1888 Harry Johnson's new and improved bartender's manual (1888)

EUVS Collection Fernando Castellon's Collection




s Nbw& Improved ^ r: Illustrated « *

, H0WT0 MixBrinks ^ipTHEPRESENTSTYLE. 'English & German-

. "'




--·OR : •-








- AND- INS'I'R1JO'l'OR IN 'l'BE AB'l' now TO A'l"l'E~lD A l!AB, NEW Y ORK CITY.




f.LtCTftOTVPgo A."iD PAl,..Tr:O rw '· 001.0MANN, 190 WrWAM 9T., N. v.


In pr esenting th~s ma.nuaJ. to the pubµc, I beg the indul(J'ence for malring a few r emark s m r egard to myself. Having bec1~ ~n th.e Hotel and Liquor bu.si– ness in various capacities s~ce m y boyhood, I wa enabled to study its practice and management in regard to drinks, etc., and having travelled all over this and other countries in order t o learn and obtain the difl'erent styles of mix.ed cb:inks, I h n.ve after careful prepar at ion , time and exi;iense succeeded in compiling this work and I. chrJl~ng~ any party to criticise it and find one r ecipe which is not fully and completely prepared. This w~1·k is wr itten in a :very plain language, so as to have it u..;eful for ever yone . l hav~ always b~en emploled in s ome of the most promment, leading and first-class Hotels and Bar– rooms, in this city as well as in other lar ge cities and in all parts of the United Sta tes and othe; countries, from all of which I have the very highest letter s of r ecommendation as t o m y complete k.Ilow– ledge a_nd ability in managing a Barroom or H otel e~c. , and in pr~paring and :nux:ing drinks of everJ; kind and form m the l at est style. I h ave described and illustrat ed in a plain, straightforward manner that is under stood all over the wor ld all the po~ pular Mixed D1:inks, Cocktails, Punches, Juleps and other fancy drmks, et c., etc. In addition this b0ok will give you an entire and complete list if · in– structio?s, to be obs~rved i~ attending a "Qar, i conductmg yourself, m openmg a Saloon in the morning, how to .ser ve and wait on customers, and all the various details connected with the business, (3)

- 4 - so that any per son who contemplates entering the business of a barte:nder, has a .compl ete and valuable guide, and illustrations to gmde him. I n this work you will also find a compl et e . li t of all the b ar ut ensils, as well as a complete list of Liqu ors 1 Gl ass– and Silver war e, Mixtures, et c., that you requu·e, and the differen t brands of bever ages you will need, and how to use them. .Also a large n umber of valuable hints and information to barten d ers, in :hat manner to compile them, and in fact every item that is of any use what ever from the moment you become a bartender, to the r equirements of each day. . Even :people. thoro~ghly ex.'P~rienced and competent in this busrness, will find this book, after a careful examination, to be as h andy to them as to any new beginner . I h ave al so m ade it my profession for many years back to t each ifte art of attending a bar to any party h aving an inclin – ation to learn; in past year s I h ave taught a grea t number of parties the profession in the latest styl e and in the most scientific manner, and I can wit h pride r efer to them as t o my :fitness as au instructor of bartend.ing. In conclusion let me say, tha t this wor k will not only be very valuabl e to the entire ptofes– sion it is intended for , but will prove t o be of great ad– vantage to all families and the public in g en eral, as a complete guide in preparing and t eaching t he art of mixmg drrnks and attending a bar. F~hermo!'e, as to the style and the art of m.i:xi~g (see illustrations, plates 1 and 3), t h is wor k will contarn nothing but the most r espectabl e r eading rna.tt0r. I remain, Your obedient servant, HARRY J OHNSON.



NUlll13ER. P AGE. 1. How to attend a ba r: the genoral appeara nc•' or t he ba r tend r , an


li'UlU.BEB. PAGE. 36. How to clean brass and other m eta.ls . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . • . . . . . • . . . • 29 37. Having a complete pr!ce-Ust..•. .. .. .... .. . . . . . ..• . . . .': . .... . . .. . . . 29 38. Keeping or glassware . •... ... · .. . . ... . .. . . . . .. ... ....... . . . . . .. .. so 39. How to J;eep CJgars sold at the bar. . . . . . . ..... • . . .. . . ... .. . . .... 30 -10. To keep ants and other Jnsects out or m .l.\ log bottles ,.. . . . . . . . . . . so 41. Covering bar fixtures with gauze In surnrne t· .. . ... . ..... .... .. . . . .. 31 42. How to handle lee .. .... .. .. ... .... .... .... . .. . ... :. . . . . . . .. .. 81 !3. Last put not least . . ....... . ...... . . · .• · .....•.... . .. . ... . • . . ...... Sl


lHrnIBER. PAGE. 44. Complete Ust or u tenqlls , etc., used Jn a barroom .. 32 46. List or glassware . . . . . . . . . 33 !6. Llst or Liquors . . . . .. •.... . 34 47. LiSto!Wl.nes ... . ... ... ... . . 3~ ,8. LI.st or Cordials ..... .. ..... 35 ~- Lt st ot Ales and ,Porter.... . 3G

NUllrnE B. PAGB 50. List of 1Ulner;;1l Waters . . . .. SS 51. List or Syrups . . .. .. •• . . . . . S6 52. J,!s t Of B!ltOL'8 ... . .... . .... SB 53. Lis t or Fruits .... .. . ... .... 37 54. Lis t or llHxtures . . .. . • . ... : 87 55. SLLnr!rles ... . ..•. ... . . . .. . .. 117


NU;.rnien. PAGE. 75. VanlllaPuncl~ ....•. . . •..... 46 76. Knicker l..>ocker •. . . . . . . . . . . . 46 77. 'l'olodo Punch . . ... ..... ... • 47 78. Absinthe Cocktail. .... .. .. . ~7 79. Sherry Cobbl~r ..... . . .... .'. 48 80. ·Sherry Fl1p............ . . . .. 48 61. B1·antly Punch.. . . . . . . .... 48 e:?. St. Ch a rle s Puuch . . ..... .. . 49 8:J. Egg Nogg ......... . . .. ...... 49 84. Whtti,\ Lion . . .. . . .... . . . .. . 49 86. Baltimore Egg Nogg. . . . . . . . 50 86. Fancy Brandy Cocktail ... . 60 87. Wh!ekoy Crasta ......... .. . 51 1:18. J;'a ncy Bra nd y Smash .. ... . 51 80. Sh erry Wluo Punch ...• : .. . 51 90. Brandy Fix .°. ... . ..... ·: ... . 62 !JI. Olarot Punch ........•...• •• . 52 92. Knlcke1·beln...... . ...... ... 152 n . 811.ntJnas Pousee Cate ••• ·•• 53

1'UMBEB. PAGE. 66. Champagne Cocktail . ... ... 38 67. Martini Cocktail .... . ...... 38 58. Champagne Sour.... . .. . . 30 59. l\forulng Glory F!W. .... .. . 39 60. Champagne Julep.. . ....... 40 61. Manhattan Cocktail . . . . . . 40 62. Curacoa Puncli . . .. . ... . , ... 40 63. Mint Julep...... ... . . . . . ... H &!. Pousse Onto . . . . . .. . . . . .. . . H a:;. Pousse L'Amour. . . . .. . . . . . . 42 66. B.l."andy Orusta .. . . .. .. . .... 43 G7. Fancy Whlskoy Srt,_a.~h .. ... ·l3 68. Whiskey Daisy . .. . . . . .... . 43 69. Champagne Cobbler ... . . . . . .u '10. Roman Punch ..•..... ... . .. H 71. Gotllen Slipper . . . . . . . .. . ... 4.5 72. Mls$l.SSlppl Punch .. . ..... . . 45 73. Silver FIZZ . .. ....... ... . ... . 45 74. Brandy Ohamparella., .. . .. 46


E PAO • 94.. Sa u terne Cobbler . . ... . .... 58 95• l\Illk Punch.......... . . . ... 53 96. Fnlvre's Pousse care . . . .. . . 61 97. How to mix Absinthe . . .. . . 54 98. Amorlcn.u style or mixing :NU!>Ullm.



13G. Cold Wh.lelrey SUog.. · · · · · · 0 l SG. J e rsey Ooclttall ... .,. ..•... 137. lH rsch wassor Punch.. . ···· 68 188. Om ugo L o ruo na do . . .. · . · · · 68

139. Art anti Ar t .. .•• • ... . .. . .. 69 Abs luthe .. . ..... . . . . . . .. · · 55 I 14.-0. r,., monu.tlo . . . . . . .. ... . •. . .. G!l l)9. lt 8 a 1 1ulatnl 1 es.r:'.I~ . . ~~ .~.l~.I~~ -~~: 66 1 Ul. P ort Wlne Sa.nga re e .. .. .. . . 6!l 142. Wlllskcy So ur . . . . . . ....... . 70 l oo. Germau or Swiss s tyle or ,- 113 s c l .,,, 70 mlxlng Abslut11e .. . .. · ·· ·· 6" · t . ·ro x: -"ix . . •·••••••• · ••• 6 I l H l' r ter f:angnre e . . . . . ...•• 70 101. Golden Fizz. . · .•· · · .. · · · · · 5 1 66 H~. Hot L e mona de .. . . . .....• • • 7u • 102. Vermouth Cocktall . · · · · · · · L ' 56 H G. Dt"Llltly S::a!Ta.. : . ...... . . . .. 71 103. Seiters em onm ,e .. . · · · · · · · 67 H 7. lloc Ap J)lO Toddy . .•.. . .. ..• 7l 104. PorL Wino Puncll · · · · · · · · · · 118. l\IUllod Claret and Egg . ... 71 105. Whlslcey Julep. · ·· ·· · · · · · ·· 57 s C b 106. Bl ·autJy '1'll'l'· ... . ...• . ...... 57 149. Ca lifornia h arry Wine o · ~ .., · bier ... •. ....... .. • .. .•.. • . 72 107. St. Croix Rum Punch.· ·· · · · "lls 150. B'rnndy Fizz. ..•.. •...... . n 108. Gen. Harrlson Egg Nogg. . . 68 151. Bish op .•.. ..... : ... ... •...• 7 10\l. Tip-Top Punch . . . .. · · · · · · ?8 152. Orcha rd Punah•........... 'i3 110. Med!ord Rum St•Ur . · · · · •· • 6 1J 153. G lo a nd Tansy .. .... .. .... 73 111. The Old Delaware F !Blllng 154.. J amalc.-i. Rum SOur... ...•• 7S Puuch . •· • · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · 5 1> l u5. Po1·t -,..·1uo Pllp .... ..... ... 73 112. Tom CoIllus···· · · · · · · · · · · · · 59 i S6. R ot Ar1·uc Pttneh ...•..• ••. H lH. Apple .J ack Sour ... . ·· ·· · · · GO 1J7. Bru.ndy Sa.nga re e . . . . ... ... 7.J. lH. Gln ~lzz. · · · : . · • · · · · .. · · · · GO 158. Gln Julep . .. .. .. . . . '.". . .. .. . 74 115. Ale Sanga.ree. · · · · · · · · · •· · · · GO 160. B:ot Scotch iVhJBkey Sling. . 74 116. Blue Blazer . · · ··· ·· ·· · ·· · · · Gl 160. Sherry Wfne aud Bltte1-s. . . 75 117. Bowl or Egg Nagg for a Ne w 161. Hot l\Illl;: Punch . .•....•. ... 'iS Yea.r's Party........ .. ... . 61 118. Joh~ Collins . .. . .. . ... . .. : . 62 162. Gin Cocktail..••••.••••• . .. • '15 111>. Eu.st India Cocktail .. . . . ... 62 163. •rom u.nrl Jerry (cold)... .•• • 71> 120. Sotla. Lemonade ............ 62 lM. Hot Whiskey .. , ... ......... 76 121. Oltl Style Whlsko-ySma.sb . . . 63 1G:5. Medford Rum p -unch..••• • • 7G 1:02. Soda Coclun.11. :. . . ...•.•••. 63 . '.lGS Whiskey Fix. . ~ ... . . .. : . 76- 123. How to mix: Tom and Jerry 63 107. G!n Sm ii.sh ... .• - ....•...•... 'ii 124. How to d eal out Tom nnrl 168. Rot Locomotive . . . . ..•.•••. 7 1 J orry. ..... . ... . .. .. ... •.. . 64 l G(). Whlskey-Flzz". .~-··· ·· • ······ ~1 125. Egg Lemonade .. . ... . ...•• • Gl 170. Stone Wall ':. : : . .'.' .,.... ~ .. 78 126. St. orolx Sour.....•. . ...... 61 171.°Ho ,Rum .. •. .. .. ..•. ••.•••• 78 1·<7. Egg Milk Punch . . •. . • . . . ... 65 172. wino L em onade."' .. . .••... 78 128. Whiskey Cobbler. .. .. .. . .. . 6.; 173. rtot ·r;·iSh Whisl;:oy Puneh . . 78 129. Sherry and Egg... . . . . .. . 65 174. Stone Fence , . . .·. .. . _, • . . . .• 71l 130. St. Croix: C1·usta..... . . . . . . . 6G 175. E'herrY. ~Vino Sa 11guree. : . • . ~!J 131. RhineWtue·eobbler..... .. . GG 176. Old •rom .Gtn 'Go<>ktatl . . . .. . 7!l 182. Hot Spiced Rum . . .. .. .. ... 66 177. Gin Todllly . ... ... .... : . .-'.... n 189. May Wine Punch . ... . ...... 67 178. SOda and ' Nectar -. : . .. .. ••• BO 184. Whtskey Cocktail.... . . . . .. . 67 l: 9; Gin a.nd i\Iola ssos . . . . . . . . . . . 80

8 -

NUMBER. PAGE. 180. Fancy Brandy Sour. . . .... . 80 181. Port Wine Cobbler . . . . ..... 80 i 82. Rock and Rye ........... . . . 81 183· Gin Sour. .. ... .. . . . . . . . . . . . 81 184. Peach a nd Honey... .. . .... 81 18:i. Sherry Wino Egg Nogg ..... 82 18G. Hot Brandy Sling . ... ...... . 82 187. Modrord Rum Smash .. .... 82 188. Gl.n Fix. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 82 189. Cold Bra nuy Toddy . ... . .... 83 l GO. Gin and Wormwood ... . . . .. 88 19 l. Bottle or Cocktail for Parl Jes 83 192. C!Aret a nrl Oha.mpagno Cup a la B1·unow . ... . .. . . . . . . . 81 103. Bombay Punch . . .... . .. .... 84 104. Prussian Grand eur Pu1.1ch. S.5 195. Empl.re Punch.. . . . . . . . 85 196. Hot Gin Sling 80 197. Brandy Da!sy .. . .... . .... . 86 198. J apanese Cocktail . .. . ... . .. 87 1B9. Shandy Gatr. .. ..... . . . . . .. . 87 200. Saratoga Cocktail . . .... .... . 87 201. How to serve a pony-glas.~ or Brandy .... . . ... . . 87 20'.!. Black Stripe ..... . .... . . .... 88 203. Soldiers Camping Punch . .. 88 204. Oln and Calamus . . ..-. . . .... 88 205. Orgeat L emonade .. . . . . . . . 89 206. Beer Tea .. .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 89 2u7. Gin a.nu Milk . . ... . ... . . . . . 89 208. Columbia Skl.n ........ . .... 89 20G. Brandy Btra!gh~ . ........... 90 2;o. Olaret Cobbler 90 211. MUk and Seiters. . . . . . . . . . 90

NU.llIBEU. 212. Whiskey and Cider. .. . 213. Champagne Velvet ...... . . 214,. Burnt Brandy a nd P each .. 215. Rhine Wine and Se ltet·s . . 216. Dra nd y and Ginger Ale .. . 217. Sherry Wine and I ce .... . 218. Brandy and Soda ... . .. · · ·. 219. Saratoga Brace Up . ... . . : . 220. D1·andy and G'run ........ . 221. Impot·Ja l Brandy Punch.. 222. The AmerJcan Champagne Cu i'· · ··· · · ·· ·· ·· ·· ··· · ··· 93 228. Fine L e monad e tor Parties 94' 224. White PIUBh . .. .. . ... · · · · · · 94 22G. Engllsh Bishop . . ..••.. · ... 95 226. Bra ndy Shrub . ••. .. . . .. . . 9.; 227. CrimeanCupala.Marmora 9J 228. Clart>t Cup ror a Party. .. . 96 229. Raapberry Shrub . . . . . . ...• 9() 230. Cun·ant Shrub . . . . . .. .. . . . 96 231. Punch a la Ford .. ... . .... . 97 232. Orange Pllllch . . ... . . . .. • · . 97 233. Fedora . . ....• . . . . ... • · · · · · 98 234. llunch. ·· · .. 101 92 93 93

PAGE. 90

91 91

91 ,

92 92 92


PLATE No. 1.



1. HOVl TO ATTEND A BAR; the geueral appearance of the bartender, and how he should conduct himself at all times when on duty, etc. THE author of thi work h as after careful deliber– ation compiled the following rules fo1; the proper m an agement of a saloon, and would suggest the follo'wing ·instructi ons in re&'~u:d to attendin.13'. a b ar . He h as endeavored, to the oest of bis ability, t o stat e them in p erfectly plain and . traightforwai:d language, as it must be condu ted m a systematic and proper manner, the same as any other business. When waiting on customers at any time, it is of the highest importan ce for a b art ender to b e strictly polite and attentive in his b eh avior, and especially in his manner of speech, giving prompt answers to all questions as far as lies in his power ; h e should be cheerful, a.nd h ave a br ight and pleasant coun– tenance. It is of very gr eat unporta.nce to be neat, cl ean, and t idy in dress, as that will prove more to the inter est of the b artender than any oth er matter; be should be pleasant and cheerful with everyone; this will not only b e pleasing t o customer s but also prove advantageous to the bart ender serving them. It is proper, when a per son ste:ps up . to the bar, for a bartender to set befor e hrm a glass of ice– wat er, and then in a genteel and polite manner fin 1 out what h e may desire. IT mixed drinks should be called for, it is the bartender's duty to mix and pre– p are them above the counter, and let the cust omers or p arties see them, and they should be prepa.red in such a neat, quick and scientific way, as to draw attention; it is also the b artender's duty t o see to it that everything used with the drinks is perfectly clean, and the glasses bright and polished. When the customer has finished and left the bar, the


- 10 - bart en.cler should clean the counter, well and thoroughly, so that it will h ave a neat and good appear ance again, and if time sh ould allow the bartender to dv so, he should clean the g la ses used in a perfect manner a t once, so as to h ave them ready aga.in when needed; as r egards t h e bench, which is an importan t br anch iu managing a bar properlyh it i the bartenders special duty t o have his benc cleared UJ? and in good shape a t all times, he will find it to hi adva.n fage, if done properly. (See illustration, plate No. 2). Ot~er p artic_ular points ar e the . style, and the saving of tune. ·w henever you have t o mi.'< dr inks which r equire to be strained int o a separ ate fancy glass, such as Coektails, SouJ:'S, Fizz's, etc., to make it a rule to place the g1'1,SS of ice-water in front of the customer , next to it th e glass into which you intend to strain the drink, and then go to work and mix the drink r equired ; try t o place your ~lassware on the cotlllter all in one row or straight line. As to t he style of the bartender, it is proper that when on duty, or while mixing drinks that he should stand straight, carry his head erect and place h imself in a fine position. (See illustr ations, plates 1 and 3.) 2. m NTS ABOUT TRAINING A BOY TO THE BUSINESS. For the last thirty years of my experience, I had the opportunity of training hundreds and hundreds of boys into our trade, and I would suggest to any proprietor, manager or bartender to treat the boy s.ti·ict ly, teaching him manners, and see that he does not become impudent to you or t o cus– tomer s. I would advise the man behind the Bar to give ~m all the p~rticular points and information r egarding t he busmess, talk to him in a J;>leasant but still comm~mding way, and don't let him hear bad language, if you can help it, see to it that he alwti'ys looks neat and have him obey yom· orders

-lL- in ever y h ap and form. Meanwhile give him the lib erty th at b el ong to him, and by doin

12 - it is in convenient reach for y ou, thus losing n eit her time nor steps. It .is 1 furth ermore, of importance, that the boxes conta:mmg the water are always k ept perfectly clean, so that in case any of your customer s step s or looks behind the bar , b e will find it . o, and, really, I think it should be the pride of any bar– tender, to show his boss as well as his cu stomer in what good condition h e k eeps his bench. The floor behind the bar should also look clean and p erfectly dry, so that both, ben ch and fl oor, will give f 1?11 satisfaction to the p1·opr ietor as well as t o the public, and not alone th at, but it will also be b eneficial to the h ealth of the man doing t h e work behind the bar. (See illusti·ation, plat e 2.) 4. TREATMENT OF PATRONS-BEHAVIOR TOW ARDS THEM. 'The first rule to be observed by any man acting as bartender in our business, is to tr eat all customers with the utmost politeness and r espect. It is also a very important mat ter, to ser ve the custom er s with the very best of liquors, wines, beer, cigar s, etc., t ha t can be had for the money ; in this, of course, one must be governed by the style of h ouse he k eeps and the prices charged. Show to your patrons that you are a man of business and endeavor to do only what is right and just, by r efusing to sell any– thing either to mtoxicated or disorderly p er sons, or to minors. The customer will t h en respect you as a gentleman and a business man. No man employed ]n our business should make distinctions between customers on account of their appearan ce. A s long as they behave as gen tlemen, they should be treated as such, no matter what business they may purs ue. Ther efore all the customers whether rich or poor, should be served ~e, not duly in t he same resp ect- ·ful manr~er, but with the same quality of g oods ; ~wt ~eepmg a separate bot tle for rich peopl e and an inferior grade for poorw people, unless you have

13 - a customer b efor e you who prefer quantity to qual– ity. In ob erving the e rule you will build up a reputation a a :ffrst-cla s bu ine man who carries on hi. bu iness in accordance with bu ine 32rincipl , and will find jt safe and ea y to u c ed. But th r e is a. way of spoiling your cu tom r a.nd ·th at is by offering too much, or treating too often. Thi· is especially the ca e with many people, on opening a n ew place of busines . It is always the wisest to give your customer s all they are entitled to, but no more. 5. RULES FOR BARTENDERS to be observed in entering on and going off duty. When th e stipulated time arrives for a bartender to quit, it i s his duty to see to it, that his benoh is in p erfect order 1 that all his bottles are fill d, hls ice box h as sufficient ice in it, that all glassware is cl ean, and everything straightened out in such a manner, that when his relief arrives, he will have no difficulty a.nd can immediately commence to ser'e customers. When the relief takes charge, it is his duty to convince himself, that nothing has been neglected and everything is properly arranged to enable him to perform his duty satisfactorily. Where there is no check system, the cash must be properly arranged as well as everything else. This is gene1·ally done by the proprietor, or the one havmg the management of the business, so that there. will be no difficulty in regard to the cash, which is the most important point in business. S. RULES IN REFERENCE TO A "GIGGER." In all my r ecipes for the various drinks, you will find the word "Wine Glass" as the article to be used in which to mix the drinks. The wine glass is only used for compiling those r ecipes; but for measuring the mixture, etc., the proper article to be used is what we call a "gigger," otherwise considerable

-14- liquor would be wasted, in ca, e of a rush; it will al o enable you to get your drink at once, tb e way the ~ustomer desire to h ave them, either t rong or medium, by using a "gigger," a t here i no man in the business who can pour out of a bottle a certain quantity of ]jquor by gues 'ing at it, esp ecially when the bottles used are only half filled or nearly empt) . ~he "giggern 'is of silver-plated metal and is shi;iped like a sh erry glass without the l ong stem; It is durable and almost impossible to break; it is used by all :first-cla ·s ba1'tende1·s excepting only a few ex– perts in mixing· drinks, who h ave su ch practice and experie11ce, that they ca11 measure without "gigger" or even a glass. 7. THE OPENING OF A NEW PLACE. The most important thing to be looked after in o~ening a new pla:ce is i~s location. The more pro– mmently the busmess IS l ocate<;'l. th e more b en efit .you will derive from it, and the easier it will be for you to obtain customers. The next in order is the laying out of the store as regards :fixtures, such as cou:µ_ter, ack bar, ice-bbx, liquor ca~es, clos~ts, and everyijling belonging to it · because m selecting- the right kind of fixtures that will :fit the place ll1Cely, you will give it a ~ood appea1·ance, instead of over– crowding it or having it look bare and empty. . My advice to any one starting a n ew :place, IS to consider well the location, and then obtaJn a lease, sufficiently long to make him safe on that score; then the running expenses, such as r ent, wages, gas, ice, lunch, etc., must be calculated, and if the invest– ment is not too large, and the necessary expenses compare favorablv with the amount of business ex– pected, it is likely to be a successful undei·t · ·king, provided the starter has the necessary knowledge and confidence in his ability to carry on and manage a business on strict business principles as it should

-15 - b managed . But af t er aJl the e u sid 'ration~·. and b efore contracting any obli gation , ven befor e si!?ning a l ease, you must h ave the assm ·axice of ob- t aining a licen se. • 8. FffiST DUTY IN OPENING A BAR ROOM IN THE MORNING. The greatest a ttraction of a ba.rroom i t h e appear– an ce of it. N ow, the fir t t )llng a b ar tender ~ust d.o a.fter 01)euing the saloon. in _the mor n ing . i s to give the pla.ce a perfect v entil t1on; after thi::-; - is accomplish ed, p r epar e y om· i ce wa t er, so as to b e r eady in case it i s d emanded . Tb eu turn y oui· at– t en tion t o the b ottles cont aining liquors, mixtures, etc., and see tha t they aJ.·e :filled aml corked; p l ac t hose t h at require it on ice; when that is fini shed ha\ e your porter to cl ean the floor p r operly and t h en du st all the w ood work, clean and polish the wind

- 16 - ance behind the bar, as n eat and clean as he can, as soon as the work permits him to do so, and not stand b ehind the bar, like a gr eat many bartenders which I have seen, and I am sorry to say i t, in t h eir ·hi.rt sleeves the greater part of the for enoon, looking mean enough to drive out the customer s. I would also like to ·all the attention to one par– ticular thin•», namely- the water gla es filled with ice water . fn my experien ce I h ave of ten seen bar– tenders being neglectful as t o water glasses. I t is proper in placing· them in front of the customer, to . ee to it t h;at t~ey are clean and perfectly filled up, because this will cover up the marks, l eft by the pr evious customer , but the most proper way i:;; to hand out a clean empty water tumbler, and h and a pitcher of ice water for the customer to help hims~elf. 1'his is well worth r emembering. '· 9. THE PROPER STYLE IN OPENING AND SERVING CHAMPAGNES. In serving ch ampagne, t he bart ender, after beilig informed what brand the customer r equires, takes the botlile .from t he ice, twists or cuts off the wfre and then cuts the str°1'.!-g '-by which the cork is held in place, just below tLl neck of the bottle · if cut otherwise, parts of the string, with some. of the seal~ ing wax attached to it, will r emain fasten ed to the bottle, and particles of wax are liable to drop into the glass while pouring out the wine. .After ·,the cork is r emoved, the mouth and neck of the bottle ·should be Wiped off with a clean t owel or napkin When a party of gentlemen come into yom· place of business, and wine is called for, place the glasses before them, and as a matter of p oliteness first pou1· a few drops into the glass of the gentlemen who called for the wiri.e, then fill the glasses of those he invited before filling up his own glass. This r ule o.f etiquette should be observed in serving any

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-17- wine, whether champagne or not. If a party calls ~or champagne at the table place the hottl in an ice C?oler; it i al 0 not prop r to uncol'k the bottl previous to placinO' it upon the table before the guests. I!= frozen champagne , hich is often called for, is de– Sll'ed, place the bottl~ in the ice co ler an l then fill up the cooler with broken ice and rock alt to t he top, then r evolve the bot tle b ackward and forward with both bands as .r apidly as possible ; then cut the tring and draw the cork and place a clean n apkin ove1~ the - mouth of the bottle; Y,OU ~ find that .the wi?e wil l freeze much quicker m this way than if leavrng th cork in the bottle. This is what is called frozen wine Ol' champagne frappe. 10. . A FEW WORDS IN REGARD TO LAGER BEER. The above drink is so well known in tlris country as well as in all pai·ts of the ~orld, that only a few rema~·ks are n ecessary about it. But I .will h er e mention, that it r equires the same attention as all the other liquors or b everages, and even more than some of them. It depends entirely on the ma~er of handling it whether b eer h as a nice, refreshing taste or not. 'It should always be k ept at an even temperature, according· to the atmosphere and sea– son of the y ear. In smnmer at a t emperatm·e of from 40 to 45 deO'r ees and should be kept at least three or four day~ in the ice house before tapping it. I would therefore advise anyone wishing to sell lager beer in his place of business, not to spare the expense of having an A No. 1 ice box 01· ice house, and keep it always in good working condition, by h aving it filled up with ice sufficiently to obtain the required temperature in all seasons of the year. H ave the ice box or ice house lar ge enough for the demands of y01.u· business, and you will at all times have good lager b eer without trouble. .



-18- 11. HOW LAGER BEER SHOULD BE DRAWN .AND SERVED. ~The proper way to draw lager beer, is directly • from the keg, not using the first one or two glasses drawn, until the beer runs freely; then the vent must be knocked into the bung. If lager beer i::; drawn through :pipes, these must be made of the very best material, which in this case wou~d be English block tin, and be kept p erfectly clean and in good order. It is customar_y to hiwe an air or water pressure constantly actmg upon the beer, when it is drawn through pipes, to prevent ·it from getting fl.at or stale, and impart a fresh and pleas– ant taste to the b eer . But proper attention must be given to keeping the boiler containing the air in a very clean condition, a.ucl if the boiler should stand in a place where the air is impm·e, it is ad– visable to connect the boiler and pump by means of a pipe with a place where perfectly pure and fresh air is obtainable, as foul air would give the beer a bad taste and is liable to sicken the people drinking it. The beer remaining in the pipes over night should not be used. Attention must be given, that the pressure on the beer is not too high, as this would prevent it from running freely through the pipeR, and by turning it into froth or cream, make it unhandy for the bartender to draw; there is also d~nger of a:n e~plosion, if the pressure gets very high, and this rmght destroy the beer kegs, pipes or the rubber hose connections with the boiler· an ex– plosion is more lilcely to occur at night than' duTing the day. Before drawing lager beer the bartender must se': to it, that the glasses are perfectly clean; af:ter iillfng the glasses, r~move _the superfluous froth with a little ruler; , by domg this you will prevent a great deal of moistu!'e from spreading over the counter and floor, besides the foam in the glass will remain firm longer, and so prevent the b eer from

-19 - getting flat as quickly ; by not r emo-vin the loose froth with a rule~~ the air b ubbles on top will ~ink through the frotn and di olve it. When a cu~ tomer orders a second glass of beer, th ame gla should be filled out of which h drank bef r , with– out previous rinsing, becau e the beer will thus taste and look bett~r, and yom customer will be more satisfied. If a party of two or more a.re standing up to the bar, and a econd round is called for, it is proper to take the same gla se , one by one, and fill them, not taking i-wo or three gla se at a time, as a great many bartender do, for they as well a~ the customers are liable to- mix the gla e , which is not very pleasant to the cu tomers. Hand– ling the glasse·s carefully is pleasing to the cus– tomers and should be done, if the bartender has sufficient time to do it, but in case of a rush, put the glasses used in the first round aside and let the customer see that you take fresh glasses for each round. The same is to be observed in serving customers sitting around a table. These rul es are of importance in drawing and serving la.ger beer, and will please the customers if proper ly carried out. See to it that your beer is always cold enough in summer, and ha.s the right temperatuTe in ·winter. During the very hot sea.son the temperature of the beer should be be~ween 40 and 45 degre~s. 12. ABOUT BOTTLED LAGER BEER. (Imported as well as Domestic.) With bottled lager beer this is altogether differ– ent. It must not be kept on ice, but in a very cool_ place in th~ ice box, in a standing position to allow the sediment to settle. In pourmg the ·beer from the bottles, it is the bartenders duty to select a proper and cl ean glass. These rules should be observed with imported as well as with domestic beer.

- 20 - 13. ABOUT CLEANING BEER AND ALE PIPES. .At present nearly every saloon having either l~ger­ beer, ale, or porter, so called malt liquors on ta.P, is supplied with an apparatus, and the boiler, pipes, rubber hose and other attachments tQ it must be kept perfectly clean. This will be easy to accomplish in the following manner: If a barrel of beer or ale is emptied and it is found necessary to cleanse the pi– pes, take a pail or two of hot water, and stir into it about lf2 pound of washing soda, put this fluid into the empty barrel, attach the vent and put on the pressme, then turn on the faucet and let it take its own course, the same as beer, and it will be forced through the pipes. When you notice that the barrel is emptied, take out the vent and pour in a few pail– fuls of clean water; then close the vent and again pu t on the pressure to force the clean water trough the pipes. You will find that in this way all the pipes and connections can be easely and perfectly cleaned, and will smell fresh, and you are sure of having good beer. More or less time may elapse before a cleaning becomes necessary, but it is generally safe to have it performed once or twice a week, according to the amount of business done. 14. HOW TO IMPROVE THE APPEARANCE OF BAR AND TOILET ROOMS. It is the duty of a bartender to keep everything connected with t he barroom in the cleanest possible manner, so that it will attract the attention and :rd: miration of customers and visitors. This will also aid in preserving the pictm'es and other ornaments. Have the :fixtures, oiled up occasionally, using good and clean linseed oil, and not to much of it; wood– work should be thoroughly cleaned before putting on the oil. I have often been in places where they lavish all their attention on one particular thing, to

-21- the detriment of all others, and e pecially the toilet room, which in my opinion is one of the mo t im– portant things to be looked after. My ad.vi e to any one keeping a public place is to ee to it that the toilet rooms are comfortably heated in winter, to prevent the water pipes from freezing, which is not only very annoying, but also expensive for the neces– sary r epairs. In summer the toilet rooms should be well lighted and ventilated, and have a supply of pure air at all times. These rules should be strictly observed in every barroom. \Vb.ere n.mple space can be devoted to the_toilet rooms, and it is ver y im– portant that it should, a washstand~ . rnb.-ror, towel, brush, comb and cuspidores, as well as plenty of toilet paper will add to the comfort of those using them. 15. HOW TO HANDLE LIQUORS IN CASKS OR BOTTLES PROPERLY. In handling liquors, such as Brandies, Whiskies, Gin, etc., in caslr it is v.-ell to have them placed on skids, in a pla.ce where the ternparature is warm, as that will gradually improve the quality of the liquors. Bottled liquors are best placed in a lying position not standing, so that the corks are kept moist at all times, otherwise the strength of the liquor will evap– orate. In drawing liquors from a cask, care must be taken to replace the bung; if this is neglected t he flavor and strength of the liquor will escape and insects or other things are liable to drop into the Jiquor. 16. TO KNOW HOW A CUSTOMER DESIRES ms DRINK TO BE MIXED. I The greatest accomplishment of a bartender lies in exactly suiting his customer. This is done by in– quiring what kind of a dr ink he wishes to have and how he desires to have it mixed; this is especially necessary with cocktails, sours, punches, etc.; th~


- 22 -

bartender must also inquire, whether t he customer desires his drink stiff, str ong or medium, and then he must use his own j udgment inJreparing it, but at all times he must make it a specie point to st udy the t astes of his customers and strictly obey them, and mix all drinks according to their t a t e. I n following this rule, the barkeeper will soon gain th e esteem and r espect of his patr ons. 17. RELATING TO PUNCH BOWLS. It is of importance to know how to properly cool punches. To do it in the right way, take a i~e.tal dish of sufficient size to h old the bowl contalllll1g· the punch, put the bowl inside of this and complet ely fill the space between the bowl and the dish with finelj shaved ice, on which a little rock salt is sprinkled to prevent itfrommelting quickly ; inletting the ice reach over the rim of the bowl and spread– ing a few leaves over it, or other wise ornament ing it, the bartender can produce a nice effect , and will always have a cool and r efreshing punch. Decorat e the outside of the dish by laying a bright colored napkin or towel around it, th en place your punch glasses around the bowl, and th e wh ole ar range– ment will look pretty and inviting. 18. HOW DRINKS SHOULD BE SERVED AT TABLES. When the bartender I'.ecei ves an order for drinks to be served at tables, he sh ould send the. bottles and ice-water .along with the glasses on . a tray, so . that the parties can help themselves ; if there is a check system, the check should be sent along at t h e same time ; if not, it is the bart enders duty to mark down the amount at once to avoid confusion after– wards. Even if there h; a check system it is ad– visable for the barkeeper t o put t he amount of the check sent on a slate or piece of p aper especially if t he bartender does not know the chara~ter of the cust omers.

- 23- 19. HOW CLARET WINES SHOULD BE HANDLED, ETC. Claret Wines must be handled with gr ea.t car e ; they should be k ept in a t empcra.ti.u e of 60- 70 degrees in a horizontal position, and in er ving them, especially in drawing the cork, shaking of the bottle should be avoided, or the sediment, which all clarets deposit, will be mixed vvith t he wine, causing it t o look murky. If t oo cold t he bar tender may h ave to place the bottle in warm water or steam the glas. es to give the wine t he desired t emp er ature, which 1-v.ill always improve it s flavor. 20. PURCHASING SUPPLIES. In purchasing supplies it is advisable and profitable to deal with first-class, r eliable firms only , t o obtain the best of goods. You will find that it pays b est ill the long run, to sell a good ar t icle at a fair profit. This will give a good r eputation and gain the con– fidence of patrons. 21. HOW TO HANDLE ALE .AND PORTER IN CASKS. In laying in your stock of Ale and Porter, see to it, that you have a sufficiently lar ge stock, as some ales r equire consider able time to settle and get cl ear; Bass's Ale for example r equires from one to six week s, before it gets perfectly clear and :fit to draw. Stock or Old Ale also r equires plenty of time to settle. Ale or Porter should be t apped as soon as placed on the skids, and all shaking of the barr els on tap or to be drawn should be carefully avoided. New Ales require less time to be :fit to draw, but it is ad– visable to have a good stock on h and, as storing will improve the Ale and give b etter satisfaction to the customer. Keep all Ale and Porter, also those tha,t are bottled in a moder11te t emperature,

- 24- 22. HOW ALE AND PORTER SHOULD BE DRAWN. The proper way of drawing Ale or Porter is clirectly from the cask, or as it is called from the wood ; if the necessary r oom and co.nvenience is availa,ble the customer prefers this to any other method. If drawn through pipes it is necessary to see to it, that these are made from t he best mat erial and constantly kept clean, and that the por tion r emaining in the pipes over .night is not usedi so that customer s can always obtam a fresh, clear g ass of Ale or Porter: . Bottled Ales _should be stored in a horizontal position, and only what is intended for use during the next three or four days put upright in a cool plftce, so that the sediment can settle on the bottom of t he bottle. In pouring into glasses car e should be taken not to shake the bottles. In cold weather it is not necessary to use ice with Ale or Porter drawn behind the bar; but if the weather is warm the temperature may be i·egulated by putting ice on the pipes. In poming Ale out of a bottle, the bar tender should av01d shak– ing the bottle while drawing the cork. If pouring out Bass's or Scotch .A.le for one customer, a glass should be selected large enough to hold all t he bottle contains, otherwise the portion pom ed out last will not look as clear as it ought to. If two or three glasses are to be filled, the bartender may take them in his left hand and carefully pour in the Ale, by gently tiltu;g the bo~tle, and it. will .look perfectly clear u.nd bright and gwe full satisfact10n to t he cus– tomers. 23. TREATMENT OF MINERAL WATERS. It is absolutely necessary to keep miner al waters - in. a cool J?lac~, so that they will be cold enough without nsrng ice, when serving t hem to customer s. Sy-phons of Selter s or Vichy should not be placed dn·ectly on ice, as there is gr eat danger that they may 0A'J>lode when coming in direct contact with the


PLATE No. 3.


- 25- ice. These waters all contain more or less gas and acid, which should not be subjected to udden changes of temperature; they hould be placed in an ice box and allowed to cool off gradually. The proper temperature for t hese mineral water s would be from 35 to 50 degrees. 24. DECORATING DRINXS WITH FRUIT. It is customary to ornament mixed drinks with different kinds of fruit; when ckinks are st rained ufter being mixed, the fruit is placed in the glass into which the drink is strained; but when st r ain– ing· is not n ecessary the fruit is placed on top of the drmk. The fruit should b e- h anclied with a hand– some fork, and not with the :fingers, but in case of a rush the bartender must do the best h e can. 25. IN REFERENCE TO LUNCH. As it is now customary to serve more or less lunch to patrons, it is of the u tmost importance, to see to it, that everything you furnish is properly served, clean and fit to eat; also that the place wh er e the lunch is standing is kept perfectly clean, and no remnants of the lunch str ewn on the floor. If this is neglected it will look b~d enough to disgust some people. 26. HOW TO HANDLE FRUITS, EGGS AND MILK. Fruits, eggs and milk must always be kept in a cool and clean place, or in an ice box, to preserve them longer. Fruit cut in slices, left over from the day previous, should not be used, as they will taste stale and spoil a mixed ch-ink: The bartender must be careful to have his milk cans clean, and not pour fresh milk to milk left over, as this will cause the milk to sour; the ·can should be kept tightly closed. In using eggs for mixed drinks, use a sepa– rate glass into which to to put the egg, and make

- 26 - sure that it is fresh before mixing it wit h t h e drink 1 otherwise you are liable to spoil the whole drink. 27. HOW CORKS SHOULD BE DRAWN FROM WINE BOTTLES. The proper way t o draw a cork from a wine bottle is to first cut off the top of the tin-foil cap with a knife, then insert the corkscr ew and draw the cork. By doing this, the other part of the cap will r emain on the bottle, which will look better . How bottled wine should be served h as been previously described . 28. HANDLING OF CHAMPAGNES AND OTHER WINES, ETC. Champagne baskets or cases should be opened car e– fully, to avoi.d breakage. Not more t h an is n eeded for llnm.ediat e use should be placed on ice ; but if more h as b een put on ice than called for, it should be left there and not r emoved, as it will lose strength and flavor if allowed to get warm and is then again put on ice. If left on the ice, it should be kept close to the :freezing point, and the bottles placed so that the labels are n ot spoiled by ice or wat er . Th e bar– tender must h andle champagne carefully, as the bottles easily break on account of the gas contained in the champagne_. Ch~mpagnes, as well as other wines, such as Rhine W rnes, Moselle, Sherry, Por t , Claret, etc., should be laid down in storing . 29. CLEANING SILVERWARE, MIRRORS, ETC. It will be found a simple matter to clean silver– war~ by ~bse~ng _the foll?wing ~uggestions: T ake No. ~ Wh1tenrng, dissolve it well rn wat er or spirits, until it beco-!11es as liquid as water; then, after wash – ing off the silyerware, apply your whitening in a thin layer and let it ~et dry, then rub it off with a towel and polish up with a chamois ; if unable to r each all the crevices with the chamois, use the silver br ush,

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