 9 6 2

cups sugar cups water

quarts Apollinaris (or more)

11z teaspoon sa lt Boil the sugar and water together to make a hea \"." sy rup , Lind chill. Cut the large berries in thirds or ha lves and crush the remainder. Scrub the oranges and lemons, and after the juice is extracted, cover the skins with water and l0t them stand for an hour or longer. Then pour off the water and add it to the fruit juice. Combine all the i11g r ed ients and add chopped ice until thoroughly cold. Just before serving add the Apollinaris, and if the punch is too strong, add ice water iu small quantities until it is the flavor desired. This makes about five gallons of punch. Mrs. Arthur '.\1. Hyde (Wife of the Secretary of Agriculture)


1 quart cold water

2 cups fresh chopped pine-

2 cups sugar

apple 11z cup lemon juice

1 cup of orange juice Boil water and sugar together about twenty minutes, or until it forms a syrup. Set it aside to cool. When cool add pineapple and fruit juices. Chill. Strain if desired and if necessary dilute with ice water. To vary it you may add grape juice or ginger ale with the other fruit juices. Mrs. Clyde Kelly (Wife of Rep . Clyde Kelly of Penna.)


Summer Suppers


A Winter scene suggests itself. A great roar– ing log in a Georgian fireplace sends its glow into the room where a small group is gathered 'round an informal circle while the hostess brews a de– licious concoction of her own. Into her teapot she has dropped the fragrant leaves of tea, and then a generous slice of orange (and if desired, one of lemon, too). On this she is pouring the boiling water from a singing kettle. It is only with the water at boiling point that the full :flavor of 1 the fruit is extracted. Perhaps you prefer your tea with cream-or straight. She has a tea-ball at hand, and can serve you your favorite variety. But try thisi of hers just once, I beg of you. A drink calculated to warm the mind and lift the spirit, with its suggestion of fruit juices mingled with the brew. Sunset hour is the hour for confidences ; for little intimate exchanges around just such a cozy fire as this. A time of relaxation. Scientists and men of medicine tell us that there are two physical "zero hours" in our twenty-four-four o 'clcok in the morning, when so many souls take :Bight and life is at its lowest ebb, and again, late in the afternoon when our vitality gradually has been worn down to another low ebb and our system is




crying out for rest and relaxation. One doctor has gone so far as to declare that in bis estimation all lectures, concerts, etc., scheduled for four o'clock or later in the afternoon, should be po s t – poned until evening, for the sole reason that at that late afternoon hour he believes not on e mind in ten is alert-capable of absorbing th e meat of the entertainment, let al one enjoying it to the fullest extent! So, at this sunset hour your boiling teakettle is a welcome sight to your house guests or informal callers who perhaps have just returnecl from con– cert or lecture with the desire to relax completely before the whirl of evening gayeties. Only light refreshments for this hour-the lightest possible, your hospitality being centered entirely in your teapot. Wafers or toasted cheese crackers are ample. Rich sandwiches might spoil the appetite for dinner.


During the warm weather, as the sun sinks low, thoughts turn to the cool woodland retreats where picnic suppers are enjoyed-or perhaps to that shaded corner of your lawn where a rustic table is laden with sandwiches and a delicious fruit punch. The following recipes are especially appropriate for this supper on the lawn.




Fill. g lass one-third with grape juice, one-third with ginger a ir. clnll ed, and on top pl ace small scoop of gr ap e sherbet. Mr s. J. l\I. Robsion (Wife of the Senator from K entucky)


1 egg yolk % cup or ange juice % cup thin cream Sugar, if desired.

Beat egg yolk until light, add orange JUlCe and blend thor oughly . P our in to glass mid stir in cream, mixing well. Sweeten, if desired. Ser ve at once. This is a n excell ent drink for the under weight. Egg yolk may be omitted if desired. E vaporated milk may be used in place of cream.


1 measure ( cup , pt. or qt.) of whipped cream. 1 measure ( cup , pt. or qt.) of canned pineapple juice. Have the pineapp le juice well chilled and blend with the thick whipped cr eam j ust before serving. E ither a spoon or egg beater may be used fo r blending. Any mildly acid fruit juice as raspberry, grap e, blackberry or log·anbcrry may be substituted for the pineapple juice. Tex as Agricultural Exp eriment Station




Prepare the tea in the usual manner for eight. Then in an enameled saucepan stew a dozen medium stalks of rhubarb, a few sprigs of fresh mint, a pinch of salt, and two cups of water, until the rhubarb is soft. Strain this mixture into the freshly steeped tea (extract– ing as much juice as possible, pressing the rhubard into the strainer with a silver tablespoon) . Sweeten to taste while warm. Lemon juice may be added if desired. Serve iced, of course; and garnish with lemon or orange slices pierced with cloves, or a sprig of mint, to accentuate the deliciousness of this refreshing drink.



2 cups milk and ~ cup ground coffee and 1 four-inch stick of cinnamon


4 squares chocolate over hot water. Add 1h cup sugar and 1h cup boiling water, stirring until smooth

Strain scalded milk. Gradually cool and add 1h teaspoon vanilla. When ready to serve, add 4 cups cold milk and put in glasses with crushed ice. Ala.bama Polytechnic Institute Auburn, Alabama




1 cup of sugar 1 cup of water

Boil to a syrup with 6 cloves, a 1-inch stick of cinnamon and a piece of preserved ginger about the size of a walnut. Cool, add juice of 3 lemons, 3 oranges and a drop of green coloring matter. Serve with chopped ice and mint leaves.

Margaret Justin Dean, Division of Home Economics, Kansas State Agricultural College, Manhattan, Kansas


1 pint bottle grape juice 3 tablespoons lemon juice 1/ 3 cup orange juice 1 cup pineapple (crushed) with juice % cup sugar

Grated rind one lemon Grated rind one orange Several sprigs of fresh mint Few grains of salt 1 pint bottle of soda water Whipped cream.

Mix fruits and add sugar. Grate a little of the rind of one orange and one lemon. Add to orange juice and let stand ten minutes. Strain and add juice to fruits and sugar; then add mint and salt. Cover and let stand an hour to ripen. Pour over crushed ice, add the soda water and serve in tall glasses with whipped cream on top. Garnish with mint leaves. Mrs. Charles C. Teague (Wife of Member of Federal Farm Loan Board)




For twenty p ersons, take 1 fresh pineapple of nwdi um size, cut into fine pieces. To l1/ 2 lbs. of sugar add 2 cups of co ld water and boil from 10 to 15 minutes. Pour the hol syrup over the pineapple and let stand at least 12 hou rs. (2-cl hours is not too long.) An hour before serving add the juice of 6 oranges and 4 lemons. Add 2 quarts of cold tea freshly drawn of fine flavor and not too strong. If not acid enough, add another lemon. Flavor with strawberries cut in halves or candi ed or Maraschino cherries as preferred. Stir well, and lastly add ice to chill thoroughly. If the tea is too strong or has stood on the leaves till bitter, it will spoil the punch. The secret of a delicious pu nc!l is tn make a syrup of the sugar. Mrs. Carl E. Grammer Philadelphia, Pa.


Y2 cup lemon juice 1 l1/2 cups orange juice 2

cup pineapple juice

tablespoons cherry juicP Sweeten to taste


cups water Garnish with mint and cherries Mrs. F. X. A. Eble (Wife of the U. S . Commissioner of Customs)




1 1

pint grape juice

pint water 11/2 cups sugar Jui ce of one lemon Freeze quickly an d slightly.

Mrs. C. C. Young (Wife of the Governor of California)




· ... " \Vhen the sun has gone to rest Tha t's the time tlrnt 1 love best. Oh, it's love ly, roamin ' in t he g loamin '

" -Harry Lauder favorite .

Dinner hour, with the company gathered in the living room or, if the weather's warm, on veran– dah or lawn. Purple shades have fallen, but still the afterglow lingers, touching the world with un– reality. This is the hour when one thinks of mellowed lights, deep purples , ruby reds . When one's cocktail should r eflect the purple blood of grapes; the lush richnes s of the ra spberry, the amber of apple or ginger juice . Soon a go ng \\ill sonn




wiches, furnish an interesting substitute for nine– teenth century cocktails. With the dinner there will be a place on the menu for a fruit drink a s well a s a po ss ible fruit cup or sherbet to go with the meat cou rse, cl epend– ing upon the degree of formality of th e meal.

STRAWBERRY COCKTAIL Mash 1 quart berries Add juice of 1 lemon Add juice of 1 orange

2 cups of sugar 6 cups of water Leave for 2 hours Stir until sugar dissolves Strain through cloth Serve very cold in cocktail g lasses Add three berries to each g lass Mrs. Frederick C. Billa rd (Wife of the Commandant of the Coast Guard)

WHITE FRUIT CUP One cup each of white grapes, fresh pineapple, canned Bartlett p ears, and grapefruit. Skin the grapes, r emove seeds, and quarter. Skin, section and cut up the grapefruit. Cut pineapple and pears fine. Cover with the juice of the pears. Add the j uice of one lemon and sugar to taste. Let stand in refrigerator at least two hours. Garnish with Rubyettes or any preferred tou ch of color . Mrs. Ella A. Boole, President National W. C. T. U. (From "The Ladies Home Journal")




1 grapefruit % cup sugar

4 oranges % cup water


Two hours before using, extract the juice of the oranges. Halve the grapefruit; with teaspoon take out each section and cut in two. Dissolve water and sugar. Mix all together and chill. Makes an attractive first course served in sherbert glasses with cherries. Mrs. Frank Clague (Wife of Rep. Clague, Minn.) (From " Th e Laclies H ome Journal" )


1 can sliced pineapple 3 oranges 2 grapefruit 1 lemon 3 cups sugar

Cover the sugar with water, enough to make a h.eavy syruJ?· Add the lemon juice to the syrup and let cool. Dice the ~r~1t and pour all juices into the syrup and strain. Place fnut m cocktail glasses in layers. When r eady to serve pour the chilled syrup over the fruit. Mrs. C. W. Ramseyer (Wife of Rep. Ramseyer, Iowa) (From "The Ladies Home Journal" )




1 pint of white grape juice 1 pint of White Rock or Apollinaris Water 1 pint of pale ginger ale Chill the three ingredients and mix when ready to serve. Mrs. Richard Yates, (Wife of Hon. Richard Yates, Congressman-at-Large from Illinois)


1 pint grape juice 1h pint pineapple juice 24 limes (juice) 4 bottles ginger ale


(for bowl or pitcher)

Cut up fruits Cucumber peelings Large bunch of fresh mint dipped m powdered sugar should be added to mixture just befor e servmg. Serve in Delmonico glasses, dipping edge of g lasses for about 1/z inch in powdered sugar after running a cut lime around the edge of glass. Roxana B. Doran (Wife of Commissioner James M. Doran)




1 pound of white or seedless grapes 1 quart of white grape juice Chop grapes very fine in earthenware vessel Add 1 quart of grape juice Mix thoroughly Add sugar to taste Serve very cold

Baltimore & Ohio Railroad (From "The Ladies Home Journal")


2 tomatoes 2 dozen stalks asparagus % cup tomato catsup

1 teaspoon lemon juice or vinegar 2 teaspoons Worcestershire sauce

Scald, peel and chill the tomatoes. Boil the asparagus, chill and cut off the tips about two inches do"\\'11. Mix the catsup, lemon juice and sauce and pour into six small glasses. Cut the tomatoes in eighths, then each eighth in half. Put the glass of cocktail sauce on one side of a small plate, and ar– range four asparagus tips and four or five pieces of tomato on small lettuce leaves on the plate. Serve 'vith an oyster fork. One cup chilled, cooked crab meat may be substituted for the asparagus to make a crab meat cocktail. The State College of Washington, Pullman, Washington




2 tablespoons of chopped mint 3 cups of boiling water 1/ 3 cup of orange juice 1/s glass of currant jelly 1 drop of oil of peppermint 1 teaspoon of gelatin 2 tablespoons of cold water

Soak gelatin in cold water 5 minutes and disso lve it with currant jelly over hot water. Cool. Add other ingredients, freeze 3 1/2 to 4 hours, stin-ing every 30 minutes. Freeze to mush. Garnish with whipped cream and a sprig of mint. This may be served with lamb and game. Mrs. Theodore Christianson (Wife of the Governor of Minnesota)



quarts tomato juice or puree

1 % teaspoons salt 1

tablespoon horseradish


teaspoon sugar

Mix ingredients and serve chilled. (Served more than any other recipe on our menu.) Dodge Hotel Washington, D. C.




2 cups Florida orange juice 1 cup grapefruit juice Juice 2 lemons 1 large cup sugar Juice 1 can Hawaiian pineapple 3 cups weak tea Mix in punch bowl with block of ice

Just before serving add two bottles ginger ale, sprig of mint. Serve in small glasses. Sufficient for 10 people. Mrs. Henry W. Peabody Beverly, Mass.

Chairman of Woman's National Committee for Law Enforcement


Juice of 1 grapefruit Juice of 2 oranges Juice of 3 limes If too tart, sweeten with liquid honey, according to taste. Pour over crushed ice and garnish with sprig of mint. Mrs. Anthony Wayne Cook Past President General Daughters of the American Revolution




3 lemons 1 orange 1/z can pineapple

Measure these ingredients, then add nnc-h:tlf of lh:it :rn1 0 11111 of water, and the other half of White Hoc:k. ::\Irs . J 0 !111 B. l l1~ ud c rso n

Henderson Castle Washington, D. C.

This punch, one of the simplest in our collec– tion, is in a manner of speaking a punch with a background. Doubtless it bas tempted the appe– tite of more celebrities, diplomats, statesmen, authors, playwrights, and social lig hts, than any other fruit juice drink in the world today. For it is one of the favorite beverages of Mrs. John B. Henderson, mistress of the great brownstone Nor– man pile on the Sixteenth Street hill in Wash– ington, known as the playground of the diplomats. Mrs. Henderson, in addition to taki 11g· n111lcr her wing hosts of our foreign envoys, their secre– taries and members of their familil's, a nd throw– ing wide to them her hospitable doors, is 1101- crl. for her early stand for prohibition. Many years ago, before the idea of a national law was contem– plated, Mrs. Henderson made a decision which was to revolutionize her form of entertainment in a manner which showed amazing independence of spirit, in view of the fa.ct that scarcely a com-



parry sits at her table which lacks at least one or two Continentals, accustomed to considering "wining and dining" as an inseparable phrase. She decided that liquor, even the best of it, is injurious to the health of an individual and worse than detrimental to the life of a nation. Without more ado, she ordered the contents of her exten– sive wine cellar-rated one of the finest in Wash– ington at the time-poured down the gutters out– side her castle walls. Since that clay her every guest, be he prince, potentate or local townsman, has dined with her without wining-and from the alacrity with which her invitations are accepted, we venture to say– has dined well.




Youth comes into its own with the rising moon and the distant wail of-no, not the whippoor– will; poor old 'Will, he hasn't a ghost of a chance of making himself heard on one of these twen– tieth century nights !-I was about to say, the distant wail of a saxophone and violin. Punches for the evening suggest the reception and ball, the fraternity house party and sorority "rush"; the debutante 's coming-out party and the small house dance. Through all of them Youth flits in the unconscious gayety that is Youth's heritage; casting long, lithe shadows on the Dial ..... I can visualize a moonlit garden-one of the loveliest gardens I have ever seen-whose beauty lies in its natural setting rather than in any handiwork of man. Shadowy vines trail around the dimly outlined form of a sun-dial on the crest of a terraced slope, the first of seven descending from the level of the great pillared house, a vague pile in the background, where high points of pale light touch eerily the angles and eaves not hidden by century-old trees and a magnificent wistaria vine. This house; rich in history which binds it closely with the early days of our nation, was the ''country home'' of America's first national




Treasurer-Nourse was bis name. You may have beard how he moved the entire contents of the United States Treasury from Philadelphia to Washington ''in ten cart-loads.'' For a full century the house remained in the Nourse family. And for almost the entire period it remained a suburban home. Today a busy thoroughfare winds by the front gate of the old Colonial homestead, once remote in its twenty-five acres. But it is still linked with the lives of the nation's great, for one dwells there now who was medical adviser, confidant and friend to the greatest of our modern states– men. And in this moonlit garden, nestled in a grove of trees, is a tiny "Wbite House" given by that statesman to three sturdy youngsters who romp within that garden today, and soon will make the old place ring with the laughter and music of Youtb as they ''chase the flying hours with flying feet."


1 cup orange juice 1 cup lemon juice 1 cup sugar 6 cups water and ice

To measure the water and ice, place the chopped ice in a vessel into which water may then be poured to the mark for the measure wanted. · Texas Agricultural Experiment Station





1 quart white grape juice 4 bottles ginger ale 1 quart orange juice

Vii pint lemon or grape fruit juice Sugar to taste

Allow two bunches of mint to steep in this for one hour. Serve very cold. Mrs. Ruth G. IC Strawbridge Philadelphia, Pa.


Boil 2 cups sugar and 1 quart of water 20 minutes. Pour boiling hot over following mixture:



1/z cup lemon juice 1/2 cup orange juice 1 cup strawberry juice 1/z cup canned cherry syrup 1 cup chopped pineapple

When ready to serve, strain and add

1 pint of white grape juice

Dilute with ice water and add

1 cup fresh strawberries, quartered 1 cup stoned che1Ties

Can be diluted with Apollinaris- Water if preferred. Mrs. C. C. Young


To one small bottle of red Concord California pure con– centrated grape juice or Concord Loganberry, add

2 bottles light colored ginger ale 1 lemon sliced thin 1/z cup chopped mint leaves

Serve very cold

Mabel Walker Willebrandt Former Assistant Attorney General (Mrs. Willebrandt is known as "Portia," the woman lawyer) (From "The Ladies Home Journal")

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