1903 The Complete Buffet Guide or How to Mix All Kinds of Drinks by V.B. Lewis
EUVS Collection Scarce early 20th-century drinks manual with over 500 drinks recipes and 40 pages dedicated to toasts and after-dinner speeches
C. . 0. ALTERS
THE COMPLETE Buffet Guide OR How To Mix All Kinds of Drinks
Clear and Practical Directions for Mi xing all Kinds of Drinks and Beverages Served in First-Class CLUBS, HOTELS, BUFFETS, ETC
Complete Directions and Recipes for Making all Kinds o f Domestic Wines, Liquors, Brandies, Beers, Cordials, Syrups, Extracts, ttc.
Toasts Sui table for All Occasions.
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Copyright 1903. If. A. DONOHUE & Co;
. .. . P age Bra n dy Julep . . • . . . • .. • • . • • . • 41 Bra ndy P ony . . . .. . . . .• . ;. •. • 4.0 Bran dy Punch .. . . . . . . ..• . . . • 'f6' B ra ndy Sanp:a ree. . . . . . . . . • . 56 B rnndy Sca ffa . . . . . . . . . . . • . . 13 B randy Sling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59 B randy Smash . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60 B randy Sour . . . . . . . . . . . . • . 61 B randy Shrub . . . . . . . . . . •. . 90 B randy Straigh t . . . . . . . . • . • 64. B randy Toddy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66 Bryan Club G u~zle . . . . . . . . . 69 Burnt Bra ndy and P each . . .. . . 16 California Milk P unch . . . . . . . . 71 California Wine Cob b ler . . . . . . . 17 Cans.~; i n Punch . . . . . . . . . . • 74 Cata wba Wine Cobbler . . . . . 17 Celery Sour . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37 Century Club Punch . . . . . . . . . 72 Champagne Wine Cob bler . . .. 17 Champagne Cocktail . . . . . . . . . 21 Champagne Cup . . . . . . . . . . . . 82 Champagne Frap pe . . . . . . . . 15 Champagne Julep .. .. ... . . . . 36 Cha mpagne Punch . . . . .. . . . 4.7 Cha mpagne Sour ... .. . . . .. . . . 62 Champagne Velvet . . .. .. . . . . 83 Cider Egg Nogg . . , . . . . . . . . . . 86 Claret Cobbler. . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 Cla ret Cup a la Brunow . . . . . . 91 Claret Cup for a P a r ty . . . . . . . 92 Claret and Ch am pagne Cup . . . 80 Claret Punch . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . .47 Cock tail Coffee . . .. ... . .. . 22, 78 Cocktail Saratoga . . . . . . . . . . . 79 Cohnssett Punch . .. . . . . .. . •. 47 Cold Ruby Punch . . . . . . . . . . . 72 Colum bia Skin . . .. .. .. ..... . . 57 Continental Sour. . . . . . . . . . . . . 62 Cordial Lemonade . . . . .. . . .. . 41 Cosmopolitan Claret Punch .. . 47 Couperee .. . .. .. . .. .. . .. .. . 86 Crimean Cup a la Marmara. . . 89 Curacoa.. . . .. . . . .. . . .. . . .. 94 Curacoa Punch. . . . . . . . . . . . . 48 Currant Shrub . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 94 Diarrhea Cure . . . . . . . . . . . . . 87 E agle Punch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70 E ast India Cocktail . • . • . . . . . . 23
· : · ~· . r ;J.>age Absint ne Cocli:tal\. ....... 11, 20 Absinthe Frap_pe .. . .. . . . .. 11 Absint he a nd W ater . ... . . . . 11 Absinthe, American Meth od of Serving . .. . ... .. . . .. . . .• 12 Absinthe, French Method of Serv ing ... . . . .. . .. . . .. 12 Absint he, Italian Style . . . . . .• 12 Ale Sangarce • • . • • . . . . . . . . . •• 56 Agler's Punch . .. . . . . .. .. ...• 87 American P ou sse Cafe . . . ... . . 43 Apple J ack Cock tail. .. . •...•. 20 Apple J ack Fix. ..... . . . . . . . . 28 Apple J ack Sour . .. .. .. . . .. . .. 61 Apple T oddy. . . . . . . . . . . • . . . 84 " Arf and Arf" . . .. .. •.• . •• •• . . 13 Arrack Punch. . .. .. . . • . •. • . . 15 Arrack Punch-Hot • .. • • ..• 46 Auditorium Cooler .•. . .•... 19 B alaklav a Nectar . . . . .. • ... • 92 Baltimore E gg N ogg.. . . . •.. . . 30 B ened ictine. • .. . . . . . . . . . . . • . 43 B eef Tea .. . .. . . .. . ... .. . . 88 Bish op . .•.. . .. ... . . . . . . . . . 13 Bishop a la Prusse.. . . .. . . . . . , 94 Bismarck . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41 Black Stripe . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 Blackthorne Sour . . . . . . . . . • . . 46 Blue Bla zer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • , 15 B ola nd Punch- H ot . . . ...... 46 B omb ay Punch . . . . . . . . . . . • 74 B oating Punch . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73 B oston Egg Nogg .. . .... . . . . 83 B ottle of Cock tail . . . . . . . . . . . 79 B ott le Velvet. . . . . . .. . .. . . . . 92 Bowl of Egg Nogg for a P arty 82 Brace Up . . . .. .. . . ... . .. .• 89 Brace Up Sarat oga. .. . . . . . . . 86 Bra ndy Champerelle . . . . . . . . . 17 Brandy and Gmger Ale. . . . . . 16 Brandy and Gum .... . .. . . . . 16 Brandl and Soda, or St one B W al .. .. . . ...... ... ... . . 16 randy Cocktail. . . . . . . . .. . . . 20 Brandy Crust a ... . ... . ... . . . 26 Brandy D aisy No. 1. .. . . . . . . . . 27 Brandy Fix. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .. 28 Brandy Fizz . .. . . . .. . .. , . . . . 29 Brandy Flipp. . . . .. . . . . . . . . 34 5 I . ·
P ::igc :.H 4 1 G:l 2:; 25 '14
P age
E gg l\lilk Punch . . . . . . . . . . 48 Egg ogg Plain .. . . . . . . ..... 31 Egg Nogg F or a Party .... . . . . 82 Egg Sour .. . ... ...... . . . . . .. 62 El Dorado Punch . . . . . . . . . . . . 48 Empire City P unch . ... . ... .. 77 E nglish Bishop . . . . . . 70 Fancy Brandy Cocktail, o . 1. 23 F ancy Brandy Cocktail, o. 2 24 Fancy Gin and Whisky 'ock- tail . . . . . . . ........... . 24 Fedora . ... . . . . . . . .. . .... . . . 93 F irst Regiment P unch . . . . . . . . 53 Frapped Cafe Royal . . . . . . . . . 95 French P ousse Cafe . . . . . . . . . . •14 General Harrison Egg Nogg. . . 30 Gin and Calamus ... . . . . . . . . . . 35 Gin a nd Milk . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36 Gin and Wormwood .. ... . .. . 39 Gio, and Molasses .. . . .. . ... . . 38 Gin a nd Pine. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38 Gin and Tansy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38 Gin Cocktail . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 Gin Urusta.. . . .. .. . ...... . . 25 Gin Daisy . . .. . ... . . . . .. ... . . 27 Gin Fix . . . . . . .. . .... .. ... . .. 28 Gin Fizz .. .. .. .. . .. ..... . . . 29 Gin Flip .. . .. . .. .... . . . . .. . . 34 Gin Julep . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36 Gin Punch . . . .... . . . . . . .. . .. 49 Gin Sangaree.. . . . . . . . . . 57 Gin Sling. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59 GinSmu h . . ... . . .. . . . . . ... 00 Gin Sour .. . . ... . . . . . .. . ..... 63 Gin Straight . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64 Gin Toddy. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66 Gin and Wormwood .. . ..... . 39 Ginger Daisy. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 Glasgow Flip. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34 Golden Fizz. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 Colden Slipper . . . . . . . 39 Grandeur Punch . . . . . 77 Cum Syrup . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65 H alf and H alf . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 H ari Kari. . . . . . . . . 36 H ock Cobbler . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 H oosac Tunnel Cocktail . . . . . . 87 H ot Apple T oddy . . . . . . . . . . . . 65 H ot Arrack P unch . . . 46 Hot Boland P unch . . 47 H ot Er;g Nogg..... . 31 H ot Cm Sling. . . . .... .. .. 59 Hot I rish Punch . . . . . . . . . . 49 Hot Milk P unch . . . . . . . . . . . . 50 Hot R um . . ..... . . . .... . . . 36 Hot Scotch Whisky. . . . . . . . . 69 Hot Scotch Whisky Sling 66 Hot Spiced Rum . . . . . · · · · · · 56 Hot Whisky Punch ... ·. (;5
I mperia l Egg N ogg . . . . . . • Ita lian Wi ne L emona de .. . J a ma ica R um Sour . . .... · J a pane e Cockta il. .. .. . ... . · Jerrey Cocktai l ... . ... .. .. · " Jersey L ily" Pou~so Cafe . . . . Jersey Sou r . . .. . . . ..... · • · · J ohn Coll ins G in ... .. • . .. · . · Kirschwas. er P u nch (for b ot- t ling) . ..... .. .. . . . .. ... · /, 9 l{nickerbein ... . . . . . . .. .. · · · K nickerbocker . . . . . .. ..... · ~~ l a ffi ir's Dream .. . . . . . · · · · · · 8 Khedive .. .... .. ... .. . · · · · · 95 l\fanhatta n Oyster Cockta il .. Ma nhatta nCock tail No. .l . . . . · 2 1 Manhattan Cockta il No. 2 . . . . 2 1 Ma rtinez Cock tail .... · · · · · · ~A May W ine P unch . . . . . . . . · · · l\'ied ford R um Pu nch . . . . . . . . 50 Medford Smash ........ · · 36 Medford Rum Sour . . . . . · . · · · · 53 Milk Punch ... . .. ... . Mint Julep .. . . . ... .. .. . . . . . 37 Missi. ippi Punch . . . . . . . . . . .50 Morning Glory F izz . 32 Morning Ca ll . . . . . . .. . ... . .. 33 Morn ing Cockta il . . . . . . . . . . . 79 Mulled Claret .. . . .. . .. . . . . . . . 14 Mulled Cla ret a nd E~g . . . . . . . . 14 Old Tom Gin Cocktai l. ... . . .. 22 Orchard P unch . .. . . . . . . . · · · · ~A O rgea t Lemonade. . . .... · . · grgeagunc~ .. . . .. . .. . ... . ?~ xfor unc . . . .. . ... . .. . · · 43 P a ree P ousse Cafe .... . ... · · · P arisia n P ousse Ca fe, N o. 1 ... 45 P a ri. ia n Pousse Ca fe, No. 2 .. . 4 .5 P each and Honey . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 3 Philadelphia P unch . . . . . . . . . 5 1 P ly mouth P unch . . . . . . . 6.5 P ineapple Julep .. . . .. . . .. ~i P ineapple P unch . . . . . . . . . 1 :~ P ony Bra ndy. . . . . . . . . . . . . P ort Wine Cobbler . . . . . . . . . 18 Port 'Vine Flip. . . . . . . . . . . . 4 :3 3 ~ P ort W ine Negus . . .. P ort Wine Punch . . . . . . . . . . . 52 P ort Wine Sangaree .. . . . . . . .57 P orter Sa ngaree. . . . . . . . . . . . 57 P ousse Cafe L' A rmour. . .. . . .. 44 Punch .... . . . . .. . . . ... .. . . 73 Punch a la Fork. . . . . . . . . 93 Punch a la R oma ine.. 7.5 Rhine W ine Cobbler . . . . . . . 18 R hine Wine Lemonade. . . . 40 Rhine W ine and Sel."er. .55 Rock a nd R ye Whisky . . . . . . 69 Rocky Mount ain Cooler. ... 19
l ;jg
Roman Punch. . . . . . . . . . . Roosevelt lub P unch .. ... . . . Royal Punch ........ . . . •... Rum Da isy ..... . .... . ... . . Rum and Sup;ar. . . . . . . . . . . Santa Gruz Fix ... .. ....... . Santa Cruz Rum Daisy . .. . . . . Santa Cruz Sour. .. ..... . ... . Santinas New O rleans Pousse Cafe. . . . . .. ... . . .. . ... . . . 45 Saratoga Cocktail . . . ...... . 7 Sau terne Cobbler . . ... . . ... . 18 Sauternc Punch ..... .. . . ... . 52 Scotch Whisky kin ...... . .. 59 Secon 1 R egiment P unch . .... . 53 S ha ndy Gaff . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58 S herry Cobbler ........... ... 15 S herry Cobbler (California ... . 15 Sherry and Bil tors .......... 58 Sherry and E gg.. . . . . . . . . . . . . 58 Sherry and Icc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58 Sherry Egg Nogg, N o. 1 . .. . .. 32 S herry Ei!g Nogg, No. 2 ...... 32 S herry Wine Flip .. ...... . . . 35 Sherry 'Vine Punch . . . . . . . . . 53 Sherry W ine Sangaree . . . . .... 57 Silver Fizz .. .... ..... . ... ·. . 33 Soda Cock tail .. .... . ... . . . . 22 Soda Nectar. .. . . ... . ........ 42 Soda Negus...... ...... .•. .. 91 Spiced Rum Hot ....... . ... 56 St. Charles Punch . . . . . . . . . . . 53 Soudan... . . ..... .. . ..... . . 65 St. Croix Crusta.... ... . ..... 26 St. Croix or 'anta Cruz F ix... . 28 St. Croix Rum Punch.. . .. .. . 54 St. Croix R um Sour . . . . . . .. . . 63 St. LouisorPhiladelphia Punch 51 Stone Fence . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65 P!:lge 52 72 75 30 55 5 3,1 89
P age Stone WaU..... . .. . .... .. . 8 1 Tin Top Punch . . . . . .... . ... 54 T oledo Punch ........• . . .. • 70 Tom Collins .... .. . . . ..... .. 88 T om Collins B randy . . . . . . . . . 14 T om Gin and Whi ky ........ 70 T om a nd J erry No. I. . . . . . . .. 67 T om !:Ind Jerry, How to erve No. 1. . ...... . . . . . . . . .... 67 T om and Jerry, o. 2 ... . 67 T om a nd J erry, H ow to Serve No. 2. . . . . . . ... . . . . ... . .. 68 T om und Jerry Cold . . .. . . ... 68 Va nilla Punch ...... . ..... . 54 Vermout h Cocktail o. 1 . .. .. 23 Vermouth Cocktail No. 2 . . ... 25 Vermouth Frnppce ... . . ... . . 6 Washington Co«ktail ..... . .. 22 Whisky and Cider ... . .... . .. 84 Whi_ky Cobbler . . . ... .. .. .. .19 Whisky Cocktail .. .. .. . .. .. . 23 Whisky Cruskt. . . .. . ....... 27 Whisky Daisy No. I .. ...... . . 81 Whisky Daisy No. 2 .... . ..... 30 W hi ky Daisy No. 3. ... . .. .. . 85 Whi ky F ix ... . ...... . . ... 29 Whisky F izz . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33 Whisky F lip . . . .. . .... . . .... 35 Whisky Julep ... : ..... .. .... 37 Whisky Punch Hot ... . .... .. 55 Whisky Sling (Cold ) ..... . .. . 60 Whisky Smash . ... . . .. .. ... 61 Whisky Sour .... . . ....... . . . 64 Whisky Straight . ..... . .. . ... 64 Whisky Toddy. . . . • • . . . . . . 66 White Top.. ... ......... .... 69 White Lion .. ... . . ... .. .. . . 68 Wine Lemonade . . . : . ... 40, 42 W orld's Fair Punch . . ..•. • . . 51
Angostu rn B itters . ...... . . .. 97 Bitters .. .... .. . . . . .. • . . .. 98 Brandy Bitte rs . .. . . ... . .. 97 Dutch Bitters . . . . . • . . . . . 98 E ssence of B itt.ers . 98
Orange Bitters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 96 "Pick-Me-Up" Bitters . . . . . 99 Quinine Bitters .. ... . ..... . 99 Wine Bitters .. .. ........ . .. . 97 W ormwood Bitters . ....... . . 96
Clove Syrup . . .. .......... 100 Orange Syrup . . . ... .. .... IOU P ineapple Syrup ... . . . . ... JOO Plain Syrup . . . . . . : . . . . . 99 Raspberry Syrup ...... . .. 101 Sarsaparilla Syrup . . . .... 101
Simple Syrup .......• • . . . 100 Strawberry Syrup . . . . . . .. . 101 Syrup of Nectar . . .. . . ... . 100 Va nilla Syrup . . .. . ..... ..101 Wild Cherry Syrup . . . .... .101
8 0
Page Ginger Syrup, No. 1.....····18! Ginger Syrup, No. 2 . .. . · · · · 1 05 Lemon .. . .. ... ... · · · · · · · · 06 Lemon Extract . . .. · · · · · · · 1 04 Lemon Syrup . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Maraschino Cordial . .. .. . .. 1g~ Orgeat Syrup ... · · · · · · · · · · 1 07 Peppermint. . . . . . . . . · · · · · { 04 ~~~~~;iii;· : : : : ::. ::: : : :: 108 Strawberry Syrup . . ... . . . . lg~ Usquebaugh....... .. ... .1
. Page Aniseed . . . . . .. . . .. . ...... . 102 Banan:-. ;:)yrup .. . . . . .. . . . .. 106 Blackberry Extract .. . ... .. .106 Capillaire . . . . . . .. ... . .. . . 103 8frraway.. . ....... . . . . ... . 102 , nnamon . . .... .. . . .. . . . 102 &ov~s ... . . . . . ...... . . .102 Curdial Syrup. . . . . . . . . . . . 103 . racoa Syrup . ... .. ... . .105 Gmger . ... . .. .. .. . .. . . . 107 G\nger B:andy . . . . . .. ... . .106 Gmger Gm . . . . ... .•....... 107
Brandy Cocktails for Bottling No 1.. . . .......... .. . . 122 Brandy Cocktails for Bottling No 2 .. •• . •. . ........ . . 122
Bourbon Cocktails for
Bottling . . .. .. ._.. . · · · · Gin Cocktails for Bottling . . . . 122
Blackberry Brandy. . ... . ... 137 Carraway Brandy . . . . . . . . . . 137 Cassia Cordial. . . . .. . ..... . . 410 Cassis. . . .... . ... . . . ....... 140 g!ierry Brandy. . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 34 60 mnamon Cordial. .. .. ... . . Currant Brandy. . . .. .. ... . . 137 Curacoa Cordial. . . . . . . . . . . . 139 Domestic Brandy No. 1 ..... 137
138 137 138 139 139 140 138 139
Domestic Brandy No. 2 ... . . Ginger Brandy . .. .. . . . . . · · Grunewald Brandy . ....... . Juniper Brandy . . . . . . . .. .. . Lemon Brandy............ . Orange Brandy . ..... . .. . . · Peach Brandy . .. . . ....•. · · Raspberry Brandy.. . ..• . . · ·
Birch Wine. . . ..... .... . .. . Black Currant Wine . ...... . ~~ackbeW Wine... .... .. . . e~ ine. .. . . ......... . Elder {V1 Wine ..... .. .. .. Ginger ine. . . .. . .. . .. . .. . Gooseberry Wine... . ...... .
135 133 135 133 136 136
134 134 134 132 133 135 133
Grape Wine . . . ..... . . . .. . · Ornnge Wine .. . ....... . . · · Parsnip Wine... .. . . .. ... · · Red Currant Wine.... . .... . Rhubarb Wine.. .. . . . . . . · . · Tomato Wine. . ........ · · · ·
~nisettE? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 123 qua Bianca . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 124 Cordiale de Caladon . . . . . . . . 124 Citron.. . . . . . ..... .. .. . ... 124 . Citrio11iitte. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12,5
Eau D'Absinthe . . . . . . . . . . . 125 Eau D Ami,q . .... . . . •. . . . 125 E au de Cordiale . . . . . . . . . . . 126 Curacoa ... . . . . .. . . , , . . . . 1.2.7
Page P otass Water . ... . .. . ...... 115 Seltzer Water. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 115 Soda Water.... . .. . ........ 115 Soda Water P owders ..... .. 115
P age Aerated Chalybeate Water . . 114 Carbonated Lime Water . . . . 114 Effervescent Draught .. . . . . . 115 Lithia Water . . .. . ......... 114 Magnesia Water... ... .. . . . . 115
117 118 118 118 121 119 119 121
Lemon Beer . . . ... ........ . llfolasses Beer . . . .. ... . . .. . Plantation Beer. ...... . ... . Root Beer.. . . . .. .. ... . .. . . SarBaparilla Beer .. . .... . . · ~pruce Beer ... . .... . ... .. . Wahoo Beer . . . . .. . .. .. . .. . White Spruce Beer . . ... .. . .
Cider (Cheap made) .... .. . . Cider, Imitation........... . Cider, Sweet.. .... . .. .... . . Elderberry Beer... . . ...... . Family Beer... . . . ........ . Ginger Beer, No. 1 ... . . . . . . Ginger Beer, No. 2 .. .. .. . . . Hop Beer•... . .. . . . . ... . . .
120 121 120 116 116 117 117 116
Oatmeal Drink . . . . . . . . . . . . 130 Rice Water. ............... 130 Simple Beverages from Fruits 130 Tamarind Water .. . .. ... . . . 131 Toast Water. ........ .. . . .. 131 White Wine Whey. . . .... . . . 131 Wine, Lemon or Vinegar Whey .... . .. . . . ... . .... 132
127 127 128 128 128 128 129 129 129
Apple Water. . ... . .. . .... . . Barley_ Water. .. . .. .. ..... . Beef Tea . .............. 88, Cinnamon Water ... ..... . . Currant Jelly Water . . . . ... . Flaxseed Tea . . . . ...... . . . . Flaxseed and Licorice Tea .. . Grape Juice . ... .. .. . .. . . . Lime Water .. ...... . .. . . . .
Beef Tea...... ..... .... . .. DraughtJLemonade, or Lemon Sherbet . . ... .. . ......... 108 Draught Lemonade, or Lem- onade Sherbet (a cheaper method). ... .. . ....... .. 109 Ginger Lemonade ....... . . . 109 Imperial Drink for F amilies. 109 Lemonade ... .. . . .. . .. ... . 109 Lemonade (hot)..... . ..... . J 10 Lemonade (for parties) .. 80, 110 Lemonade P owders.. .. .. ... 112 Milk and Seltzer. ... . . . . '. . . . 112 88
H ot Lemonade . . .. . . . .... . 110 Orange Lemonade . . . . . . . . . . 110 Saratoga or Sea Breeze Egg Lemonade .... . ... . ... . . 111 Seltzer Lemonade . . . . . . . . . . 111 Soda Lemonade. ..... ...... 111 Nectar .. . . . ........ . ... . . 112 Orangeade ...... . ....... . . 112 Raspberry, Strawberry, Cur- rant or Orange E ffervescing Draughts .. .. ... . .. .. . .. 113 Sherbet ... ...... .... ...... 113
Soda Nectar . .. .... .. .. . ... 113 T Aasts. .. .. .... . . . . . .. .. ... .... ... .... . . .. ... . ... ... . . . ... .. J.~J.
il-IE COMPLETE BUFFET GUIDE Or, How to Mix all Kinds of Drinks.
ABSINTHE AND WATER. (Use large bar glass.)
1 pony-glass Absinthe. Allow water to slowly drop into the glass until full. Never use Absinthe in any preparation unless or- dered by the customer.
ABSINTHE FRAPPE. (Use 6 oz. glass.)
Fill mixing glass full shaved ice. I t easpoonful Benedictine. 1 pony Absinthe. 1 wine-glass water.
Shake the ingredients until the outside of the shaker has a frosty appearance, strain into a six-ounce glass and serve. ABSINTHE COCKTAIL. (Use cocktail glass .) Fill mixing glass two-thirds full shaved ice. 1 t easpoonful of Benedictine. 2 dashes Peychaud, Boker's or Angostura bitters . U wine-glass of water. U wine-glass of Absinthe. Stir well and strain into a cocktail glass and serve. 11
The Complete Bu ffet Guid~, of'
AMERICAN METHOD OF SERVING ABSINTHE. U glass of finely shayed ice. 4 or 5 dashes gum syrup. 1 pony Absinthe. 2 wine-glasses of water. Shake the ingredients until the outside of the shaker is covered with ice. Strain into a large champagne glass. FRENCH METHOD OF SERVING ABSINTHE. (Use a champagne glass standing in a bowl.) I pony glass Absinthe. Fill the bowl of your Absinthe glass (which has a hole in the center) with shaved ice and the balance with water. Then elevate the bowl and let the contents· drip into the glass containing the Absinthe, until the color shows a sufficiency. Pour into a large bar glass . ITALIAN METHOD OF MIXING ABSINTHE. (A large bar glass.) 1 pony of Absinthe. 2 or 3 pieces of cracked ice. 2 or 3 dashes Maraschino. % pony of anisette. Pour ice water into the glass; slowly stir with a spoon and serve. HALF AND HALF. (Use stone bar-mug.) The American method is to mix half old and half pew ale together and· serve.
How to Mix All Kinds of Drinks.
"ARF AND ARF," OR BLACK AND TAN. (Use an ale glass or bar-mug.)
This is a common English drink and means half porter and half ale, but in this country we use half old ale and half new, or porter and stout with ale. It is always best to ask the customer how he de– sires it. BISHOP. (A large bar glass.) l teaspoonful powdered white sugar. 2 dashes lemon juice, with rind of t wo slices. One squirt seltzer water. U glass filled with finely shaved ice. Fill the balance with claret or red Burgundy. 2 dashes of Jamaica rum. Shake well. Dress with fruit, and serve with a straw. PONY BRANDY. (Small bar glass.) Set before the customer a small bar glass, and another containing ice water. Fill a pony glass with best brandy, and pour it into the empty glass.
BRANDY SCAFFA. (Use small wine-glass.)
1-3 of Maraschino. l-3 of Chartreuse (green). l-3 of fine old brandy. Keep different articles separate as in Crustas.
T he Complete Bu ffet Guide, or
TOM COLLINS BRANDY. (Use small bar glass.)
s or 6 dashes gum syrup. 1 or 2 dashes Maraschino. Juice of one small lemon. I wine-glass whisky. I or 2 lumps of cracked ice. Fill up with plain soda. Do not shake if the soda is cold. MULLED CLARET. (Use large b a r glass.) 3 or 4 lumps sugar. 2 dashes of lemon juice. 4 whole allspice, bruised . 2 whole cloves , bruised. 1- 3 t easpoon ground cinnamon.
2 wine-glasses claret; place all the above in a dish; let it come to a boil, and boil 2 m inutes , stirring all the time; strain and pour into a la rge bar glass. MULLED CLARET AND EGG. (A la.rge bar glass .) I tablespoon powdered sugar. 1 dash lemon juice. X teaspoon mixed spices. 2 wine-glasses claret; boil the above ingredients together; then beat to a batter the yok es of 2 eggs with a 1itt le powdered sugar added ; pour the hot wine over the eggs , stirring continually ; grate a little nutmeg on t op, and serve. You must positively pour the wine over the eggs, not otherwise , as it woul d spoil.
I 5
How to NIix All K1:nds of Drinks .
SHERRY COBBLER (CALIFORNIA..) (A la rge bar gla s .)
I t easpoonful sugar. 1 pony pineapple syrup. 2 wine-glasses of California sherr y. Fill gl ass with shaved ice. Stir well; dress with fruits, and gently pour a little [)Ort on top. Serve with a straw. BLACK STRIPE. (Use a small bar glass.) 1 wine-glass Santa Cruz rum or Jamaica. r tablespoon molasses. If called for in summer, stir in about a tablespoon ::if water and cool with shaved ice. If in winter, fill the glass with boiling water, grating a little nutmeg on top, and serve. BLUE BLAZER. (Use two silver-plated mugs.) 1 teaspoonful sugar, dissolved in a little hot water. 1 wine-glass Scotch whisky. Set the liquid on fire , and, while blazing, pour three or four times from one mug into another. This will give the appearance of a stream of liquid fire. Twist a piece of lemon peel on top and serve. CHAMPAGNE FRAPPE. Place the bottle in the champagne cooler; fill with shaved ice and salt; whirl the bottle until the wine becomes almost frozen.
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BRANDY AND GINGER ALE. (Use a large soda-water glass.)
2 or three lumps ice. 1 wine-glass of brandy. 1 bottle Irish ginger ale. Mix well together and serve.
BRANDY AND GUM. (Use small bar glass.)
2 dashes gum syrup. 2 small lumps of ice.
Place a spoon in the glass, and hanJ with a bottle of brandy to the customer. Serve ice-water in sep– arate glass. BRANDY AND SODA, OR "STONE WALL." (Use large soda-water. glass.) 1 wine-glass brandy. ~ glass with finely shaved ice. Fill up with bottle plain soda. The above is a pleasing drink for summer. BURNT BRANDY AND PEACH. (Small bar glass.) 1 wine-glass brandy. 2 lumps white sugar. Burn brandy and sugar together in a saucer. 2 or 3 slices dried peach. Place the fruit in the glass, pour the burned liquid over it and serve. The above is a Southern preparation, and often used in cases of diarrhcea.
H ow to lltfix All K 1:nds of Drinks.
BRANDY CHAMPERELLE. (Use small wine-glass.)
1-3 wine-glass r ed Curacoa. 1-3 wine-glass anisette or Maraschino, or yellow Chartreuse. 1-3 wine-glass brandy. 3 drops Angostura bitters.
CALIFORNIA WINE COBBLER. (Use large soda-water glass.)
Fill glass with finely shaved ice. 7f tablespoon sugar. Juice of r orange. 2 .%' wine-glasses California wine. Stir well; dress with fruit. Top with Port wine. Serve with a straw.
CATAWBA COBBLER. (Use large bar glass.) 1 teaspoonful powdered sugar, dissolved in a little water. r slice of orange, cut into quarters. 2 wine-glasses Catawba wine. Fill glass with fine ice, and dress with fruits. Serve with a straw. CHAMPAGNE COBBLER. (Large bar or soda-water glass.) r t easpoonful sugar: r slice .each orange and lemon peel. Fill .glass one-half full shaved ice, and the balance with wine, dressed with fruits, and servewith a straw.
The Complete Bvtffet Gvtide , or
CLARET COBBLER. (Use large b ar glass .) 1 t easpoonful sugar, dissol ved in one-fourth wine· glass water. I slice of or ange, cut into quarters. 2 wine-glasses claret. Fill glass with fine ice and dress with fruits. Serv8 wi th a st-.·aw. HOCK COBBLER. Same as Catawba , using Hock wine instead.
PORT WINE COBBLER. (Use large ba r gl ass .)
I t easpoonful powdered suga r. 1 pony of orchard syrup. Fill glass with shaved ice. I ,%' wine-glass pp rt win ." ~ti.r w ·11; re55 with frui t a.nLl serve.
RHINE WINE COBBLER. (Use large bar glass.)
3 tablespoonfuls powdered sugar. 1 wine-glass water. 2 wine-gl asses Rhine wine. Fill glass ·w-ith shaved ice ; stir well ; ornament with fruits, and serve with a straw.
SAUTERNE COBBLER. (Use large bar glass .) .
I teaspoonful powdered sugar. X wine-glass orchard syrup.
How to ~Jix All Kinds of Drinks .
Fill glass with sh aved ice. 2 wine-glasses Sauterne. Stir well; dress with fr uits; se rve with straw.
SHERRY COBBLER. (Use large bar glass .)
1 tablespoonful powdered suga r. 1 or 2 slices of orange, cut into quart ers.
Fill glass with shaved ice, then fill up with sherry; -6hake well and ornament t op with fruit tastily . Serve with a straw.
WHISKEY COBBLER. (Use large bar glass .)
1 ,Y2 wine-glasses of whisky . 1 tablespoonful white sugar , di solved w 11. 1 .U talJ1e poonful pineapple yrup , or slic of orange, cut into quart ers . Fill glass with shaved ice; stir well and dress with fruit s, b erri es, etc ., and serve with a straw.
AUDITORIUM COOLER. (Use la rge bar glass. )
Jui ce of 1 lemon. I t easpoonful white sugar. I bottle cold ginger ale. Stir well; ornament with fruit, berries and serve.
ROCKY MOUNTAIN COOLER. (Use large bar glass. )
I egg beaten up . I teaspoonful white sugar.
The Complete Bu ffet Giiide, or
Juice of r small lemon. Add cider; stir well, grate a little nutmeg on top if desired.
ABSINTHE COCKTAIL. (Use small bar glass.)
Fill tumbler with cracked ice. 3 or 4 dashes gum syrup. I dash Angostura or Boker's bitters. r dash anisette. U pony-glass water. U pony-glass Absinthe. Stir well, strain into a fancy cocktail glass. Twist a piece of lemon peel on top ; serve. APPLE JACK COCKTAIL. (Use a large bar glass.) 2 or 3 dashes gum syrup. 2 or 3 dashes raspberry syrup r wine-glass apple jack. Fill glass half full of cracked. or shaved ice. Shake well; strain into a cocktail glass ; twist a bit of lemon peel in it and serve. 2 or 3 dashes gum syrup. 2 or 3 dashes Boker's or Angostura bitters. r or 2 dashes Curacoa. I wine-glass brandy. Fill the glass half full shaved ice; stir well and strain into a cocktail glass. Twist a piece of lemon peel in to extract the oil, and serve. BRANDY COCKTAIL. (Use large bar glass.)
H ow to l\'1ix A ll Kinds of Dri nks
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CHAMPAGNE COCKTAIL. (Pint bottle of wine fo r t hree goblets.) (Use a champagne goblet.) (Per glass.) Fill one-third of the goblet with cracked ice. r lump of sugar. r or 2 dashes Angostura or Boker's bitters. r or 2 s1ices of orange, quartered. Fill up with wine, and stir. Serve with a piece of twisted lemon peel on top. Use none but Boker's , or the genuine Angostura bitters; the latter possesses a certain rich flavor and delicate perfume altogether unapproachable by others.
MANHATTAN COCKTAIL, NO I. (Use small wine-glass.)
r pony Fren ch vermouth. 7f pony whisky. 3 or 4 dashes Baker's or Angostura bitters. 3 dashes gum syrup; serve.
2 dashes Curacoa. 2 dashes Angostura or Boker's bitters. 7f wine-glass whisky . 7f wine-glass Italian vermouth. Shaved ice ; stir well and strain into a cocktail glass; serve . MARTINEZ COCKTAIL. Same as either of the t wo Manhattans, only you substitute gin for whisky.
T he Complete Bitffet Guide, or
COFFEE COCKTAIL. Fill mixing glass two-t hirds full shaved ice. 1 fresh egg. 1 t easpoonful powdered suga r. 1 wine-glass port wine. 1 pony best brandy . Shake well and strain into a medium-sized goblet , grate a little nutmeg on top and serve.
WASHINGTON COCKTAIL. (Use small win e-glass. )
~ pony brandy . 1 pony French vermout h . 3 dashes Baker's or Angostura bitters. 3 dashes gum syrup.
OLD TOM GIN COCKTAIL. (Use small bar glass. )
Fill glass with shaved ice. 3 or 4 dashes gum syrup. 1 or 2 dashes Angostura or Baker's bit t ers. 1 or 2 dashes Curacoa. 1 wine-glass Old Tom. gin . Stir well; strain; t wist a piece of lemon peel on top . Ser ve. SODA COCKTAIL. (Use small bat glass.) r t easpoonful sugar. 2 or 3 dashes Angost ura or Baker 's bitters. 5 or 6 lumps of cracked ice.
How io JY!ix All Kinds of Drinks.
Fill glass with bottle of lemon soda. Stir well and se rve. Ornament with a slice of orange and berries.
WHISKY COCKTAIL. (Use la rge bar glass .)
73 glass shaved ice. 2 or 3 dashes gum syrup. r or 2 dashes Angostura or Baker's bitters. r or 2 dashes Cu racoa. r wine-glass whisky . Stir well ; strain into cocktail glass. Twist a piece of lemon peel on top and serve. VERMOUTH COCKTAIL, NO. I. (Use small glass. ) r ,U pony French vermouth. 3 dashes Angostura or Baker 's bitters. 2 dashes gum syrup . EAST INDIA COCKTAIL. (Use large bar glass. ) 1 teaspoonful r aspberry syrup . r teaspoonful r ed Curacoa. 2 or 3 dashes Boker's or Angostura bitt ers . 2 or 3 dashes Maraschino. r wine-glass brandy. Stir well; strain into a cocktail glass . Twist a piece of lemon peel on top and serve. FANCY BRANDY COCKTAIL, NO. I. (Use large b ar glass.) Fill your glass one-half full of shaved ice .
The Complete Bu ffet Guide, or
2 or 3 dashes gum syrup. 2 dashes Baker's or Angostura bitters . 1 or 2 dashes Curacoa. r wine-glass brandy. Stir well with a spoon. Strain into a fancy cocktail glass. Twist a piece of lemon peel on top and serve. A squirt of champagne , if kept on draft, will add to the delicacy of flavor. 2 or 3 dashes gum syrup. 2 dashes Maraschino. 2 dashes Baker's or Angostura bitters. 1 wine-glass brandy. Twist a viece of lemon peel in the mixture, express– ing the oil. Fill glass half full of shaved ice; shake well and strain into a fancy cocktail glass , the rim of which has been moistened with lemon juice. FANCY GIN AND WHISKY COCKTAILS. Prepared the same as Brandy No. 2, substituting their respective liquors for brandy. FANCY BRANDY COCKTAIL, NO. 2. (Use large bar glass.)
GIN COCKTAIL. (Use large bar glass .)
2 or 3 dashes gum ·syrup . 2 dashes Baker 's or Angostura bitters. I wine-glass gin.
How to Nlix All Kinds of Drinks.
1 or 2 dashes Curocoa or Absinthe, as the customer prefers. Fill the glass with shaved ice, stir up well; strain into a cocktail glass ; squeeze a piece of lemon peel on top, and serve.
JAPANESE COCKTAIL. (Use soda-water glass.)
r tablespoonful orgeat syrup. r or 2 dashes Baker's or Angostura bitters. ·r wine-glass brandy. Fill glass half full shaved ice. Stir well, strain and serve.
JERSEY COCKTAIL. (Use large bar glass.)
i teaspoonful sugar. 4 or 5 pieces small broken ice. 2 or 3 dashes Angostura or Baker's bitters. Fill up with cider. Twist a piece of lemon peel on top, or use only 1 wine-glass of cider, and strain into a cocktail glass; ·serve. VERMOUTH COCKTAIL, NO. 2. (Use small bar glass.) U glass filled with shaved ice. 4 to 5 dashes gum syrup. r or two dashes Angostura or Boker's bitters. 2 dashes Maraschino. 1 wine-glass vermouth. Stir well; strain into a cocktail glass, a piece of lemon peel on top; serve.
Th.e Complete Bu ffet Guide, or
GIN CRUSTA. Is prepared t he same as the Brandy Crusta, substi– tuting gin for brandy . BRANDY CRUSTA. (Use small bar glass.) U of a glass filled wl.t h shaved ice. 3 or 4 dashes gum syrup . 1 or 2 dashes Angostura or Bokei,-'s bi ~ters. 1 or 2 dashes lemon juice. 2 dashes Maraschino. 1 wine-glass of brandy. Procure a nice, bright lemon , the size of your wine– glass ; peel the rind from it all in one piece ; fit it in to the glass , covering the entire inside ; run a slice of lemon around the edge, and dip the glass in powder ed sugar. Strain the mix ture after being stirred well into this prepared glass. Ornament with a lit t le fruit, and serve. ST. CROIX CRUSTA. (Use large bar glass.) Prepare the rind of a l~mon as in a Brandy Cru.sta, et c. 3 or 4 dashes- orcha!d syrup. I dash of Angostura or Boker's bit"ters.
1 dash of lemon juice. 2 dashes of Maraschino. 1 wine-glass of St. Croix rum.
;1 glass shaved ice. St ir and strain into the wine-glass . Ornament with bit s of fruit and berri es :.nd serve.
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H ow to ~ fix All I\. i 11 ds of Dn:nks.
WHISKY CRUSTA. (Use large bar glass. )
3 or 4 dashes gum ?yrup. 1 or 2 dashes Angostura or Boker's bitters. 1 or 2 dashes lemon juice.
2 dashes Maraschino. 2 dashes of Curacoa. Fill glass half full of shaved ice. K wine-glass whisky.
Mix the ingredients thoroughly. Take a lemon the size of a fancy cocktail glass ; peel it so as to have the rind all in one piece; fit it into the cocktail glass. Moisten the edge of your glass with lemon juice, and dip the edge in powdered sugar, then strain the mix– ture into your prepared glass and serve.
BRANDY DAISY, NO. I. (Use small bar glass. )
3 or 4 dashes gum syrup. 2 or 3 dashes of Curacoa. ~ the juice of a lemon . 2 or 3 dashes orange cordial. · 1 wine-glass brandy. ··
Fill glass half full fine ice ; shake thoroughly; strain and fill up .with Seltzer water or Apollinaris. Serve.
GIN DAISY. (Use small bar glass .) Is prepared in the same manner as the Brandy Daisy, substituting gin for brandy.
Tlie Complete Buffet Guide, or
APPLE JACK FIX. (Use small bar glass.) Same as Brandy or Whisky Fix, using apple jack instead. BRANDY FIX. (Use small bar glass.) Fill glass with shaved ice. 2 teaspoonfuls powdered white sugar, dissolved in half wine-glass water. U pony glass pineapple syrup, or juice of a quarter of a lemon. 1 wine-glass of brandy. 3 dashes of Curacoa. Stir with a spoon. Dress with fruits. Serve with a straw. GIN FIX. (Use small bar g1ass.) 1 large tablespoonful powdered white sugar in a little water. U pony pineapple or raspberry syrup. The juice of a quarter of a lemon. Fi11 glass with shaved ice. One wine-glass of Hol– land gin. Stir well. Dress with fruits and serve with a straw.
ST. CROIX OR SANTA CRUZ FIX. (Use a small bar glass.)
Fill glass with shaved ice. I teaspoonful powdered white sugar. U wine-glass water. 2 or 3 dashes lemon juice.
How to Mix All Kinds of Drinks.
U pony fruit syrup. 1 wine-glass St. Croix or Santa Cruz rum. Sir well. Dress with fruit, orange or pineapple. Serve with a straw.
WHISKY FIX. (Use large bar glass.)
I glass shaved ice. I teaspoonful powdered white sugar. Juice of half a lemon. U pony pineapple or any fruit syrup. 1 wine-glass whisky. Add orange or pineapple cut small. Stir well and dress with fruit. Serve with a straw.
BRANDY FIZZ. (Use medium bar glass.) J teaspoonful powdered white sugar. Juice of half a lemon. r wine-glass brandy.
1 or 2 dashes of white of egg. U glass shaved ice. Shake well. Strain into a fizz glass; fill up with Seltzer or Apol LAaris water. This must be imbibed immediately.
GIN FIZZ. (Use medium bar glass.)
1 teaspoonful powdered sugar. 3 or 4 dashes lemon juice. I wine-glass Old Tom or Holland gin.
The Complete Buffet Guide, or
Put all in the glass ;{ full of shaved ice; stir well with a spoon; strain into a fizz glass . Fill up with Seltzer or Apollinaris water and drink quickly. GINGER DAISY. (Use small bar glass.) This is prepared the same as Brandy Daisy , sub– stituting ginger ale for either Apollinaris or Seltzer water. RUM DAISY. (Use small bar glass.) Is prepared in the same manner as Brandy Daisy , substituting rum for brandy . WHISKY DAISY. (Use small bar glass.) Is prepared in the same manner as Brandy Daisy. substituting whisky for · brandy. BALTIMORE EGG NOGG. (Use large bar glass .) 1 yolk of an egg, ),-{ t ablespoonful of sugar, add a little nutmeg and ground cinnamon to it and beat it to a cream. 1 half pony brandy or Jamaica rum. ~ or 4 lumps of cracked ice. Madeira wine. Fill glass with milk, shake thoroughly, strain, grate a little nutmeg on top and serve. GENERAL HARRISON EGG NOGG. (Use large ba r glass. ) 2 or 3 small . pieces of cracked ice.
How to J\/[ix All Kinds of Dri nks .
1 fres h egg. ~ t easpoonful of sugar.
Fill with cider; shake well , and strain; serve with a little nutmeg on top . Very popular in early days on the Mississippi . It was General Harrison 's favorite beverage.
IMPERIAL EGG NOGG. (Use small bar glass. )
1 tablespoonful sugar. 1 fresh egg. · 1-3 glass of shaved ice. 1 wine-glass brandy. ~ wine-glass J amaica rum.
Fill up with rich milk. Shake thoroughly in a milk shaker and strain. Grat e a little .nutmeg on top if desired. HOT EGG NOGG. (Use small bar glass.) Same as above, omitting ic~ and using hot milk.
EGG NOGG (PLAIN). (Use small bar glass.)
1 large tablespoonful sugar. 1 fresh egg. 7f glass shaved ice. 1 wine-glass whisky or Santa Cruz rum.
Fill up with milk. Shake thoroughly in a mil1 shaker, and strain. Grate a little nutmeg on top and serve.
Tlie Complete Bu ff et Guide, or
SHERRY EGG NOGG NO. I. (Use small bar glass.)
1 tablespoonful sugar. 1 fresh egg.
1 pony-glass brandy. 1 wine-glass sherry. Fill up with shaved ice. Shake well; strain into a fancy bar glass. Serve with nutmeg on top.
SHERRY EGG NOGG NO. 2. (Use small bar glass.)
2 teaspoonfuls sugar. 1 fresh egg. 2 wine-glass.es sherry. ~ glass shaved ice. Fill with milk; shake thor– oughly; nutmeg on top.
GOLDEN FIZZ. (Use large bar glass.)
r egg (yolk only.) .r tablespoonful powdered white sugar.
2 or 3 dashes lemon or lime juice. r wine-glass Old Tom .gin or whisky. !~ glass shaved ice. Use the shaker well; strain into a fizz glass . Fill up with Seltzer or Apollinaris and drink imme– diately..
MORNING GLORY FIZZ. (Use medium bar glass. ) Fill the glass one-half full of shaved ice...
How to Mix A ll K inds of Drinks.
"Mix 3 or 4 das hes Absin t he in a little water. 3 dashes lime juice. 4 or 5 dashes lemon juice. .U t easpoonful powdered white sugar. The white of 1 egg. A wine-glass of whisky. Shake well in a shaker and strain; fill balance of glass with Selt zer, Apollinaris or Vichy water. Drink immediately or the effect will be lost. It is a morning beverage, a tonic and a nerve quieter.
MORNING CALL. (Use large bar glass.)
.U jigger lime or lemon juice. .U jigger Maraschino. .U jigger Absinthe. .U glass shaved ice. Dress with fruits and serve with straws. SILVER FIZZ. (Use large bar glass.)
1 tablespoonful powdered sugar. 3 or 4 dashes lemon or lime jcice. 1 wine-glass Old Tom gin. The white of an egg. Fill with shaved ice; shake up well; strain into a fizz glass. Fill the glass with Seltzer from a syphon and drink immediately. WHISKY FIZZ. 1 teasponful powdered or fine white sugar.
T he Complete B-uffet Guide , or
SHERRY EGG NOGG NO. I. (Use small bar glass. )
1 tablespoonful sugar. 1 fresh egg.
1 pony-glass brandy. 1 wine-glass sherry. Fill up with shaved ice. Shake well ; strain into a fancy bar glass. Serve with. nutmeg on top.
SHERRY EGG NOGG NO. 2. (Use small bar glass.)
2 teaspoonfuls sugar. 1 fresh egg. 2 wine-glass.es sherry. ~ glass shaved ice. Fill with milk; shake thor– oughly; nutmeg on top.
GOLDEN FIZZ. (Use large bar gl ass. )
1 egg (yolk only.) .I tablespoonful powdered white sugar.
2 or 3 dashes lemon or lime juice. 1 wine-glass Old Tom .gin or whisky. U glass shaved ice. Use the shaker well; strain into a fizz glass. Fill up with Seltzer or Apollinaris and drink imme– diately..
MORNING GLORY FIZZ. (Use medium ba r glass .) Fill the glass one-half full of shaved ice..
H ow to Mix A ll K inds of Drinks.
Mi x 3 or 4 das hes Absinthe in a little water. 3 dashes lime juice. 4 or 5 dashes lemon juice. X teaspoonful powdered white sugar. The white of 1 egg. A wine-gl ass of whisky. Shake well in a shaker and strain; fill balance of glass with Seltzer, Apollinaris or Vichy water. Drink immediately or the effect will be lost. It is a morning beverage, a tonic and a nerve quieter.
MORNING CALL. (Use large bar glass.)
X jigger lime or lemon juice. X jigger Maraschino. X jigger Absinthe. X glass shaved ice. Dress with fruits and serve with straws.
SILVER FIZZ. (Use large bar glass.)
I tablespoonful powdered sugar. 3 or 4 dashes lemon or lime jdce. 1 wine-glass Old Tom gin. The white of an egg. Fill with shaved ice; shake up well; strain into a fizz glass. Fill the glass with Seltzer from a syphon and drink immediately. WHISKY FIZZ. I teasponful powdered or fine white sugar.
Tlie Complete Buffet Guide, or
Juice of half a lemon . 1 or 2 dashes of the white of an egg. 1 wine-glass of Bourbon or rye whisky . .U glassful of shaved ice. Shake well ; strain in t o a fizz g1::i.ss ; fill it with Seltzer, Apollinari5 or Vichy . Serve.
BRANDY FLIP. (Use large ba r glass.)
~ fill glass with shaved ice. · r fresh egg, thoroughly beat en. ~ tablespoonful powdered sugar. r wine-gl ass brandy . Use the shaker in mixing; strain into a fancy bar glass; grate a li:ttle nutmeg on top; serve. GIN FLIP. (Use large bar glass.) 2 teaspoonfuls powdered sugar; dissolve in a little water. r wine-glass Holland gin. Fill glass half full sh aved ice ; shake well, and strain into a fancy glass and ser ve.
GLASGOW FLIP. (Use large bar glass.)
Beat r egg thoroughly. Add the juice of r lemon. 2 t easpoonfuls powder ed sugar. Balance cold ginger ale. Stir well and serve.
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How to 11/fi x A ll Kinds of D rinks .
PORT WINE FLIP. (Use large ba r glass.)
I egg.
::.i tablespoonfuls powdered sugar. K glass of shaved ice. 1 wine-glass port wine Use a sh aker in mixing. Strain into a wine-glass. Grate a iittle nutmeg on top. Serve.
SHERRY WINE FLIP. (Use large bar glass.)
U glass shaved ice. I egg. 2 teaspoonfuls powdered sugar. 1U wine-glasses sherry. Shake well; strain into a fancy glass with nutmeg on top. Serve. WHISKY FLIP. (Use large bar glass.) I s prepared same as Brandy Flip, substituting whisky in place of brandy .
GIN AND CALAMUS. (Use whisky glass.)
Steep several small pieces calamus root and place small bits in a bottle of gin until the essence is ex· tracted. To serve, hand out the glass , together with th bottle, allowing the customer to help himself.
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T he Coni plete B u ffet Gui de , or
GIN AND MILK. (Use whisky glass .)
Put out a glass and bar spoon with the b t:ittle o f gin, allowing t he customer t o h elp h imself; after he has done so, fill up the glass with ice-cold milk.
HARI-KARI. (Use small bar glass .)
Make a whisky sour large enough to h alf fill a brandy glass or tumbler when strained, an d fi ll with Apollinaris , Seltzer or Vichy to su it the party. Dress with fruit s in season. BRANDY JULEP. (Use small bar glass.) IS made the same as Mint Julep, omitting the fancy fixings , however. CHAMPAGNE JULEP. (Use large · bar glass. ) 1 t ablespoonful white pulverized sugar. 1 sprig mint ; press to extract t he essence. Pour t he wine into t he glass slowly , st ir ring gently cont inually. Dress wit h sliced orange, gr apes an d b erries , t astily and serve. GIN JULEP. · (Use large b ar glass .) Fill with shaved ice. · I t ablespoon ful powdered sugar.
How to Mix A ll Kinds of Drinks .
U wine-glass wat er. 3 or 4 sprigs mint , pr essed as m Mint Julep, 'to extract the essence. r >{ wine-gl asses Holland gin. Stir well and dress with fruits in season, and serve. CELERY SOUR. Fill mixing glass two-thirds ful1 fine ice. 1 teaspoonful pineapple syrup. 1 teaspoonful lemon juice. >{ tablespoonful celery bitters. Stir well, strain into a claret glass with fruit, and serve. MINT JULEP. (Use large bar glass. ) 2 teaspoonfuls fine sugar in ~ wine-glass water. 3 or 4 sprigs mint , whi ch you press well in the sugar and wa t er t o ext ract the fl avor, then add 1 7f wine-glass full of brandy , after which withdraw the mint and stir the ingredients well; then fill glass with shaved ice and insert the mint again, sterns down– ward, leaves above. Dress t astily with fruits in season. Give a dash of J amaica rum, a sprinkle of white sugar, and serve with a straw placed across top of glass WHISKY JULEP. (A large ba r glass .) 1 t easpoonful powdered sugar in U wine-glass water. 3 or 4 springs mint, press to extract the essence.
The C01nplete Buffet Guide, or
r wine-glass whisky. A dash of Jamaica rum. Stir well with spoon; arrange the mint with stems downward. Dress with pineapple, oranges, and berries, tastily; some omit the fruit. Serve with a straw. This drink is also made exactly as Mint Julep, omitting all fruits and berries. Cover the bottom of the glass with a little gin Drop in 2 teaspoonfuls of Ne.w Orleans molasses, then place the bottle of gin to the customer, allowing him to help himself. After dropping in the molasses, put a small bar spoon in the glass. Hot water must be used to clean the glass after– wards. GIN AND PINE. (Use a small bar glass.) Take some slivers of pine wood from the center of a green pine log, steep them in a bottle of gin to extract the flavor; in about two hours the gin will be ready to serve, which is done in same manner as dis– pensing gin and tansy. GIN AND TANSY. (Use whisky glass.) This is an old-foshi oned but excellent tonic, and is GIN AND MOLASSES. (Use whisky glass.)
How to Nlix A ll Kinds of Drinks.
p·repared by st eeping a bunch of t ansy in a bottle of Holland gin, which extracts the essence. In serving, you simply set the glass , with shaved ice in it , before the customer , allowing him to help him– self from the bottle containing the preparation.
GIN AND WORMWOOD. (Use small bar glass.)
5 or 6 sprigs of wormwood placed in a quart bottle of gin to extract the essence. Place before the customer a small bar glass (dropping a piece of ice therein), and the bottle, allowing him to help him– self. This is a very old drink, used principally in country villages.
JOHN COLLINS' GIN. (Use large bar glass.)
2 teasr -'Onfuls sugar. About 5 dashes lemon juice.
1 wine-glass gin. 5 or 6 bits of ice. 1 bottle plain soda . Mix well, remove the ice, and serve.
GOLDEN SLIPPER. (Use wine-glass.) 14 wine-gl ass yellow Chartreuse. I yolk of an egg. J{ wine~glass Danziger goldwasser. This is a favorite with American ladies , much ·elished.
The Complete Buffet Guide, or
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Be careful when preparing this beverage not to disturb the yolk of the egg.
ORGEAT LEMONADE. (Use large bar glass.)
1 teaspoonful sugar powdered. 4 or 5 dashes lemon juice. 1 U wine-glass orgeat. U glass shaved ice. Fill glass up with water; stir well; dress with fruit and serve with a straw. 1U tablespoon sugar. Juice of U a lemon. Fill U with shaved ice; balance with water; shake well ; serve. Some add a tablespoon of raspberry or strawberry syrup , dashing with Port Wine, and dressing with fruit . RHINE WINE LEMONADE. (Use a goblet.) 2 teaspoonfuls powdered sugar. Juice of U a lemon. A little shaved ice, and fill up with Rhine wine ; dress with fruit in season, and serve. BRANDY PONY. Set before the customer a whisky glass and another containing ice water. Fill a pony-glass with the best brandy and pour it into the empty glass and serve. WINE LEMONADE. (Use large bar glass.)
How to Mix A ll J( inds of Drinks.
BISMARCK. (Use sherry wine-glass.) J4 of a wine-glass of vani ll a cordial. 1 yolk of an egg, whi ch carefull y cover with bene- dictine. ~ wine-glass of Kummel. 2 drops Angostura or Boker's bitters. The same rule is here applied as in making Pousse cafe, v iz.: Keep colors separat e and the different portions from running into each other. 3 teaspoons raspberry syrup. Juice of ~ a lemon. A slice of pineapple and orange. 1 wine-glass St. Croix rum. ~ wine-glass Curacoa. Fill glass with shaved ice; stir well, adding fruit in season, and imbibe through a straw. CORDIAL LEMONADE. Make a plain lemonade; ornament with fruits in season; then put in slowly ?{ a pony of the cordial. Called for by customer, ITALIAN WINE LEMONADE. (Use large bar glass.) 2 teaspoonfuls powdered sugar in a little water. 4 or 5 dashes lemon juice. ~ glass filled with shaved ice. KNICKERBOCKER. (Use large bar gla.Ss.)
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